Our latest Newsletter is available. It provides information about administrative changes, past and upcoming activities, events, and publications, as well as prizes and grants.
- AAAS Board 2003/04
- In Memoriam
- MA Theses Completed
- Fulbright Prize 2004
- Call for Papers
- News from Departments
- Lecturing
- Publications
- Current Research
- PhD Theses in Progress
- MA Theses in Progress
The AAAS has Elected a New Board for 2003/04
President: Kurt Albert Mayer
President: Hanna Wallinger (hanna.wallinger@sbg.ac.at)
Vice President: Gudrun Grabher (gudrun.m.grabher@uibk.ac.at)
Secretary: Dorothea Steiner (dorothea.steiner@sbg.ac.at)
Treasurer: Michael Draxlbauer (michael.draxlbauer@univie.ac.at)
Regular Board Members:
Astrid Fellner (astrid.fellner@univie.ac.at)
Klaus Rieser (klaus.rieser@uni-graz.at)
Heinz Tschachler (heinz.tschachler@uni-klu.ac.at)
Reinhold Wagnleitner (reinhold.wagnleitner@sbg.ac.at)
In memoriam Professor Dr. Anton Porhansl
Mit großer Trauer hat die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien das Ableben ihres langjährigen Ehrenmitgliedes Professor Dr. Anton Porhansl am 13. Juni 2003 aufgenommen. Vor allem für die älteren Mitglieder ist Professor Porhansl untrennbar mit dem Aufbau der Amerikanistik in Österreich und dem Werdegang der AAAS verbunden. Er war maßgeblich an der Etablierung der Amerikastudien an den österreichischen Universitäten beteiligt; er hat im Rahmen der von ihm geführten Fulbright-Programme hunderten von jungen Wissenschaftlern einen Forschungsaufenthalt in den U.S.A. ermöglicht; er förderte Stipendien, wissenschaftliche und künstlerische Aktivitäten aller Art; er organisierte Lehrerfortbildungsprogramme und den intensiven Austausch von Lehrenden und Studierenden zwischen Österreich und den U.S.A. Für alle, die mit ihm zu tun hatten, war er darüber hinaus weit mehr als ein engagierter und höchst effizienter Verwalter. Er war immer ein väterlicher Freund, auf den man sich absolut verlassen konnte und der einem bei allen Problemen mit Rat und Tat und nie ermüdenden Wohlwollen zur Seite stand.
Professor Porhansl wurde 1913 in Wien geboren und besuchte dort das Gymnasium und die Universität. Sein Studium aus den Fächern Englisch, Französisch und Deutsch schloss er 1937 mit dem Doktorat ab. Nach verschiedenen Tätigkeiten – u. a. am Austrian Film Board und bei Radio Wien – wurde er von 1939 bis zum Kriegsende zum Militärdienst eingezogen. Von 1946-50 war er als Lehrer tätig, bevor er von 1950 bis 1955 am Austro-American Institute of Education eine leitende und lehrende Funktion innehatte und gleichzeitig das Vortragsprogramm der amerikanischen Botschaft betreute. 1955 wurde er zum Executive Secretary of the United States Educational Commission ernannt, die er auch nach ihrer Umwandlung in die binationale Austrian-American Educational Commission im Jahr 1963 weiter führte. Sein Amt übte er bis zu seiner Pensionierung im Jahr 1983 aus – also insgesamt 28 Jahre.
Professor Porhansl erhielt für seine hervorragenden Tätigkeiten im erzieherischen und wissenschaftlichen Austausch mit den U.S.A. mehrere hohe Ehrungen. Er ist Träger des Großen Ehrenzeichens der Republik Österreich, des Silbernen Ehrenzeichens für die Dienste um das Land Wien und ist Ehrenbürger der Universität Wien.
Die Österreichische Gesellschaft dankt Professor Porhansl für seine großen Leistungen für die internationale Verständigung mit den U.S.A. und für die österreichische Amerikanistik. Wir werden uns seiner immer in Achtung und Liebe erinnern.
Im Namen aller Mitglieder, Arno Heller.
M.A. Theses Completed
(Hölbling, Amerikanistik)
- Anderle, Klaus. Black Hawk Down. A Critical Analysis. (Graz, September 2003)
- Arnold, Karin. “Creating a Communal Story: Narrative Structure and Storytelling in Louise Erdrich’s North Dakota Novels”. (Graz, December 2003)
- Berger, Melissa. “Reisen zum Selbst im postmodernen Roman”. (Graz, May 2003)
- Foitl, Barbara. “Have-Nots Meet The Land of Plenty: T. C. Boyle’s Portrayal of Illegal Immigration in The Tortilla Curtain”. (Graz, May 2003)
- Frühwald Claudia. “Jealousy in African American Literature”. (Graz, April 2003)
- Gradnitzer, Theresa. “Possibilities of Change: Female Identities in the Novels of Anne Tyler”. (Graz, December 2003)
- Honner, Nina. “The Private Eye/I in Recent American Detective Fiction”. (Graz, November 2003)
- Horvath, Petra. “The Virgin Suicides: Fictions of U. S. Religious Conservatism in Novel and Film”. (Graz, December 2003)
- Kuntschner, Eva. “The Color Purple-Controversy: (De)Constructing African American Masculinity and the ‘Ideal Family’”. (Graz, May 2003).
- Kuzmany, Verena. “‘Singing the Place’: Sense of Place in Pacific Northwest Poetry”. (Graz, November 2003)
- Lietz, Susanne. “Masculinity in Fight Club – Fighting Against the Wilderness of Society and Mind”. (Graz, July 2003)
- Mansky, Sigrid. “Native Women Rewriting American History: Poems by Nora Dauenhauer and Joy Harjo”. (Graz, November 2003)
- Mareich, Judith. “Accelerated Generation Gap: The Clash of Cultures in Novels and Films of the 1990s”. (Graz, April 2003)
- Masoud, Susan. “The Function of the Reporter Figure in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio”. (Graz, December 2003)
- Meurer, Robin. “Based on a Novel by Theodore Dreiser: Sister Carrie on the Screen.”. (Graz, April 2003)
- Mlakar, Heike. “Race and Gender in Jack Kerouac’s Writings.”. (Graz, May 2003)
- Moser, Eva. “The 19th Century Heroine: Kate Chopin and F. W. Harper” (Graz, May 2003)
- Pargfrieder, Petra. “Opacity and Authenticity in John Ashbery’s Poetry”. (Graz, April 2003)
- Prietl, Ricarda. “The Pleasures of Narrative: Philip Roth’s Vocal Characters”. (Graz, May 2003)
- Rumpler, Angelika. “The Confessions of Nat Turner: Text, Document, Pamphlet?”. (Graz, November 2003)
- Soral, Karina. “Ideology and Ethnicity in Richard Wright’s Native Son”. (Graz, January 2003)
- Wenger, Karen. “Readers for Life. New Approaches to Teaching Literature in the FL Classroom”. (Graz, April 2003)
(Beer, Institut für Geschichte)
- Heigl, Stefan. Wie konnte es zum amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg kommen? Geschichte einer Eskalation (WS 2003/04).
- Jäger, Markus. “Joan Baez and the Issue of Vietnam: Art and Activism versus Conventionality”.
- Kubo, Akiko-Klara. “POEtic Rainbow: The Symbolism and Functions of Colors in Edgar Allan Poe’s Tales ‘The Black Cat’, ‘Shadow—A Parable’, and ‘The Masque of the Red Death'”.
- Mähr, Christine. “Silences in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan and Jane Campion’s The Piano”.
- Moosbrugger, Karin. “Native American Traditions, Religion and Ceremonialism as Reflected in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Novel Ceremony“.
- Nussbaumer, Katrin. “China in Their Hands. Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior and Amy Tan’s The Bonesetter’s Daughter: A Portrayal of the Narrator’s Development from Silence to Storytelling”.
- Oberhofer, Michaela. “Changing Identity in the Contemporary Novels Solar Storms and Tracks by Linda Hogan and Louise Erdrich”.
- Schwarz, Claudia. “In Search of Keys: Music Performance in American Literature”.
- Tschirner, Renaud Carl. “The Relevance of Contemplation”.
- Veith, Priska. “In Search of Lost Time-Re-Membering and Dis-Membering in Anne Michaels’ Works”.
- Benz, Holger (Universität Wien): *Gore Vidal” (M.A. thesis, completed).
- Hofer-Mcintyre, Manuela (Universität Klagenfurt): *American Firefighters after 09/11 * The Creation of New Patriotic Icons” (M.A. thesis, completed).
- Panagger, Iris. The History of South Africa as Apartheid History and Post-Apartheid Responses. (Salzburg)
- Schögl, Andrea: The Assimilation Policy in Native American Education.
- Stöttinger, Jutta. The function of storytelling in Contemporary Native American Literature: Landscape and Imagery in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Works. (Salzburg)
- Bernauer, Judith. Absolut Coupland: Aspects of Postmodernism in Douglas Coupland’s Fiction. (Salzburg, 2001)
- Bürgler, Evelyn. Edgar Allan Poe: His Concept and Use of Art. (Salzburg, 2001)
- Mayrhofer, Petra. A Journey to Mirror City: a Laingian View of Janet Frame’s Autobiography. (Salzburg, 2001)
- Wallinger, Brigitte. A Postmodern Journey Towards Adrienne and George: Aspects of Postmodernism and the Motif of Traveling in the Poetry of Adrienne Rich and George Ellenbogen. (Salzburg, 2002)
(unter W. Zacharasiewicz)
- Dobson-Siljic, Silvija. The Intertextual Reading of Henry James’ ‘The Portrait of a Lady’ and Edith Wharton’s ‘The Age of Innocence’.
- Essl, Roswitha. Autobiographies of Jewish-Americans: A. Cahan, A. Yezierska, M. Antin
- Gabriel, Julia. The Views of Europe Held by the Agrarian Fugitives.
- Gogos, Soi. Discovering Unpleasant Realities: Truth, Lies and Secrets in Jill McCorkle’s ‘Ferris Beach’ and ‘Tending to Virginia’.
- Jahn, Susanne. The Depiction of Male Characters and Voices from the Margin in Josephine Humphreys’ Fiction.
- Kemp, Bettina. Aspects of Southern Womanhood in 20th Century Fiction: Kate Chopin and K. A. Porter.
