Our latest Newsletter is available. It provides information about administrative changes, past and upcoming activities, events, and publications, as well as prizes and grants.
- AAAS Board 2000/01
- News from Departments
- Lecturing
- Publications
- Current Research
- PhD Theses Completed
- PhD Theses in Progress
- MA Theses Completed
- MA Theses in Progress
The AAAS has Elected a New Board for 2000/01
President: Heinz Tschachler (heinz.tschachler@uni-klu.ac.at)
Vice President: Kurt Mayer (kurt.mayer@univie.ac.at)
Secretary: Maureen Devine (maureen.devine@uni-klu.ac.at)
Treasurer: Michael Draxlbauer (michael.draxlbauer@univie.ac.at)
Regular Board Members:
Gudrun Grabher (gudrun.m.grabher@uibk.ac.at)
Arno Heller (arno.heller@kfunigraz.ac.at)
Monika Messner (monika.messner@uibk.ac.at)
Reinhold Wagnleitner (reinhold.wagnleitner@sbg.ac.at)
News from the Departments
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Institut für Amerikanistik
Attemsgasse 25/II
A-8010 Graz
Carolin Auer erhielt den Siemens-Preis 2000 für ihre Dissertation “Disclosure through Disguise: The Discourse of Turn-of-the-Century Undercover Reporting. An Analysis of Bessie and Marie Van Vorst’s The Woman Who Toils. Being the Experiences of Two Ladies as Factory Girls.”
Walter Hölbling war EAAS Secretary and coordinating conference organizer der EAAS 2000 Biennial Conference in Graz, April 14-17, 2000. Er war auch External Examiner, Ph. D. commitee, American Studies Department, Univ. of Wales, Swansea (November 2000) und fungierte weiterhin als Erasmus/Socrates Programmkoordinator.
Roberta Maierhofer ist derzeit (seit November 1999) Vizerektorin für Internationale Beziehungen der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz.
Susanne Rieser forscht derzeit im Rahmen eines Charlotte-Bühler-Habilitationsstipen-diums des FWF.
Alen Vitas und Michael Stockinger forschen derzeit am Interdisziplinären Kolleg des IFZ, zum Thema “Technology and the Text: The Interplay of Information Technology and Contemporary Narrative.”
Universität Innsbruck
Institut für Amerikastudien
Innrain 52
A-6020 Innsbruck
Im WS 2000/01 war Barre Toelken (Utah State University) als Gastprofessor tätig und hielt folgende Lehrveranstaltungen: “Ethnic Folklore in America” und “Native American Traditional Literature.”
Mario Klarer hat mit Beginn des SS 2000 ein dreijähriges APART-Stipendium der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften angetreten.
Universität Klagenfurt
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Universitätsstrasse 65
A-9020 Klagenfurt
Universität Salzburg
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Akademiestrasse 24
A-5020 Salzburg
In March 2000, APIEL examinations were conducted in the department for the second time (51 participants). APIEL is the Advanced Placement International English Language Examination administered by the College Board, which has been propagated in Europe since 1997.
In view of the development of intercultural English and American Studies, the department hosted Dr. Sarah Nuttall (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) as guest professor in the spring term of 2000. Her teaching comprised “South African Women’s Autobiography” and “‘Africa’ and the Colonial/Post-Colonial Novel”. Since June 2000, an Australian doctoral candidate in linguistics from Sydney, Cassily Charles, has added flavor to the department.
In the fall term of 2000/2001, Dr. Lewis Erenberg (Loyola University, Chicago) holds the first Distinguished Fulbright Professorship at the University of Salzburg. He teaches two courses in American culture and film and an interdisciplinary seminar on Jazz (with Reinhold Wagnleitner).
Hanna Wallinger completed her Charlotte Bühler-Habilitationsstipendium and is back in the department; Thomas Hartl, who replaced her, left the department and moved to Vienna.
Dorothea Steiner continued as Coordinator of the exchange programs with the universities of Minnesota and Utah. She continued with her work as liaison officer between the university and the Salzburg Seminar and as coordinator of European Studies. As Austrian APIEL representative, she participated in the 4th Task Force Meeting (Montreux, Oct. 2000).
Thomas Hartl and Hanna Wallinger coordinated the ISEP Program.
Hanna Wallinger is Central and East European coordinator on the board of CAAR (Collegium for African American Research). CAAR is currently organizing its 4th international conference, “Crossroutes: The Meanings of ‘Race’ for the 21st Century,” to take place in Cagliari, Sardinia, March 21-25, 2001.
Anja Schwarzl is preparing the next ASPUT Program at the University of Utah. It will take place in July/August 2001 and be team-taught by a political scientist, a sociologist, and (probably) a Native-American literature specialist from Utah; part of the program are various field trips to the Canyonlands, the Salt Lake, and a powwow. Students from other Austrian universities can apply.
