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“Space Oddities”: New Volume of the Book Series American Studies in Austria

By 12. February 2018August 2nd, 2018No Comments

Space Oddities: Difference and Identity in the American City is the latest volume of the book series American Studies in Austria. The book was edited by Stefan L. Brandt and Michale Fuchs.

Space Oddities: Difference and Identity in the American City approaches a space (and place) central to the American imagination – the city. In particular, this volume discusses the paradoxes of American cities and American urban life. In this way, Space Oddities critically engages with the paradoxes of the American identity, embodied by cultural practices in, and cultural representations of, urban life in the United States.

Published in 2018, the book is the 16th volume of American Studies in Austria, the book series of the Austrian Association for American Studies. Space Oddities was edited by Stefan L. Brandt and Michael Fuchs. It contains the proceedings of the 41st annual conference of the AAAS, “Space Oddities – Urbanity, American Identity, and Cultural Exchange,” which took place at the University of Graz in November 2014.

Stefan L. Brandt is Professor of American Literature and Culture at the University of Graz. Michael Fuchs is an assistant professor of American Studies at the University of Graz.

AAAS Publications    LIT Verlag