- Muhm, Manuela In the literary no-man’s-land between fact and fiction: Truman Capote’s non-fiction novel ‘In Cold Blood’.
Fulbright Prize in American Studies 2004
Awarded with the Austrian Association of American Studies
The Austrian-American Educational Commission (Fulbright Commission) is pleased to announce that the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Vienna has agreed to provide an annual award of € 1.000 for the best thesis in American studies. This award is based on an annual competition managed by the Austrian Association of American Studies. The Fulbright Prize is a means of acknowledging the enduring importance of American studies and the role of innovative research by young Austrian scholars in contributing to the fulfillment of the Fulbright Program’s mandate to promote mutual understanding between the peoples of Austria and the United States of America.
The purpose of this award is to recognize superior academic achievement in the field of American studies (Amerikanistik) in the broadest sense of the word and hence includes all relevant ancillary disciplines and departments at Austrian universities (e.g. comparative literature, history, political science, sociology, etc.) There are no specific topical or methodological limitations on submissions. Advisors of students completing a traditional thesis (Magister), a Master’s thesis in the new Bologna curricular regime, or a doctoral thesis in relevant disciplines at Austrian universities in the course of the 2003-2004 academic year are encouraged to nominate distinctive work of their students for review.
Nominations for this award consisting of a cover letter from the thesis advisor and a copy of the thesis should be submitted by e-mail as files (preferably RTF or Word format) to Dr. Hanna Wallinger (hanna.wallinger@sbg.ac.at) by May 1, 2004. The Officers of the AAAS will review applications, have the work of semi-finalists subject to external review, and nominate a finalist. The winner of the Fulbright Prize in American Studies 2004 will be recognized at the AAAS meeting in Salzburg.
For information on the Fulbright Program, please consult the website of the Austrian-American Educational Commission at www.fulbright.at.
For information on the Austrian Association of American Studies and its upcoming annual conference “Transitions: Race, Culture, and the Dynamics of Change” (University of Salzburg and Salzburg Seminar, November 5-7, 2004) consult http://www.univie.ac.at/anglistik/aaas/.
31AAAS Conference, Salzburg, 5-7 November 2004
Race, Culture, and the Dynamics of Change
The Salzburg conference will concentrate on the broad concept of transition with all its implications concerning the United States: changes and exchanges, variety and variation, difference and diversity, renewal and reform, migration and emigration, globalisation and glocalisation, metamorphosis and modification, adaptation and negotiation. With an emphasis on race and ethnicity, the conference will question the meaningfulness of distinctions and boundaries – racial, class-based, gender-oriented, religious, political, social, cultural – in a changing world. We are facing a search for identity in a time of socio-political strife and neoliberalism, with cultural norms, social structures, political systems, and national frontiers collapsing. How can we set up new standards? How do we cope with the chaos that sometimes accompanies utopian dreams? Our aim is to contribute to the discourse about the challenges the new millennium is bringing along with it and the literary, historical, political, and social contexts that gave rise to these challenges. How did it all begin and where does it lead to?
We invite papers of a theoretical, interpretative or expository nature concerning transitions in literature, art, history and culture at large. Proposals should include the author’s exact postal address, phone and fax number(s), and e-mail address.
Since 1947, Schloss Leopoldskron has been the home of the SALZBURG SEMINAR, an international educational institution that brings together participants from all over the globe. When Salzburg Seminar programs are not in session, this unique facility provides an unparalleled venue for this conference.
Schloss Leopoldskron is situated in idyllic surroundings and is within walking distance of the Old Town of Salzburg. It offers a modern conference center infrastructure combined with historic banqueting rooms.
Room reservation for the AAAS Seminar (November 5-7, 2004):
Salzburg Seminar – Schloss Leopoldskron
Leopoldskronstr. 56-58
A-5020 Salzburg
Tel: +43 (0)662 – 83938-0
Fax: +43 (0)662 – 83938-7
E-Mail: reception@salzburgseminar.org
DEADLINE for submitting proposals: 1 May 2004
Paper proposals of not more than 200 words should be sent to
Hanna Wallinger
Department of English and American Studies
University Salzburg
Akademiestrasse 24
A-5020 Salzburg
e-mail: hanna.wallinger@sbg.ac.at
Tel.: ++43 (662) 8044-4412
Fax: ++43 (662) 8044-167
News from the Departments
Karl Franzen University, Graz
Institut f. Amerikanistik
Attemsgasse 25/II
8010 Graz
The department is still waiting for a successor to Arno Heller, who retired in March 2002; negotiations for filling the vacancy have been delayed due to the not so attractive contracting conditions according to the new UOG, as well as by the general low funds in the university budget.
Walter W. Hölbling continues to serve as department chair until the organizational structure according to the new UOG is stablilized. In September 2003, he was asked to join the editorial board of the Journal of American Studies (publ. by Cambridge Univ. Press).
Elisabeth Kraus will teach a Science Fiction seminar at the university in Pécs, Hungary, in March 2004, and another one in Debrecen, Hungary, in the Fall (ERASMUS Teaching Staff Mobility. 2 weeks each, 30 hrs.).
Roberta Maierhofer successfully finished her “Habilitation” in June 2003; her book Salty Old Women was published by Blaue Eule Verlag. In October 2003, she was elected Vice Rector for International Relations and Affirmative Action for Women (2003-2007.
Klaus Rieser and his team, together with Walter W. Hölbling and Elisabeth Kraus, organized the 30th annual international conference of the Austrian Association for American Studies in Graz, Nov. 7-9, 2003.
Martina Pfeiler (currently a Ph. D. student at Dortmund), had her Graz M. A. thesis published in the spring of 2003: Sounds of Poetry. Contemporary American Performance Poets. Tübingen: Narr. Buchreihe zu den Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Bd,. 19)
Eva Kuntschner, who is currently teaching two courses at the department, was one of four recipients of the Excellence in English and American Studies Award for 2003.
ERASMUS cooperations were widened to include the Universities of Olomouc (CZ), Pecs (H), Salerno (I), and Veliko Turnovo (BUL).
Under the cooperation agreement with the University of Shkodër, Albania, four junior faculty memebrs from the University of Shkodër – Arben Bushgjokaj, Meri Guli, Rajmonda Kecira, and Flutur Troshani – each spent several months at the department to continue their Ph. D. programs and do research.
Visiting Professors and Guest Lectures
In the winter semester 2002-03 and 2003-04, Justine Tally, University of La Laguna, Spain, served as a Visiting Professor, substituting for Arno Heller.
In the summer semester of 2003, Samuel Ludwig, University of Bern, served as a Visiting Professor. Also in the summer semester, Louis Kern, Hofstra University, USA, held the Graz Fulbright Distinguished Chair for cultural Studies.
In the current winter semester 2003-04, Ginna Babcock, University of Idaho, is teaching courses in sociology as a Fulbright Professor at the department.
Guest Lectures were given by David Iverson, (Director, Best Practices in Journalism, Madison, Wisconsin), Patrick Miller ( Northeastern Illinois University), Michal Peprnik (University of Olomouc), John Quintus (U.S. Embassy Vienna), Daniel T. Moran. (Long Island), Richard Slatta (North Carolina State University).
University of Innsbruck
Institut für Amerikastudien
Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52/III
A-60 20 Innsbruck
Gudrun Grabher wurde beim Annual Meeting der “Emily Dickinson International Society” zum Vice President gewählt.
Mario Klarer war im Studienjahr 2002/3 Ordinarius und Institutsvorstand am Englischen Seminar der Université de Neuchâtel.
Professional Traveling
Gudrun Grabher
Harvard University: 18.03.-21.03.03; 29.06.-06.07.03; 12.09.-14.09.03; 17.09.-21.09.03
Washington University in St. Louis: 06.07.-09.07.03
Besuch der University of Notre Dame als Senatsbeauftragte für den Freundschaftsvertrag: 15.03.-18.03.03
Besuch der Utah State University in Logan im Zusammenhang mit dem joint study program.
Verena Klein
July 2003: Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of British Columbia in Vancouver im Rahmen der Dissertation.
University of Klagenfurt
Institut f. Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Universitätsstrasse 65-67
A-9020 Klagenfurt
Heinz Tschachler has been a board member of the Fulbright Commission (Austrian-American Educational Commission) since 1998. He served as Chairman of the Board for 2002. He also works part time as a track and field coach, and he engages in various art projects, including “ameisen reisen zeilenweise” and “punica granatum” (see http://www.ameisen-art.at/projekt.html and http://www.granatapfel.com/, respectively).
University of Salzburg
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Akademiestraße 24
A-5020 Salzburg, Österreich
Two persons served as Lectors for “American English“: Bradley Klypchak (Spring 2003) and John Franz (Fall 2003), both from Bowling Green State University.
Dorothea Steiner was Coordinator of the exchange programs with the universities of Minnesota and Utah as well as the exchange with the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. She also continued her work as coordinator between the university and the Salzburg Seminar.
In connection with the focus on intercultural studies, Dorothea Steiner spent another month in South Africa doing research at the University of Stellenbosch. She pursued two projects, one, Contemporary South African Poetry, two, Aspects from the South African Frontier.
In return, Edwin Hees from the University of Stellenbosch was invited for project work on the South African Frontier between October and December 2003; during that time he offered a lecture course on “The Frontier in South African Literature and Film”.
Leo Truchlar organized a symposium on “One America—Many Americas: Erkundungen und Verortungen aus historischer, kultureller und literarischer Sicht” (Salzburg, May 8-9).
Hanna Wallinger organized a 10-day field trip to New York City for 26 students in May 2003 and she was Coordinator of the ISEP (International Student Exchange Program). She also continued her work as secretary of CAAR (Collegium for African American Research) and edited the CAAR Newsletter 2003 (electronic distribution http://www.hum.sdu.dk/projects/caar/). Furthermore she became one of the serial editors of American Studies in Austria.
In July, Martin Kaltenbacher took a group of 19 students to Salt Lake City, where American and Austrian students and staff joined in a 1-month study program at the University of Utah on literary, linguistic, social and cultural aspects of the United States. Courses focused on American Indian history and heritage, language in the tourist trade, the Mormon culture and the natural history of Utah, and included field trips to the Northern Ute Powwow and to Arches National Park.