Universität Salzburg
Institut für Geschichte
Rudolfskai 42
A-5020 Salzburg
In the fall term of 2000/2001, Lewis Erenberg (Loyola University, Chicago) holds the first Distinguished Fulbright Professorship at the University of Salzburg. He teaches the interdisciplinary seminar “Jazz and American Popular Music at Home and Abroad” (with Reinhold Wagnleitner).
Universität Wien
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Universitätscampus AAKH-Hof VIII
Spitalgasse 2-4
A-1090 Wien
Members’ Activities—Lecturing
Antretter, Martina. “(W)hol(e)y Visions of a ‘Mad Farmer’: Wendell Berry and the Body-Earth Symbiosis.” EAAS Conference. Graz, 14-17 April.
Antretter, Martina. “E. E. Cummings’ Melopoetics: A Transdisciplinary Approach.” ALA Conference. Long Beach/California, 25-28 May.
Antretter, Martina. “Shamanism and the Quest for America.” AAAS/SANAS Conference. Zurich, 17-19 Nov.
Bader-Zaar, Birgitta. “Literatur und Quellen zur Geschichte der USA: Autobiographien von Sklavinnen und Quellentexte zur Bürgerrechtsbewegung in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren.” Seminar für Lehrerfortbildung. Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes, Linz, 24 Jan.
Beer, Siegfried. “The American Encounter with the World since 1776.” Universität Graz, WS 1999/2000.
Beer, Siegfried. “Oberstleutnant Sherman Miles oder die Anfänge der amerikanischen Spionage in Zentraleuropa.” “Die Kärntner Volksabstimmung 1920 und die Geschichtsforschung.” Klagenfurt, 7 Oct.
Braidt, Andrea. Diskussion über das Projekt “Tit for Twat” mit der amerikanischen Photographin und Filmemacherin Kaucyila Brooke (Los Angeles). Depot im Museumsquartier, Wien, 29 May.
Braidt, Andrea. “Was passiert, wenn die Frau schaut.” Vortrag zur Finisage der Ausstellung von Jeanne Dunning. Magazin 4, Bregenz, 23 Sept.
Braidt, Andrea, & Sibylle Moser. “Nylon. KunstStoff zu Feminismus und Popkultur.” Zeitschriftenpräsentation.WUK Wien, 5 Oct.
Cortiel, Jeanne. “The Earth Shall Strike Back: Ecology, Apocalypse and Feminist Speculative Fiction.” EAAS Conference. Graz, 14-17 April.
Dirisamer, Corinna. “Einführung in das Suchmaschinen-Management.” Praktikum “World Wide Web – Einführung in die Aufbereitung von Informationen für das World Wide Web.” Zentraler Informatikdienst. Universität Salzburg, 31 May, & 20 Dec.
Dirisamer, Corinna, Reinhold Wagnleitner, & Erwin Giedenbacher. “Digital History and its (Dis-)Contents.” Flexibles Lernen – Wissensvermittlung und neue Medien. Salzburg, 14 – 15 June.
Dirisamer, Corinna. “Einführung in das Web-Design. Kriterien und Richtlinien für den Erfolg.” Porsche Informatik. Salzburg, 14 Dec.
Fellner, Astrid M. “Body Crossings: Corporeality in Chicana Literature.” Double Crossings: Intercutlural Relations of Minorities in North America. 9th International Congress of Latino Cultures in North America. California State University at San Marcos, 12 May.
Fellner, Astrid M., & Susanne Reichl. “Ethnic Literatures in English.” Ringvorlesung “Cultural Studies: Perspectives on Cultural Identities.” Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Wien, 31 Oct.
Fludernik, Monika. “Irony, Unreliability, and the Dramatic Monologue: Constructivist Reflections.” University of Toronto, Feb. 1999.
Fludernik, Monika. “The Relinquishment of Spectacle: From Psycho-Narration to Free Indirect Discourse in the Eighteenth-Century Novel.” ASECS. Milwaukee, March 1999.
Fludernik, Monika. “The Hybridity of Discourses about Hybridity: The Case of Kipling’s ‘Naboth.'” SSNL. Dartmouth, April 1999.
Fludernik, Monika. Chair, session “Narrative Theory.” Anglistentag. Mainz, Sept. 1999.
Fludernik, Monika. “Dryden and Colonial Discourse.” Dryden Conference. Salzburg, Oct. 1999.
Fludernik, Monika. “Letters and Chronicles: How Narrative Are They?” PALA. London, July.
Fludernik, Monika. “Interfaces of Language: The Case of Irony.” ESSE/V. Helsinki, Sept.
Fludernik, Monika. “The Diachronization of Narratology.” MLA. Washington, D.C., Dec.
Fludernik, Monika. “The Burkean Sublime: Colonial Negotiations.” MLA. Washington, D.C., Dec.
Frantz, Klaus. “Author Meets the Critics: Klaus Frantz’s Indian Reservations in the United States. Einleitungsvortrag über das Buch Indian Reservations in the United States: Territory, Sovereignty and Socioeconomic Change.” 96th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (Sponsored by the American Indian Speciality Group). Pittsburgh, 8 April.
