Mag. Judith Kohlenberger
Isn’t it Byronic? Romanticism, Postmodernism and the Rule of the Cool.
Dr. Florian Sedlmeier
Rereading Literary Form: Transpositions, Paratexts, and Postethnic Literature around 2000.
MMag. Cornelia Klecker
Skip and Rewind. When Time Gets Out of Line in Mainstream Film.
Mag. Katharina Kurzmann
Outside the Imagined Community? The Discourse on Latin American Immigration in the United States.
Dr. Martin Senn
Arming to Threaten the Peace of the World. A Constructivist Approach Towards the Rogue State Concept.
Dr. Christian Quendler
Framing Fiction: Initial Framings in the American Novel from 1790 to 1900.
Mag. Astrid Maria Brunner
Grrl Power for Sale? Ambivalent Resistance in Feminist Subcultures.
Armin Erger
Revolution in Military Affairs: Mode of Warfare, Transformation & US Amerikanische Debatte.
Astrid Koblmüller
Swordswomen and Urban Warriors: The Female Hero in Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior: Memories of a Girlhood among Ghosts and Sara Paretsky’s Indemnity Only, Deadlock, and Killing Orders.
Helene Graupp
The Construction of History in Don DeLillo’s Libra.
Corinna Dirisamer
Die Entdeckung Amerikas im Internet. Zur Konstruktion und Inszenierung von Geschichte im World Wide Web.
Renaud Tschirner
The Relevance of Contemplation: The Evolution of Ezra Pound’s Aesthetics.