University of Salzburg
Department of History
Akademiestraße 24
A-5020 Salzburg, Österreich
Reinhold Wagnleitner leitet das Projekt des Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank United States Culture and Communications Policy and the Internet at the End/the Beginning of the “American Century”. Projektmitarbeiter: Michael Wala (Universität Nürnberg), Erwin Giedenbacher (Universität Salzburg).
University of Vienna
English Department
Universitätscampus AAKH, Hof 8
Spitalgasse 2-4
A-1090 Wien
8. – 25. 9. W. Zacharasiewicz leitete eine interdisziplinäre Fachexkursion an 9 kanadische Universitäten unter dem Thema “Collective Identity in Canada – Nation, Region, and the Transatlantic Heritage/ Identités collectives au Canada – La Nation, la région et l’héritage transatlantique ”; im Rahmen dieser Exkursion wurden drei Vorträge gehalten.
Zacharasiewicz leitet ein Projekt des FWF-Wissenschaftsfonds zum Thema “What is there? Transatlantic Accommodations and the Construction of New Collective Identities in Anglophone Canadian Literature”
Astrid M. Fellner is the recipient of an Erwin-Schrödinger fellowship and is currently doing research at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester MA.
In July 2003 Astrid M. Fellner organized a two-week excursion to “Route 66” together with 14 students from the University of Vienna and the University of Linz.
Together with Klaus Rieser and Hanna Wallinger, she is editor of the series “American Studies in Austria” (LIT Verlag).
Alexandra Ganser has a Fulbright Grant at the University of Oklahoma at Norman, 2003-2004 (Research für Dissertationsprojekt und Instructor im Department for Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics).
University of Dortmund, Germany
Fakultät 15
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Emil-Figge-Straße 50
44221 Dortmund
Walter Grünzweig verhandelte im Jahr 2003 weiterhin bzgl. seines Rufs auf eine ordentliche Professur für Amerikanistik an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz.
Im Rahmen der Ausstellung „Verbrechen der Wehrmacht“ in Dortmund organisierte Walter Grünzweig zusammen mit der Kunstgeschichtlerin Barbara Welzel einen interdisziplinären Studientag zum Thema „Bildgedächtnis“.
Jeanne Cortiel verbrachte das akademische Jahr 2002/03 als Visiting Scholar an der Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, zur Forschung an ihrer Habilitationsarbeit zur Ethnizität in der U.S.-amerikanischen Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Christine Gerhardt verbrachte das akademische Jahr 2002/03 als Visiting Scholar an der Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, zur Forschung an ihrer Habilitationsarbeit zu Natur und Ökologie bei Whitman and Dickinson.
Englisches Seminar
Universität Freiburg
Wolfgang Hochbruck (Amerikanistik) joined the English Department in October 2003.
Monika Fludernik has been admitted to the Advisory Board of RANAM.
Members’ Activities—Lecturing
Heller, Arno
- “Crisis in European-American Relationships”, University of Notre Dame, U.S.A.
- “Reinventing Billy the Kid”, AAAS-Tagung, Graz (November 7-9).
Hölbling, Walter W.
- “The Nature of Hybrid Identity in Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible” (with J. Tally). Symposium Mapping the Hybrid Space: Interethnic Approaches to American Literature, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, November 2003.
- Poetry Readings, together with Gabriele Pötscher, in Graz (5) and Klagenfurt (1).
- ERASMUS Teaching at Univ. of La Laguna, doctoral module (2 weeks, 30hrs).
Kraus, Elisabeth
- “The Alien Other and the Alien in Us”. Tagung der Austrian Association for American Studies in Graz, 7. bis 9. November 2003.
- “Technologically Changed Identities in Science Fiction Stories by Nancy Kress and Greg Egan” Internationale Konferenz zum Thema “Science, Technology, and the Humanities in Recent American Fiction” in Paderborn, 11. bis 14. Mai 2003.
Engel, Georg
- “The Stars and Stripes—More Than a Flag.” US Icons & Iconicity, 30th Annual Conference of the Austrian Association of American Studies, Graz, 07.-09. November 2003.
Grabher, Gudrun
- “Musik in Amerika—Amerikanische Musik.” Wiener Konzerthaus, Vortragsreihe “Musik im Gespräch”, Wien, Jänner 2003.
- “Three Perspectives on the ‘Lyrical You’ in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath, Denise Levertov, and A.R. Ammons.” ALA Conference, “20th Century American Poetry: Developments and Definitions”, 13.-15. März 2003.
- “Thinking the World into Being: Thought Woman and Female Creation Myths in Native American Literature and Culture.” ARM Conference, “Mothering, Religion, and Spirituality”, York University, Toronto, 24.-26. Oktober 2003.
Klarer, Mario
- “Mittelenglische Ekphrasen im Spannungsfeld von Materialität und Immaterialität.” Die Ekphrasis von Kunstwerken in der mittelalterlichen Großdichtung zwischen antiker Tradition und literarischer Neuerung, Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein, Universität Wien, November 2003.
- “Ekphrasis: Description of Art as a Historical Theory of Representation.” Anglistentag, München, September, 2003.
Mettauer, Susanne
- “Air & Style: Michael Gordon Continues to Fly.” US Icons & Iconicity, 30th Annual Conference of the Austrian Association of American Studies, Graz, 07.-09. November 2003.
Quendler, Christian.
- “Framing Fiction: Changes in the Framing Practices of Nineteenth-Century American Novels”. Texts, Ma(r)kers, Markets, University of York, England, 24. – 26. Juli 2003.
- “Makers of Makers: Authorial Self-Fashioning of Mark Twain”. US Icons & Iconicity, 30th Annual Conference of the Austrian Association of American Studies, Graz, 07.-09. November 2003.
Schwarz, Claudia
- “Life Lies—Live Lies: The Effect and Function of Blurring the Genres in Television.” Media in Transition 3: Television: Conference at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston/Cambridge, USA, 02.-04. Mai 2003.
Steininger, Rolf
- “John F. Kennedy and the Berlin Crisis.” International Conference at the Free University of Berlin, August 21-22,2003. Great Expectations: John F. Kennedy and the “Thousand Days”.
- Conveners: German Historical Museum, Berlin; Free University of Berlin; German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
- “The Soviet Union and the Six-Day-War” International Conference at the Department of State, Washington, D.C., January 12-13,2004, hosted by the U.S. Department of State, Office of the Historian, Washington, D.C. The United States, the Middle East, and the 1967 Arab-Israeli War.
Devine, Maureen
- „’… and followed they did’: Women’s Perspectives on the Frontier“; Tagung: The Frontier: On the Bi-Centennial of the Lewis and Clarke Expedition and the Louisiana Purchase. 17. – 19. Oktober 2003, Amerikahaus, Wien.
- „Black American Women’s Writings“, Vortrag an der University of Ljubljana, 10. März 2003.
Tschachler, Heinz
- ’In God We Trust’ or, How Dollar Bills Represent and Constitute the American Nation, AAAS Conference, University of Graz, November 7-9, 2003.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold
- E-Learning Content – Either Commodity or Educational Asset? Learntec 2003, Karlsruhe, 4. Februar 2003.
- eLearning – Handelsware oder Kulturgut? Lerntec 2003, Karlsruhe, 5. Februar 2003.
- Jazz and Civil Rights, Amerika Haus München, 11. Februar 2003.
- Von Tag Zu Tag: USA – Europa. Über ein schwieriges Verhältnis spricht Barbara Rett mit dem Salzburger Historiker Reinhold Wagnleiter, Radio oe1, 14. Februar 2003.
- Eröffnungsreferat: How American Is Globalization? How Globalized is America? 26th Annual Historians Meeting of the German Association for American Studies in cooperation with Atlantische Akademie, Rheinland-Pfalz and Schurmann-Stiftung, Heidelberg, im Haus Maria Rosenberg, Waldfischbach-Burgalben, 21. Februar 2003.
- oe1 Diagonal zum Thema: Anti-Amerikanismus – Die ungeliebte Hypermacht, 29. März. 2003.
- “eLearning – digitale Lehre zwischen Handelsware, Kulturgut und ´Amerikanisierung´”
- “One America – Many Americas: Erkundungen und Verortungen aus historischer, kultureller und literarischer Sicht” Syposium Salzburg, 8. – 9. Mai 2003.
- Diskussionsleitung eines Gesprächs mit der Regisseurin des Films „Rebels with a Cause” Helen Garvy, sowie mit den ehemaligen SDS Mitgliedern Stan Nadel, Historiker, und Robert Pardun, Autor von „Prairie Radical. A Journey Through The Sixties“, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Salzburg, 13. Mai 2003.
- Vom “Kalten Krieg” zur “Globalisierung”, Rotary Club Salzburg-Flachgau, 21. Mai 2003.
- Diplomatic Academy Vienna and Austrian-American Educational Commission (Fulbright).
- Transatlantic Relations: One Culture or Two? Problems and Prospects of Transatlantic Dialogue and Cooperation
- Back to the Future Revisited: Changing European Attitudes Toward the United States of America Between Utopia and Dystopia, 23. Juni 2003.
- Vortrag am Institut für Amerikanistik der Universität Leipzig im Rahmen der Vorlesung von Prof. Anne Koenen “American Literature: Civil War to Present”
- „Heute am 4. Juli feiern die USA ihren Unabhängigkeitstag. Was hat der Rest der Welt zum Feiern: den Abhängigkeitstag?“, 4. Juli 2003.
- Podiumsdiskussion: “Hip Hop – mehr als nur Musik” (für die Radiosendung bei mephisto 97.6 9. Juli 2003) Teilnehmer: Spoken-Word-Artist Dawah (Amer Ahmed, Indiana University Bloomington), die Hip Hop Künstler Teefla & Jaleel (Phlatline Records, Chemnitz), DJ Oppossum (Hip Hop DJ aus Leipzig), Reinhold Wagnleitner, Hiphop Awareness Week Leipzig 2003, 4. Juli 2003.
- “Jazz – The Classical Music of Globalisation”
- Lecture given by Prof. Dr. Reinhold Wagnleitner (University of Salzburg, Austria), Featuring: Tom McDermott, Piano (New Orleans, USA),Organised by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training on the occasion of the meeting of its Management Board, CEDEFOP, Thessaloniki, Greece. 23 October 2003.
