In collaboration with other organizations and institutions, the Austrian Association for American Studies regularly supports promising research projects through grants and awards prizes to outstanding work.
- Fulbright Prize
- Fulbright Grants
- EAAS Travel Grants
- AAUW Fellowships
- University of Minnesota
- University of New Orleans
- IFK Linz
- HCA Spring Academy

Annual Fulbright Prize in American Studies
Awarded in cooperation with the AAAS
The Austrian-American Educational Commission (Fulbright Commission) annually grants an award of € 1.000 for the best thesis in American studies. This award is based on an annual competition managed by the Austrian Association for American Studies. The Fulbright Prize is a means of acknowledging the enduring importance of American Studies and the role of innovative research by young Austrian scholars in contributing to the fulfillment of the Fulbright Program’s mandate to promote mutual understanding between the peoples of Austria and the United States of America.
The purpose of this award is to recognize superior academic achievement in the field of American Studies (Amerikanistik) in the broadest sense of the word and hence includes all relevant ancillary disciplines and departments at Austrian universities (e.g., comparative literature, history, political science, sociology, etc.) There are no specific topical or methodological limitations on submissions. Advisors of students completing a traditional thesis (Magister), a Master’s thesis in the new Bologna curricular regime, or a doctoral thesis in relevant disciplines at Austrian universities in the course of the current academic year are encouraged to nominate distinctive work by their students for review.
Nominations for this award consist of a cover letter from the thesis advisor and a copy of the thesis (as .pdf-document, max 2 MB). For further information, follow the link below.

Fulbright Austria Grants
Fulbright Austria provides opportunities for Austrians to study or do research in the United States.
The Austrian Fulbright Scholars Program is aimed at upcoming and established scholars working in Austria. It provides opportunities to teach and pursue research at various institutions in the United States. The program sets out enable the grantees to establish professional networks, stimulate bilateral collaboration, and deepen institutional linkages. Grants for established scholars are especially designed to promote Austrian studies and comparative Austrian-American studies in the US.
The Fulbright Student Program provides Austrian students who have completed their first degrees and are interested in enrolling in master’s programs at leading universities in the US with generous scholarship support. Candidates are supported throughout the application process.
More details are available on the website of Fulbright Austria.

EAAS Travel Grants for Postgraduate Students
Postgraduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences who are registered for a higher research degree at any European university, and are members of an American Studies association belonging to EAAS may apply. Two kinds of grants are available: the Transatlantic Grant and the Intra-European Grant. The maximum single award granted may amount to EUR 2,000.
The Transatlantic Grant will permit the holder to conduct research which illuminates a particular area of American Studies in a designated university, independent research organization or archive in the United States.
The Intra-European Grant will allow the recipient to conduct research for a period of up to four weeks in an American Studies Center or university library or archive in Europe. Graduate students who are registered either for a Ph. D. or a Master’s degree by research are eligible to apply for Intra-European Grants.

American Association for University Women
International Fellowships
The American Association for University Women awards International Fellowships for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not US citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited US institutions are supported.
Applicants must have earned the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree, and must have applied to their proposed institutions of study by the time of the application. Up to five International Master’s/First Professional Degree Fellowships are renewable for a second year.
Recipients are selected for academic achievement and demonstrated commitment to women and girls. Recipients return to their home countries to become leaders in business, government, academia, community activism, the arts, and sciences.

Center for Austrian Studies of the University of Minnesota
BMWFW Doctoral Research Fellowship
Since 1992, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) Doctoral Research Fellowship has been supporting emerging scholars by giving Austrian graduate students a 10-month residency with a stipend of €1,500 per month at the Center for Austrian Studies. Opportunities abound for fellows to attend seminars and courses, work with world-class University of Minnesota faculty, do scholarly research, and gain experience with administrative and research projects at a major research university.

The Center Austria at the University of New Orleans
Student and Faculty Exchanges with the University of Innsbruck
The Center Austria supports a vibrant student exchange with its partner institution, the University of Innsbruck.
Outgoing students from Innsbruck choose to study at the University of New Orleans for a semester or the full academic year. They take classes in all academic fields. This flourishing student program has been solidified by the creation of the Center New Orleans (CNO) at the University of Innsbruck. CNO functions as a clearing house for outreach, information, assistance and preparation before students come to New Orleans.
More information about student and faculty exchanges is available on the websites of the Center Austria and the University of Innsbruck.

International Research Center for Cultural Studies, University of Art and Design Linz
Senior & Junior Reserach Fellowships
The International Research Center for Cultural Studies (IFK) at the University of Art and Design Linz offers fellowships for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers working in the humanities and social sciences and addressing the study of culture(s), its issues, and methods.
Junior Fellowships
The IFK_Junior Fellowships are intended for young Austrian academics doing their dissertations, as well as for non-Austrian doctoral students who are being supervised at an Austrian university.
Senior Fellowships
IFK_Research Fellowships are intended for postdoctoral researchers who are at an early stage of their scientific careers. Qualified applications can be submitted regardless of the nationality and institutional or professional affiliation of the applicant. Austrian applicants with comparable qualifications are given preference.

Spring Academy
at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies
The Spring Academy on American History, Culture & Politics is an annual, one-week interdisciplinary conference for PhD candidates at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA). The conference is targeted at at PhD candidates working in different fields of American studies.
Possible topics for discussion are American literature and culture, US history, domestic and foreign policy, geography, religion, and musicology as well as economic and sociological issues, and aspects of jurisprudence. Race, class, and gender are frequently employed analytical categories. This diversity of disciplines and approaches enables students from different academic backgrounds to become part of a unique international intellectual network of young and aspiring researchers which has been successfully established by the HCA over the past years and is continuously expanded.