- Globalisierung und Gender, Vortragsreihe des Frauenrats der Universität Konstanz und der Frauenbeauftragten der FH Konstanz “Globalisierung – wovon reden wir eigentlich?” 27. November 2003.
Wallinger, Hanna
- “Passing as a Detective Story: Gertrude Dorsey Brown[e]’s ‘A Case of Measure for Measure'”, CAAR (Collegium for African American Studies), Winchester, England, 13.-15. April 2003.
- Chair: “Slavery” CAAR, Winchester, England, 13.-15. April 2003 (“The Making of Black Diasporas”).
- Chair: “Literature 1”, AAAS, Graz, 7.-9. Nov. 2003 (“US Icons and Iconicity”).
Birkle, Carmen
- “Conflicting Images of American Nationhood: The Example of the Statue of Liberty.” Tagung der Austrian Association for American Studies. Graz, 7.-9. November 2003.
- “Autobiography and the Novel: Gertrude Stein and Daniel Defoe.” Gießen, 11. September 2003.
- “(Re/De)Constructions of Germany in German-American Short Stories of the Early Twentieth Century.” Tagung der International American Studies Association. Leiden, Mai 2003.
- “Travelogues of Independence: Margaret Fuller and Henry David Thoreau.” Erlangen, 4. Juli 2003.
- “Neither Black Nor White Nor Jewish Yet All: Rebecca Walker’s Autobiography Black, White, and Jewish (2001).” Tagung “Jewish Women’s Writing in the 1990s and Beyond in Great Britain and the United States.” Mainz, 30. Januar – 2. Februar 2003.
- “Intercultural Interfaces in Visual Representations of Pocahontas” “Intercultural America.” 50 Jahre Amerikanistik an der Universität Mainz, Dezember 2002 und in Berlin, Juni 2003.
Fellner, Astrid M.
- “Live(s) on the Mississippi—A Journey in Cultural Geography from Chicago to New Orleans (and back on the internet).” University of Vienna. Presentation of the Humanities “Geist Schafft Wissen” (March 5, 2003).
- “Crossing Over: Queer Body Images of the Other Side.” American Comparative Literature Association in San Marcos, CA. (April 5, 2003).
- Book presentation of Articulating Selves: Contemporary Chicana Self-Representation at the University of California at Irvine (April 9, 2003).
- “The Female Body in the Early National Period.” Body Conference: The Flesh Made Text in Thessaloniki (May 16, 2003).
- “Technologies of the Self: The Photographs of Laura Aguilar.” El Foro Hispano at the University of Vermont at Burlington (October 3, 2003).
- “Route 66.” US Icons and Iconicity. AAAS Conference in Graz (November 8, 2003).
- “Other Sexes: Bridging Textual Borders.” Ringvorlesung Gendered Subjects 1: Die Kategorie Geschlecht im Streit der Disziplinen (November 10, 2003).
Ganser, Alexandra
- “Chronotopes of the Road Movie.” Paper presented at the Annual BAAS Conference at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, April 2003 (with Markus Rheindorf and Julia Pühringer).
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar
- „Mapping Continental Europe in Southern Discourse: Challenge and Confirmation“, Knoxville, University of TN, 10. 2. 03.
- “Transatlantische Affinitäten: Europabilder im amerikanischen Süden zwischen Antebellum und Moderne”, Universität Eichstätt, Symposium über Europastudien, 24. 3.
- „Transatlantische Differenzen in kulturhistorischer Perspektive“, Eröffnungsvortrag beim internationalen Symposium „Transatlantic Differences / Transatlantische Differenzen“, Theatersaal der ÖAW, Wien, 22. 5.
- „Canadian Identity and the Transatlantic Heritage in Canadian Literature“, Victoria University der Universität Toronto, 9. 9.
- „Hugh MacLennan and the Central European Scene“, McGill University, Montréal, 15. 9.
- “Canadian Identity: Nation, Region, and the Transatlantic Heritage, a Resumé”, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, 22. 9.
- “German Ethnicity in the American South and the Permeablility of Ethnic Borders” bei der Konferenz “Southern Ethnicities”, Aristoteles Universität Thessaloniki, 17. 10.
- “Canadian Identity: Migration and the Transatlantic Heritage” beim Symposium „Migration and Transculturality“ Universität Graz, Kanada-Zentrum, 13. 11.
Cortiel, Jeanne
- „Iconizing ‘Uncle Tom’: Literature, Ethnology and Popular Culture in Mid-Nineteenth Century America.“ Annual conference of the Austrian Association of American Studies, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Oktober 2003.
Essmann, B.
- ”Making the world a better place! – Henry Ford as an icon representing a shift towards a more egalitarian society.” Annual conference of the Austrian Association of American Studies, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Oktober 2003.
Gerhardt, Christine
- „‘Often seen–but seldom felt’: Looking for Place in Emily Dickinson’s Nature Poetry.“ Annual Conference of the American Literature Association (ALA), Cambridge, MA, May 2003.
- „‘Earths grow thick as Berries, in my native Town’: The Actual World of Emily Dickinson.“ Biennial Conference of the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE), Boston, MA, June 2003.
Grünzweig, Walter
- „Wozu ins Ausland? Zu Sinn und Unsinn des Internationalen Bildungsaustausches“ (mit Silke Olmscheid). Harenberg Forschungstage, Dortmund, Januar 2003.
- „British Cultural Studies und die Amerikanistik.“ Kulturwissenschaften in der Anglistik, Dortmund April 2003.
- „Science-in-Fiction: Science as Tribal Culture in the Novels of Carl Djerassi.“ Science, Technology, and the Humanities in Recent American Fiction, Paderborn, Mai 2003.
- „Stories in International Education.“ NAFSA, Salt Lake City, Mai 2003.
- „Die Linke und ihr Verhältnis zu Amerika.“ Special Relationship Deutschland-USA: SommerAkademie der Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Simonskall, August 2003.
- „No Exchange Without Cooperation: The Case for Dialogue in Processes of Internationalization.“ European Association of International Education, Wien, September 2003.
- „Politics and Economics: Contexts of International Education.“ European Association of International Education, Wien, September 2003. (mit Sibylle Klemm).
- „The Violence of Belonging: Questioning ‚Normality.‘“ American Studies Association, Hartford, Oktober 2003.
- „Biographie und Transkript“. „Peter Henisch“ – Buchpräsentation Dossier 21 (Droschl Verlag), Literaturhaus Wien, Dezember 2003.
Fludernik, Monika
- “Unreliability vs. Discordance.” Conference on “Unzuverlässiges Erzählen in Literatur und Film,” Mainz, May 2003.
- Convenor (with Jacqueline Berben) of seminar on “Law and Literature: Representations of Trial and Imprisonment.” Paper on “Fiction versus Reality: What is the Function of Prisons in Literary Texts?” ESSE 6 Conference, Strasbourg, August 2003.
- “Englishness in Ishiguro’s Remains of the Day and Eveln Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited.” Evelyn Waugh Centenary Conference, Oxford, September 2003.
Members’ Activities—Publications:
Heller, Arno
- “Cultural Studies im Wandel: Zur Modellfunktion der American Studies.” In Elisabeth List und Erwin Fiala, Hg. Grundlagen der Kulturwissenschaften. Tübingen; A. Francke, 2003. 39-54.
Hölbling, Walter W.
- Hans Bak und Walter W. Hölbling, eds. ‘Nature’s Nation’ Reconsidered: American Concepts of Nature from Wonder to Ecological Crisis. Amsterdam: VUU Press, 2003.
- (Poetry) Walter W. Hölbling and Gabriele Pötscher. Love, Lust, Loss. Graz: Steirische Verlagsgesellschaft, 2003 . GrazLit 1.
- “Texans, War Fever, and the Absence of the Female.” In: gender forum, issue 5 (2003). Gender Debat(tl)ed : Gender and War. http://www.genderforum.uni-koeln.de/
- Walter W. Hölbling: “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly and the Patterns of U. S. Foreign Policy”. In: Ed. Michal Peprnik and Matthew Sweney. (Mis)Understanding Postmodernism & The Fictions of Politics and the Politics of Fiction. Olomouc Univ. Press, 2003, 291-302.
- “Chronology and Its Discontents: History and Fiction in U. S. Postmodern Writing”. In: Ed. Michal Peprnik and Matthew Sweney. (Mis)Understanding Postmodernism & The Fictions of Politics and the Politics of Fiction. Olomouc Univ. Press, 2003, 30-42.
- (Prosa) “Questioning the Past, Building a Memory… “ JAWS 5 (2003), 7-8.
- (Lyrik) “September 11 – II”, “Death at Noon”. JAWS 4 (Fall 2002), 20-21.
Kraus, Elisabeth
- “Reprogramming Human Nature: Utopian and Dystopian Views in Science Fiction.” In: Dreams of Paradise, Visions of Apocalypse: Utopia and Dystopia in American Culture. Ed. Jaap Verheul. European Contributions to American Studies, Vol. 51. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2004. 201-207.
- „Körper und Selbst in der Technokultur und als Themen des Techno-Imaginären.“ In: Grundlagen der Kulturwissenschaften: Interdisziplinäre Kulturstudien. Hrsg. Elisabeth List und Erwin Fiala. Tübingen, Basel: A. Francke, 2004. S. 359-381. (Bereits im November 2003 ausgeliefert!)
Maierhofer, Roberta
- “Third Pregnancy: Women, Ageing and Identity in American Culture”. Old Age and Ageing in British and American Literature and Culture. Ed. Christa Jansohn. Studien zur englischen Literatur. 16. Münster: LIT-Verlag, 2003, pp. 155-171.
- “Memory and Identity: Miss Jane Pittman, Freddie Mae Baxter, and the Significance of the Past for the Present”. The Legacy of History: English and American Studies and the Significance of the Past. Ed. Teresa Bela, Zygmunt Mazur. Krakow: Jagiellonian UP, 2003, pp. 462-474.
- “Crossing (Age) Lines and Negotiating Difference: Narrative Bonds in American Fiction.” Expanding Circles, Transcending Disciplines, and Multimodal Texts. Reflections on Teaching, Learning and Researching in English and American Studies. Ed. Bernhard Kettemann, Georg Marko. Tübingen: Narr, 2003, pp. 249-261.
- Salty Old Women: Eine anokritische Untersuchung zu Frauen, Altern und Identität in der amerikanischen Literatur. Arbeiten zur Amerikanistik. Essen: Blaue Eule, 2003. (Habilitation)
Antretter, Martina
- “because it’s (CP 782),” “& sun & (CP 830)” and “r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r (CP 396).” Silence Sichtbar: Cummings Coming Into German. Translations with Comments. Ed. Gudrun Grabher, et al. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck, 2003. 142-46; 170-73; 182-86.
Grabher, Gudrun M.
- et al., ed. Silence Sichtbar: Cummings Coming Into German. Translations with Comments. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck, 2003.
Klarer, Mario
- Präsentieren auf Englisch. 2nd ed. Wien, Frankfurt: Ueberreuter, 2003.
- Einführung in die anglistisch-amerikanistische Literaturwissenschaft. 4th ed. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2003.
- “Before Ornament was a Crime. Nineteenth Century Theories of Pattern Design.” Iconographies of Power: The Politics and Poetics of Visual Representation. Ed. Berndt Ostendorf, Ulla Haselstein und Peter Schneck. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2003: 45-64.
Klein, Verena
- “Mothers and Daughters—Relationships in Ethel Wilson’s Works.” Ed. Elke Nowak. Canadian Studies in Europe 3. Focus on Canada: European Perspectives. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2003. 125-141.
Tschachler, Heinz
- The EmBodyment of America. Ed. with Maureen Devine and Michael Draxlbauer. American Studies in Austria. Vol. 1. Münster-Hamburg-London: LIT Verlag, 2003. 219pp.
- “‘I send you 19 small flaggs’: The Lewis and Clark Expedition and the Creation of an Imagined Community.” In: Jack Santino, ed. Holidays, Rituals, Festivals, Celebrations, and Public Displays. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Press. (In press.)
- ‚Ich laufe, daher bin ich.’ Übers Marathonlaufen, bewegt und unbewegt.’ In: Gerda E. Moser, Hg., Fit & Fun”-Kultur zwischen Leistung und Freude. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven (Münster-Hamburg-London: LIT Verlag, 2003). 161-80.
- Introduction. In: The EmBodyment of American Culture. Ed. with Maureen Devine and Michael Draxlbauer. American Studies in Austria. Vol. 1. Münster-Hamburg-London: LIT Verlag, 2003. 11-24.
Wernitznig, Dagmar
- Going Native or Going Naive?: White Shamanism and the Neo-Noble Savage. Lanham: University Press of America, 2003.
Truchlar, Leo
- One America – Many Americas. Erkundungen und Verortungen aus historischer, kultureller und literarischer Sicht. Münster: LIT.
Reinhold Wagnleitner
- “Globalisierung – wovon reden wir eigentlich?” plus 2 2002/2003 Jänner: 14.
- “Globalisierung – wovon reden wir eigentlich?” Aurora-Magazin Winter-Frühjahr 2003, http://www.aurora-magazin.at/gesellschaft/global_wagnleitner_gl_frm.htm
- “Jazz: die klassische Musik der Globalsierung” Aurora-Magazin Winter-Frühjahr 2003,http://www.aurora-magazin.at/gesellschaft/global_wagnleitner_jazz_frm.htm
- “eLearning Content – Commodity or Educational Asset?” ejournal February 2003,http://ejournal.thing.at/neuemed/learntec.html
- “No Commodity Is Quite So Strange As This Thing Called Cultural Exchange´: The Foreign Politics of American Pop Culture Hegemony” in Gerhard Bach, Sabine Broeck and Ulf Schulenberg (eds.), Americanization – Globalization – Education (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2003) (American Studies Volume 107): 153-181.
- “Back to the Future Revisited: Changing European Attitudes Toward the United States Between Utopia and Dystopia” in ONE CULTURE OR TWO? Problems and Prospects of Transatlantic Dialogue Diplomatische Akademie Wien FAVORITA PAPERS 01/2003: 40-63.
- “E-Learning Content Commodity or Educational Asset” in Uwe Beck und Winfried Sommer (Hg.), Learntec: 11. Europäischer Kongress und Fachmesse für Bildungs- und Informationstechnologie. Band 1 (Karlsruhe: Schriftenreihe der Karlsruher Messe- und Kongress GmbH, 2003): 41-46.
- “Am 4. Juli feiern die USA den Unabgängigkeitstag. Was hat der Rest der Welt zum Feiern? Den Abhängigkeitstag?” in Twin Peaks: A Newsletter for American Studies University of Leipzig, 15th Issue Winter 2003: 16-23.
- “I´m Made for America from Head to Toe: The Project for a New American Century” in Günter Bischof and Anton Pelinka (Eds.), The Americanization/Westernization of Austria Contemporary Austrian Studies, vol 12. (New Brunswick, London: Transaction Publishers, 2003): 18-28.
Wallinger, Hanna
- “The ‘Royal Slave’ Oroonoko in Aphra Behn and Luise Mühlbach.” Revisiting and Reinterpreting Aphra Behn. Ed. Margarete Rubik, Jorge Figueroa-Dorrego, Bernard Dhuicq. Proceedings of the Aphra Behn Europe Seminar ESSE Conference, Strasbourg 2002. Entrevaux: Bilingua GA Editions, 2003. 51-61 (with Kimberley L. Phillips, Hermine D. Pinson, Lorenzo Thomas. Critical Voicings of Black Liberation: Resistance and Representations in the Americas. FORECAAST 11 (Forum for European Contributions in African American Studies). Münster: LIT Verlag, 2003. pp. 180.
- CAAR Newsletter 15 (Autumn 2003) (published electronically).
Banauch, Eugen
- “Siegbert Sonnenberg. USA”, in: English Language TEAching News. (2003/49). (Book Review)
Birkle, Carmen
- “Travelogues of Independence: Margaret Fuller and Henry David Thoreau.” Amerikastudien / American Studies 48.4 (2003). (im Druck).
- “Messengers of the Twentieth Century: Stories of the Color Line by Charles Chesnutt, Kate Chopin, and Pauline Hopkins.” Encompassing Ethnicities. Ed. The Society for the Study of the Short Story. (im Druck).
- “Neither Black Nor White Nor Jewish Yet All: Rebecca Walker’s Autobiography Black, White, and Jewish (2001).” Jewish Women’s Writing in the 1990s and Beyond in Great Britain and the United States. Ed. Ulrike Hattemer and Bernhard Reitz. (im Druck).
- “Intercultural Interfaces in Visual Representations of Pocahontas” Intercultural America. Ed. Winfried Herget, Alfred Hornung, and Klaus Lubbers. Heidelberg: Winter. (im Druck).
- Birkle, Carmen. “Barbie’s (American) Success Story.” (Anti)Americanisms. Ed. Michael Draxlbauer, Astrid M. Fellner, and Thomas Fröschl. Münster: Lit, 2004. (im Druck)
- “Frauen in der (E)Migration am Beispiel karibischer Autorinnen im amerikanischen Exil: Kulinarische Rituale in Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven und Edwidge Danticats Krik?Krak!” Gender and Ethnicity. Ed. Renate von Bardeleben and Patricia Plummer. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2004. (im Druck)
- “‘Barbies without Underpants’: American Women’s Detective Fiction at the Turn of the Millennium.” Sexualities in American Culture. Hg. Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter. (im Druck).
- “Of Sherlocks, Shylocks, and the Shoah: Ethnicity in Jewish-American Detective Fiction.” Ed. Dorothea Fischer-Hornung and Monika Müller. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2003. (im Druck).
- “Investigating Newark, NJ: Empowering Spaces in Valerie Wilson Wesley’s Detective Fiction.” Ed. Dorothea Fischer-Hornung and Monika Müller. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2003. (im Druck).
- Birkle, Carmen, William Boelhoer, and Rocío Davis, eds. Comparative Sites of Ethnicity: Europe and the Americas. Heidelberg: Winter, 2004.
- “Caribbean and Irish (De)Colonizations in Comparison: Dionne Brand’s and Eavan Boland’s Recovery of the ‘Lost Land.'” Comparative Sites of Ethnicity: Europe and the Americas. Ed. Carmen Birkle, William Boelhoer, and Rocío Davis. Heidelberg: Winter, 2004.
Draxlbauer, Michael
- Heinz Tschachler, Maureen Devine and Michael Draxlbauer, eds. The Embodyment of American Culture. American Studies in Austria, vol. 1. Muenster: LIT 2003.
Fellner, Astrid M.
- “Body for Body: The Repulsive and Eroticized Bodies of Djuna Barnes.” The EmBodyment of American Culture. Ed. Heinz Tschachler, Maureen Devine and Michael Draxlbauer. Münster: LIT, 2003. 141-154.
- Rev. of Francisco A. Lomeli and Karin Ikas, eds U.S. Latino Literatures and Cultures. Transnational Perspectives. Heidelberg: Winter, 2000.” Anglistik 14/2 (2003):188-191.
Ganser, Alexandra
- Der Lockruf des Goldes. Von Jack London (Neuübersetzung). Wien: Hörbuch CC, 2003.
- Der Seewolf. Von Jack London (Neuübersetzung). Wien: Hörbuch CC, 2003.
- “Burger With the Works, Please! A Webjournal for Students of the Humanities.” Reconstruction Spring 2003: Vol. 3 (2).
- Review: Mapping Tourism. Hanna, Stephen P., and Vincent J. Del Casino Jr, eds. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. Reconstruction, Summer 2003: Vol.3 (3).
- Review: Tourism: Between Place and Performance. Coleman, Simon, and Mike Crang, eds. New York: Berghahn Books, 2002. Reconstruction Fall 2003: Vol. 3 (4).
- “War Wounds: Bodily Inscriptions of Trauma and Cultural Memory in Silko’s Ceremony.” In: Body Signs: The Body in Latino/a Cultural Production: Ed. Astrid M. Fellner and Carlos von Son, Ediciones Nuevo Espacio. (forthcoming)
- EcoCultures. Cultural Studies and the Environment. Ed. with Joshua Palmer. Reconstruction Reader Series (in progress).
Thurner, Bettina
- Rez. “Deborah A. Borland and John L. Idol, Jr., eds., Selected Essays from the Thomas Wolfe Newsletter/Review: A Memorial to Dr. John S. Phillipson, Editor, 1977-1996. The Thomas Wolfe Society. Rocky Mount, NC: Walker-Ross Printing, 1999.” Amerikastudien/American Studies 48, 2 (2003), 273-275.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar
- ed., The Many Souths: Class in Southern Culture, Transatlantic Perspectives 14 (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2003), xv+202pp.
- “Introduction: The Many Souths – Class in Southern Culture”. W. Zacharasiewicz (ed.): The Many Souths. Stauffenburg, Tübingen 2003, ix-xv.
- “The Invention of Regional Literature(s)”, in English Studies Today 1 (2002), [IAUPE-Conference (Bamberg, August 2001)], ed. A. Breeze, 73-101.
- “Divides on the European Map: Imagological traditions and cultural imperatives in scholarship”, in Eugen Simion, ed., Penser l’Europe: Seminaire International of the Roumanian Academy of Sciences (September 25-29, 2002), (Sinaia, Roumania 2003), pp. 45-52.
- “Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Remarks on an Ongoing Canadian Debate in the Age of Globalization”, in: Anna Jakabfi, ed., Continentalism and Nationhood (essays), (Budapest: Eötvös Loránd University, 2002/3), pp. 78-98.
- “Masks, Minstrels and Melancholy. American Views of the Austrian Metropolis at Mid-Nineteenth and Twentieth Century “, in: Wolfgang Görtschacher, Holger Klein, eds., Austria and Austrians: Images in World Literature (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2003), pp. 257-269.
- “Hodgins, Jack”, in: Metzler Lexikon Englischsprachiger Autorinnen und Autoren, Eberhard Kreutzer, und Ansgar Nünning, eds., Stuttgart: Verlag J. B. Metzler 2002, p. 275.
Cortiel, Jeanne
- „Living the Contradiction: Life Histories, Feminism, Theology.“ Hans Krabbendam, Derek Rubin (eds.): Religion in America: European and American Perspectives. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2003.
- Rez. Justin D. Edwards, Gothic Passages: Racial Ambiguity and the American Gothic,” H-Amstdy, H-Net Reviews, July, 2003. URL: http://www.h-net.msu.edu/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=313461064885833.
- “Space for Spinsters: Die Narrativität des Räumlichen im feministischen Diskurs.” Grenz-Gänge: Studien zu Gender und Raum. Eds. Herwig Friedl and Nicole Schröder. (in press)
Gerhardt, Christine
- „Managing the Wilderness: Walt Whitman’s Southern Landscapes.“ Forum Modern Language Studies (Spring 2004, im Druck)
- „Places of Conflict: Race and the City in Post-1989 American Literature.“ Poroi: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Analysis and Invention (im Druck).
Grünzweig, Walter
- Gerhard, J. Link, R. Parr (Hgg.): (Nicht)normale Fahrten: Faszinationen eines modernen Narrationstyps. Heidelberg: Synchron, 2003.
- Fuchs (Hgg.): Peter Henisch. Graz: Droschl, 2003. (=Dossier. 21.)
- „Fred Wander als Jugendbuchautor.“ libri liberorum 4/11-12 (2003), 41-44.
- „Science-in-Fiction: Science as Tribal Culture in the Novels of Carl Djerassi“. Peter Freese, Charles B. Harris (eds.): Science, Technology, and the Humanities in Recent American Fiction. Essen: Die blaue Eule, 2003, 231-248.
- „Von einer Utopie besessen. Über die verzweigten Wurzeln des Antiamerikanismus in Europa.“ Der Standard (Wien) 22.3.2003.
- Interv. „Wer sonst soll Einfluss nehmen? Interview mit Dan Diner.“ Der Standard 26.4.2003.
- Rez. „Konstantin Kaiser, Das unsichtbare Kind. Essays und Kritiken. Wien: Sonderzahl, 2001.“ Der Standard 11.1.2003.
- Rez. „Djuna Barnes, Im Dunklen gehen. Briefe an Emily Coleman. Berlin: Wagenbach, 2002.“ Der Standard 2.8.2003.
- Rez. „Kinderspiele. Die Wiederentdeckung eines triestinischen Autors.“ [Rez. Pier Antonio Quarantotti Gambini, Ein Kinderspiel.] Der Standard, 8.3.2003.
- „Waches Bewusstsein. Der alternative Chronist wird Sechzig. Peter Henisch zum Geburtstag.“ In: Der Standard, 23.8.2003.
- „Laurentis Albtraum. In Veit Heinichens Krimi laufen Sinn- und Tätersuche.“ [Rez. Veit Heinichen, Tod auf der Warteliste.] Der Standard, 13.9.2003
- „Österreich von innen und außen. Peter Henisch zum Sechzigsten.“ Literatur und Kritik, 28/5 (Nov. 2003)19-22.
Fludernik, Monika
- “The Diachronization of Narratology.” Narrative 11.3 (2003): 331-48.
- “Chronology, Time, Tense and Experientiality in Narrative.” Language and Literature 12.2 (2003): 117-34.
- “The Prison as World – The World as Prison: Theoretical and Historical Aspects of two Recurrent Topoi.” Symbolism 3 (2003): 147-89.
- “Metanarrative and Metafictional Commentary.” Poetica 35 (2003): 1-39.
- “Cognitive Narratology: Natural Narratology and Cognitive Parameters”. Narrative Theory and the Cognitive Sciences. Ed. David Herman. Stanford, CA: CSLI [Center for the Study of Language and Information Stanford, California] Publications, 2003. 243-67.
- “The Diasporic Imaginary: Postcolonial Reconfigurations in the Context of Multiculturalism”. Diaspora and Multiculturalism: Common Traditions and New Developments. Ed. Monika Fludernik. Readings in the Post/Colonial Literatures in English, 66. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2003. xi-xxxviii.
- “Imagined Communities as Imaginary Homelands? The South Asian Diaspora in Fiction”. Diaspora and Multiculturalism: Common Traditions and New Developments. Ed. Monika Fludernik. Readings in the Post/Colonial Literatures in English, 66. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2003. 261-85.
- “Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung: Literarische Texte und die Thematisierung von Aus- und Abgrenzungsmechanismen”. Zwischen Ausgrenzung und Hybridisierung. Zur Konstruktion von Identitäten aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Tagungsband zur vierten Jahrestagung des SFB 541 der Universität Freiburg, April 2001. Eds. Elisabeth Vogel, Wolfgang Lutterer and Antonia Napp. Identitäten und Alteritäten, 14. Würzburg: Ergon, 2003. 123-43.
- “Literarische Funktionen von Kriminalität”. Alltagsvorstellungen von Kriminalität. Eds. Michael Walter, Hans-Jörg Albrecht and Harald Kania (Hg.):Münster: Lit, 2003. 59-76.
- “Erhabene Postmoderne? Technologie, Gewalt und Ästhetik zwischen Atombombe und dem 11. September”. Moderne/Postmoderne. Eds. Monika Fludernik and Jan Alber. Trier: WVT, 2003. 243-67.
- “Zur Einführung.” Moderne/Postmoderne. Eds. Monika Fludernik and Jan Alber. Trier: WVT, 2003. 1-15.
- (ed.) Diaspora and Multiculturalism: Common Traditions and New Developments. Readings in the Post/Colonial Literatures in English, 66. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2003.
- and Jan ALBER (eds.) Moderne/Postmoderne. Trier: WVT, 2003.
- Rev. “Ken Ireland, The Sequential Dynamics of Narrative. Energies at the Margins of Fiction. Madison. WI: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, London: Associated Univ. Presses, 2001.” Language & Literature 12.4 (2003): 373-75.
Nachträge: Publikationen 2002
Fludernik, Monika
- “The Prison as Colonial Space.” Cycnos 19.2 (2002): 175-90. [erschienen 2003]
- and Miriam NANDI. “Hybridität — Theorie und Praxis.” Polylog 8 (2001): 7-24. [erschienen 2002]
Messner, Monika
- “The Questioning of Cultural Norms in X-Men (2000).” Biotechnological and Medical Themes in Science Fiction. Ed. Domna Pastourmatzi. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press, 2002. 225-231.
Peper, Jürgen
- Ästhetisierung als Aufklärung: Unterwegs zur demokratischen Privatkultur. Eine literarästhetisch abgeleitete Kulturtheorie. Berliner Beiträge zur Amerikanistik. Hrsg. Winfried Fluck. Bd. 11. Berlin: John F. Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien, 2002.
Scheer-Schätzler, Brigitte
- “Loving Insects Can Be Dangerous: Assessing the Cost of Life in Octavia Estelle Butler’s Novella ‘Bloodchild’ (1984).” Biotechnological and Medical Themes in Science Fiction. Ed. Domna Pastourmatzi. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press, 2002. 314-322.
- SCHWARZ, Claudia. “Fading Bodies: The Invisible in Science Fiction.” Biotechnological and Medical Themes in Science Fiction. Ed. Domna Pastourmatzi. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press, 2002. 232-242.
Members’ Activities—Current Research and Work in Print
Heller, Arno
- Amerikanischer Südwesten. Kulturgeschichte(n) vom Straßenrand. 352 Seiten.
- “Existential Malaise: Suburban Marriages and Families in American Novels and Films since the 1960s”, in Reiff-Hülser, Monika, Hg. Family Structures and Cultural Change. Schriftenreiehe Amerikastudien/American Studies. 22 Seiten.
- “The Desert Mystique in Literature on the American Southwest”, in Hans Bak und Walter Hölbling, Hg. Nature’s Nation Reconsidered. Amsterdam, 2003. 13 Seiten.
- Projekt: Amerikanischer Nordwesten. Kulturgeschichte(n) vom Straßenrand.
- “New Regionalism”: Diversity vs. Formula in Recent Western and Southwestern Literature.
Hölbling, Walter
- “The Body as Interface: The Poetics of Four-Letter-Words in Norman Mailer’s Why Are We in Vietnam”. Eds. Cheryl Malcolm and Jopi Nyman. Eroticism in American Culture. (Gdansk, 2002)
- Vergriffene Verleger: Österreichische Exilverleger in den USA. / Publishers O. P.: Exiled Austrian Publishers in the USA. (Book project)
Antretter, Martina
- “Evocare un universo paradossale: Strategie dell’oscurità nel linguaggio poetico di Emily Dickinson.” ‘Obscuritas’: Retorica e poetica dell’oscuro. A cura di Giosuè Lachin e Francesco Zambon. Trento: Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Storiche, 2004.
Grabher, Gudrun
- “May Swenson.”
- Aesthetics of the Unsayable.
- Article about John Cage.
Klarer, Mario
- “Tableaux Vivants: 19th-Century Histories and Theories of Living Pictures.”
Scheer, Brigitte.
- “‘People Know Me Here’: Identity and Community in Chang-rae Lee’s Novel A Gesture Life.”
Tschachler, Heinz
- “Lewis Mumford, American Civilization and German Kultur: The Rites of Assent,” a comparative analysis of the function of national narratives.
- “‘Fit Allies for the Nazis’: Lewis Mumford’s Germany and the Rhetoric of American Exceptionalism,” book project.
- In God We Trust’ or, the Cultural Work of the United States’ National Currency, book project.
Wernitznig, Dagmar
- Europe’s Indians – Indians in Europe (working title, Habilitation project)
Steiner, Dorothea
- (with Michela Borzaga). Contemporary South African Poets: A Reader (Salzburg: Poetry Salzburg, 2004).
- North America and South Africa: Cultural Myths and Concepts in Context.
- The “Victorian Frontier” in Anglophone Writing.
Wallinger, Hanna
- “Not Color but Character: Alice Dunbar-Nelson’s Uncompleted Argument”: Racial Thinking in the United States: Uncompleted Independence. Ed. Paul Spickard and G. Reginald Davis. Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 2004.
- “Pauline Hopkins as Editor and Journalist: An African American Story of Success and Failure.” Blue Pencils and Hidden Hands: Women Editing Periodicals, 1830-1910. Ed. Sharon M. Harris. Northeastern University Press.
- Summer in the Air: Emma Dunham Kelley’s Four Girls at Cottage City and Dorothy West’s The Wedding.
- “Passing as a Detective Story: Gertrude Dorsey Browne’s ‘A Case of Measure for Measure'”.
Birkle, Carmen
- “Globalisierung und Ethnizität: Konstruktionen hybrider Identität(en) in Nordamerika und Großbritannien.” 2001-2004. (mit Wolfgang Riedel).
- “Humor in Lorrie Moore’s Short Fiction.” (Essay).
- Birkle, Carmen, Mita Banerjee, und Wilfried Raussert. “Asian American Studies in Europe.” Sonderheft der Zeitschrift Amerikastudien / American Studies.
Draxlbauer, Michael
- The Construction of Pocahontas (Habilitationsprojekt)
Fellner, Astrid M.
- “‘Other Places’: The Concept of Borderlands as a Paradigm of Transnational Territoriality in Chicana Literature.” United States in/of Europe. Proceedings of the Conference of the European Association for American Literature, forthcoming.
- and Klaus D. Heissenberger. “‘I was born in East L.A.’: Humour and the Displacement of Nationality and Ethnicity Born to Run.” Reichl, Susanne and Mark Stein, eds. Cheeky Fictions: Laughter and the Postcolonial. Amsterdam: Rodopi, forthcoming.
- “The Wounded Male Body: Cecile Pineda’s Face.” Critical Essays on Cecile Pineda. Ed. Juan Bruce Novoa, forthcoming.
- and Carlos von Son, eds. Body Signs: The Body in Latino/a Cultural Production. Academia NJ: Ediciones Nuevo Espacio, forthcoming.
- Michael Draxlbauer, and Thomas Fröschl. (Anti)Americanisms. American Studies in Austria, vol 2. Münster: LIT Verlag, forthcoming.
- “‘Subversive Bodily Acts’: The Photography of Laura Aguilar.” Body Signs: The Body in Latino/a Cultural Production. Ed. Astrid M. Fellner and Carlos von Son. Academia NJ: Ediciones Nuevo Espacio, forthcoming.
- Review of Saints, Sinners, Saviors: Strong Black Women in African American Literature.Trudier Harris. New York: Palgrave, 2002. Modern Language Review, forthcoming.
- “Haus, Haushalt, Häuslichkeit: Eine kulturhistorische Analyse der Rolle der Frau in den USA”. Arbeit und Geschlecht. Freiburger Frauenstudien, forthcoming.
- Bodily Sensations: The Female Body in Late-Eighteenth-Century American Culture (AT Habilitation).
Ganser, Alexandra
- “Riding in Cars with Girls: Spatial Agency in Contemporary Women’s Road Narratives” (Working Title, Dissertationsprojekt bei Prof. Carmen Birkle).
- Research assistance für die Biographie Anna May Wong: From Laundryman’s Daughter to Hollywood Legend von Graham Russell Hodges (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2004).
Thurner, Bettina
- “Identität und Alterität im Erzählwerk von Thomas Wolfe” (Dissertationsprojekt)
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar
- “German Ethnicity in the American South and the Permeablility of Ethnic Borders” für den Sammelband Southern Ethnicities, ed. Youli Theodosiadou.
- “Transatlantische Affinitäten: Europabilder im amerikanischen Süden zwischen Antebellum und Moderne” für einen Sammelband über Europastudien, ed. Hermann Schnackertz.
- ed., Transatlantische Differenzen/Transatlantic Differences, Wien 2004.
- “Transatlantische Differenzen in kulturhistorischer Perspektive” in Transatlantische Differenzen/Transatlantic Differences, ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz, Wien 2004.
- “A Separate Identity Asserted: Agrarian Affinities with European Culture” für eine Festschrift 2004.
- “The Rise and the Demise of German and Hybrid German-English in American (Popular) Culture”, in Intercultural America, Alfred Hornung, W. Herget et al., eds., Mainz.
- and F.-P. Kirsch, eds., Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Multikulturalismus: Der Schutz sprachlich-kultureller Vielfalt in Kanada und Europa, (Proceedings der Konferenz November 8-10, 2001), Wien – Budapest 2004.
- and F.-P. Kirsch, eds., Collective Identity in Canada – Nation, Region, and the Transatlantic Heritage/ Identités collectives au Canada – La Nation, la région et l’héritage transatlantique [Dokumentation der interdisziplinären Exkursion nach Ost-Kanada, Protokolle und Essays], Wien 2004.
Cortiel, J.
- „With a Barbarous Din: At the Crossroads of Race and Ethnicity in Mid-Nineteenth Century Literature“ (Habilitation, Arbeitstitel)
- „Impure Bodies: Postmodern Corporeality and American Pornography.“ (Essay)
- „Joanna Russ: The Female Man.“ The Science Fiction Companion. Ed. By David Reed. (Essay)
Essmann, B.
- Demokratisierende bzw. anti-demokratisierende Einflüsse von Technologien auf die amerikanische Kultur (Dissertation, Arbeitstitel).
Gerhardt, Christine
- „Place Matters: The Elusive Ecology of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry.“ (Essay)
- „Nature and Ecology in the Poetry of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson.“ (Habilitation)
Ph.D. Theses in Progress
(Hölbling, Amerikanistik)
- Bushgjokaj, Arben.“Religion in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry”. (Graz)
- Ernst, Maria. “‘I is not for Indian’: Self-Portraits in Native American Autobiographies”.
- Ghironzi, Alexandra.“Auswanderer der Republik San Marino in die USA: Eine Studie des Emigrationsphänomens eines europäischen Kleinstaates”. (Graz)
- Haubenhofer, Gerd. “Logik der Postmoderne: Konsistenz und Bivalenz in zeitgenössischen Textwelten”. (Graz)
- Magele, Barbara Heike. “American Identities in George Lukas’ Star Wars Movies”.
- Lipp, Martina.“Alternative Female Spaces: The Postmodern Heroine in Contemporary U. S. Fiction and Film”.
- Mareich, Judith. “X-raying Generation X: Self-Presentations, Prejudices, Fictions and Realities in/of Popular Culture”.
- Porsche, Claudia. “In the Limelight: U. S. Women as Public Figures and Opinion-Makers” (Graz)
- Reiter, Roland. ”Screening the Beatles Myth: Movies, Documentaries, Spoofs, and Cartoons”. (Graz)
- Troshani, Flutur. “Constructed Chaos: The Modernist Heritage in Contemporary Literature”. (Graz)
(Beer, Institut für Geschichte)
- Plauder, Oliver. Die Rolle der amerikanischen, britischen und irischen Geheimdienste im Nordirlandkonflikt. Strategien und Taktiken im Kampf gegen die IRA (Arbeitstitel).
- Antretter, Martina. ” ‘Earth Your Dancing Place’: May Swenson’s Ecopoetic Vision”. (WT)
- Kahn, Katharina. “South Asian American Woman Writers: Chitra Banerjee, Divakaruni and Jhumpa Lahiri”. (WT)
- Klein, Verena. “Mothers and Daughters in Ethel Wilson’s Work”. (WT)
- Messner, Monika. “Myths of the West in Recent US Films”. (WT)
- Mettauer, Susanne. “The Blues in African American Literature and Culture”. (WT)
- Röthlin-Mair, Ursula. “Women Writers and the Holocaust”. (WT)
- Jeschofnig, Michael (Universität Klagenfurt): “American Indian Running Discourses” (Ph.D. thesis, in progress).
- Lassnig, Kathrin (Universität Klagenfurt): “The U.S. presidential Elections and the Internet” (Ph.D. thesis, in progress).
- Strohmaier, Petra (Universität Klagenfurt): “TV Talk Shows” (Ph.D., in progress).
- Breninger, Birgit. The Modern Mythic Women’s Genesis: The Importance of Deconstructing Traditional Myths for the Formation of Female Identities (Salzburg).
- Szczurek, Karina. Truer than Fiction: Nadine Gordimer after Apartheid (Salzburg).
- Wallinger, Brigitte. The Poetry of Kimiko Hahn in Four Seasons (Salzburg).
- Banauch, Eugen. Changing Voices of Immigrant Writers: A Topological Study and Comparison of the Works of First and Second Generation Immigrants to Canada of Jewish Descent.
- Baukney, Pamela. Trends in Contemporary Writing by Southern Women.
- Kamauf, Ulrike. Aspects of Religion in Lee Smith’s Fiction [Arbeitstitel].
- Kozakievych, Lidyia. Travel in High Altitude: North American Accounts of Journeys to High Mountains (Arbeitstitel).
- Sterrer-Hauzenberger, Ingeborg. Self-Sacrifice, Compassion and Beauty: The Vision of Humanity in the Novels of David Adams Richards.
M.A. Theses in Progress
(Hölbling, Amerikanistik)
- Bicman, Vida. “Female Survival Strategies in the Fiction of Alice Walker & Zora N. Hurston”. (Graz)
- Bicakcic, Iris. “The Imagery of Violence in Modernist Poetry”. (Graz)
- Dupkanic, Ida. “Michael Moore’s Roger Me and Bowling for Coloumbine and the Documentary Tradition”. (Graz)
- Ebner, Elisabeth. “Education, Experience, Authenticity. Native American Identities in the Works of N. Scott and Natasher Momaday”. (Graz)
- Hehn, Marionetta. “Regression as Progress? Dystopian Visions in Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale and Orxy and Crake”. (Graz)
- Hönigmann, Alexander. “Beneath a Sky Noir: Fiction and Reality in Urban Detective Novels”. (Graz)
- Lassenberger, Margit.“Identity and Difference in the Work of Audre Lorde” (Graz)
- Pieringer, Ursula. “The American Italian Mafia on Screen: From Don Vito Corleone to Toni Soprano”. (Graz)
- Rigo, Klaudia. “U.S. Presidential Election Campaign 2000: Strategies and Issues”. (Graz)
- Schantl, Petrissa. “Narrative Strategies of Persuasion in James Baldwin’s Novels”. (Graz)
- Trenk, Oliver. “Orwell’s Oceania and the U.S.A. after September 11, 2001: Will Fiction Become Reality?”. (Graz)
- Weilbuchner, Markus. “The Essence of Horror: An Analysis of 20th Century Horror Movies”. (Graz)
(Beer, Institut für Geschichte)
- Lederer, Michael. European Involvement in the American Civil war, 1861-1865: Diplomacy, Supplies, Arms and Man Power (working title)
- Hoelbling, Heinz. The Increased Power of the American President in the Conduct of Foreign Relations, 1865 – 1920 (working
- Gussmagg, Thomas. Antiamerikanische Tendenzen im Umfeld des Spanisch-Amerikanischen Krieges von 1898 (Arbeitstitel)
- Atzelsberger, Birgit. “Destructive Social Forces and Their Impact on Women in 19th-Century Fiction.” (WT)
- Auer, Maria Herlinde. “African American Woman Poets Writing About Themselves”. (WT)
- Berchtold, Veronika. “The Sacred Harp: American Hymn Singing”. (WT)
- Berzler, Barbara. “The Jazz Age: Fitzgerald and Music”. (WT)
- Blasl, Lucia. “John Irving: Female Characters”. (WT)
- Blechschmidt, Manuel. “The ‘Blank’ Generation”. (WT)
- Esterbauer, Verena Maria. “The Immigrant’s Search for Identity in Jasmine and Desirable Daughters”. (WT)
- Hartl, Martina. “Irony in Selected Short Stories by Edith Wharton”. (WT)
- Karl, Margarethe. “Language in Paul Auster”. (WT)
- Knoflach, Martin. “When Silence Doesn’t Say It All: A Thematic Approach to Hitchcock and Paul Bowles’ The Sheltering Sky”. (WT)
- Krabichler, Maria. “Losses in Masterpieces of American Literature Viewed from the Aspect of the Moment”. (WT)
- Künz, Andrea Manuela. “The Symbolism of Colors and Its Cultural Implications in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Alice Walker’s The Color Purple”. (WT)
- Lusser, Michaela. “Cultural Implications of Food in Amy Tan’s Novels The Joy Luck Club, The Kitchen God’s Wife and The Bonesetter’s Daughter”. (WT)
- Maestri, Judy. “Gender Construction and Performance in Hemingway’s Fiction”. (WT)
- Murauer, Mathilde. “Loneliness and Isolation in Tennessee Williams’ The Night of the Iguana and Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey.” (WT)
- Öhlinger, Christine. “It Just Begins To Live—A Transartistic Piece on Emily Dickinson and Her Attitude Towards Writing and Fame”. (WT)
- Perkmann, Jutta. “The Beginning of the Japanese American Short Story: Toshio Mori, Hisaye Yamamoto and Jessica Saiki”. (WT)
- Pirhofer, Christine. “Mother-Daughter Relationships in Marsha Norman’s Night Mother, Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Joanna Russ’ ‘The Little Dirty Girl'”. (WT)
- Pitschieler, Martin. “Gender Performance in Headwick and the Angry Inch.” (WT)
- Pöschl, Andrea. ” James Salter’s Light Years: A Philosophy of Life”. (WT)
- Pöschl, Sabine. “Three Times One is One: The Threefold Concept of Unity in the Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson”. (WT)
- Schacherl, Jürgen. “Jonathan Franzen: The Corrections”. (WT)
- Schmalzl, Silvia. “Performing Gender: The Representation of Women Within Their Historical and Cultural Context in Three Seventeenth Century Plays”. (WT)
- Schönthaler, Doris. “Women’s Search For Independence and Identity in The Stone Angel, A Bird in the House and The Diviners by Margaret Laurence”. (WT)
- Schroll, Cornelia. “Lakota Religion”. (WT)
- Terzioglu, Gülsen. “Class, Culture, Gender and Ethnicity-related Influences on the Adolescents in J. D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye and Paule Marshall’s Brown Girl, Brownstones”. (WT)
- Thurner, Alexandra. “The Civil Rights Movement: A. Moody, Coming of Age, etc”. (WT)
- Valenti, Daniela. “A Comparison between Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Alice Walker’s The Color Purple”. (WT)
- Vögele, Monika. “Mother-Daughter-Relationship in Toni Morrison’s Beloved, Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” and Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun”. (WT)
- Walkner, Iris-Claudia. “Images of Women in Selected 19th Century American Short Stories”. (WT)
- Wolf, Monika. “Animals in Native American Literature”. (WT)
- Bauregger, Nina (Universität Klagenfurt): *Gender and Television Commercials” (M.A. thesis, in progress).
- Flamme, Daniel (Universität Klagenfurt): *09/11 * the Pleasure of the Spectacle” (M.A. thesis, in progress).
- Gallob, Gerwin (Universität Klagenfurt): *Afro-Futurism” (M.A. thesis, completed).
- Hannesschläger, Petra (Universität Klagenfurt): *Political Rhetoric in the Bush Inauguration of 2001″ (M.A. thesis, in progress).
- Moudrykh, Youlia (Universität Klagenfurt): *The Representation of Female Sexuality in Selected American Novels” (M.A. thesis, in progress).
- Poljski, Nikoline (Universität Klagenfurt): *Neo-Patriotism in American Films of the 1990s” (M.A. thesis, completed).
- Staudacher, Hermann (Universität Klagenfurt): *The Story of the New York City Marathon” (M.A. thesis, in progress).
- Wagner, Tilman (Universität Klagenfurt): *Postmodern Incarnations of the Beat Generation” (M.A. thesis, in progress).
- Borzaga, Michela. Tatamkhulu Afrika: A Contemporary South African Poet (1920-2002) (Salzburg).
- Chen, Yi-heng. Reading Literature in Context: The Case of South African Jews (Salzburg, WT).
- Lehnert, Ulrike. Black Woman’s Journey into Self and Wholeness: A Study of Paule Marshall’s Novels (Salzburg, WT).
- Meister, Karin. Barbara Kingsolver: The Writer as Political Activist (Salzburg).
- Schmid, Iris. From Blade Runners to Matrix: Saviours in SF-Movies (Salzburg, WT).
- Stütz, Christa. Eudora Welty: A Postmortem Assessment (Salzburg).
- Weinberger, Petra. Native American Women’s Autobiographies (Salzburg, WT).
(unter W. Zacharasiewicz)
- Baumann, Barbara. Alastair McLeod’s Short Stories – (Arbeitstitel).
- Goger, Evelyne. The Presentation of Characters and Major Themes in Fiction by Doris Betts.
- Göll, Martin. Narrative Technique and the Presentation of Characters in three Novels by Timothy Findley: The Wars, Famous Last Word, The Telling of Lies.
- Jordan, Doris. Gender Identities in Ellen Glasgow’s Fiction – (Arbeitstitel).
- Peterseil, Markus. Game theory in Thomas Pynchon’s Fiction – (Arbeitstitel).
- Stabauer, Christina. The Presentation of the Prairie Landscape: James Fenimore Cooper and 19th Century Writers.
- Stepan-Taghizadeh, Patricia. Characters, language and major themes in Toni Morrison’s “Sula” and “Song of Solomon”.
- Trenkler, Monika. Limited Space in Horror Fiction by Stephen King.
- Tunkel, Nora. Transcultural and Historical Aspects in Three Novels by Jane Urquhart (Arbeitstitel).
- Wakonig, Almut. Music and the Arts in Robertson Davies’ Trilogies – (Arbeitstitel).
(unter Carmen Birkle)
- Andrasch, Barbara: “Tales of the Supernatural by Mary Wilkins Freeman”.
- Bilobrk, Marija: “Identity Construction in Contemporary Italian American Women’s Poetry”.
- Blank, Christine: “Lyrics, Jazz, Class”.
- Drennig, Georg: “The Concept of the American City and Batman”.
- Fally, Johanna C. A.: “Fanfiction in Cultural Studies: An Analysis of The Magnificent Seven“.
- Fellhofer, Sabine: “The Mississippi in American Short Stories and the Blues”.
- Giffinger, Birgit: “The Representation of New York in American Immigrant Fiction”.
- Holzmann, Maria: “Music in Selected Plays by August Wilson”.
- Langenbach, Juliane: “Film Adaptations of Edward Albee’s Plays”.
- Monitzer, Angelika: “Caribbean-American Women’s Writing”.
- Neukirchner, Dawn Grace: “African American Youth in Chicago”.
- Pasteiner, Gudrun: “Chinese-American Women’s Writing”.
- Pergler, Wolfram: “American Humor”.
- Schmeitzel, Karin: “Arab Americans”.
- Teufelberger, Ute: “Americanization in Russian-Jewish Immigrant Fiction: As Presented in the Autobiographical Accounts of Mary Antin, Abraham Cahan, Samuel Ornitz, and Anzia Yezierska”.
- Welzl, Agnes: “Art in 20th-Century American Short Stories”.