Frantz, Klaus. “Gated Communities in Metro-Phoenix (Arizona) – ein Spiegelbild der fortschreitenden Fragmentierung der US-amerikanischen Großstadt.” Geographische Gesellschaft. Trier, 2 Feb.
Frantz, Klaus. “Gated Communities – ein neuer Trend in den US-amerikanischen Großstädten?” Université de Provence, Aix en Provence, 17 Oct.
Fröschl, Thomas. “Zum transatlantischen Verständnis der Beziehungen Europa-USA.” Seminare für Lehrerfortbildung. Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes. Linz, 18 Jan.
Fröschl, Thomas. “Dokumente zur Geschichte der USA, 1776-1865.” Seminare für Lehrerfortbildung. Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes, Linz, 24 Jan.
Gerhardt, Christine. “Eco-Anthologizing: The Politics of Nature Writing.” EAAS Conference. Graz, 14-17 April.
Grabher, Gudrun. “Mothering Daughters Unto Death: An Existentialist Reading of the Womb/Tomb Dialectic in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” ARM Conference. Toronto, 4-6 Feb.
Grabher, Gudrun. “In Search of Words for Moon-Viewing: The Japanese Haiku and the Scepticism towards Language in Modernist American Poetry.” International Conference. Transgressing Boundaries and Strategies of Renewal in American Poetry. Salamanca, 18-20 May.
Grabher, Gudrun. “I paint (my poems) therefore I am: The Visibility of Language and Its Epistemological Implications for the ‘i’ in E. E. Cummings’ Poetry.” ALA Conference. Long Beach/California, 25-28 May.
Grabher, Gudrun. “Dressing Up in Language: The Clothing of the Self in Emily Dickinson.” Englisches Seminar, Universität Zürich, 9 June.
Grabher, Gudrun. “‘Beauty – be not caused – It Is -‘: Physical and Spiritual Conceptions of Beauty in Emily Dickinson.” EDIS Annual Meeting. Minneapolis/St. Paul, 10-13 Aug.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Beauty and the Democratic Machine: The Myth of Normality in American Literature and Culture.” Göttingen.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Zeitgeist in Quotation Marks? Upton Sinclair’s Lexicon of Normality.” Weimar im Jazz Age. Dortmund.
Grünzweig, Walter. “‘Kommen wir jemals aus dem KZ heraus?’: Die ‘Erinnerungsbücher’ Fred Wanders.” The Shoah Remembered: Literature of the Survivors. Dresden.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Seeing the World as Others See It: J. William Fulbright, International Exchange, and the Quest for Peace.” Fulbright at 50. Vienna.
Grünzweig, Walter. “‘O Divine Average!’ Whitman’s Poetry and the Production of Normality in 19th Century American Culture.” Whitman 2000: American Poetry in a Global Context. Beijing.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Exchange and Relationships: A Contextual Approach to International Exchange.” EAIE Conference. Leipzig.
Heissenberger, Klaus, & Kurt A. Mayer. “Roads in/of American Culture as Avenues of Cultural Studies.” AAUTE Conference. Salzburg, 5 May.
Heissenberger, Klaus. “‘These Two Lanes Will Take Us Anywhere…’: Bruce Springsteen Meets America on the Road.” SANAS/AAAS Conference. Zurich, 17 Nov.
Heller, Arno. “Cultural Studies im Wandel: Zur Modellfunktion der American Studies.” Graz, 2000.
Heller, Arno. “Images of the Desert in Southwest Fiction.” EAAS Conference. Graz, April.
Hölbling, Walter, & J. Tally. “The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: Sex, Race, and Gender in the Politics of the North Carolina The News and Observer in 1898.” The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, Mai 2000.
Hölbling, Walter. “American Postmodernism.” 20-hour Ph. D. module; ERASMUS Teaching Staff Exchange. University of La Laguna, Spain, 3-16 June.
Klarer, Mario. “Tattooing Gender and Nation in Herman Melville’s Typee.” Universität Basel, June.
Klarer, Mario. “Tattooing Gender and Nation in Herman Melville’s Typee.” The State of Literature As an Academic Discipline. National Humanities Center, North Carolina, 6 Nov.
Kraus, Elisabeth. “Is Human Nature Exhausted Unless Manipulated and Reprogrammed? Some Science Fictional Views.” NASA Conference. Middelburg, Holland, 14-16 June.
Kraus, Elisabeth. “‘Just Clean This Mess UP’: Environmental Disasters and the Role of Technology in the Science Fiction of Marge Piercy, Paul Di Filippo and Bruce Sterling.” EAAS Conference. Graz, 14-17 April.
Maierhofer, Roberta. “Die Geschichte des Alters in den USA.” Graz, 2 Feb.
Manske, Ariane. “Mirror Makers: How Advertising Shaped Conceptions of Normality in the American Jazz Age.” Weimar im Jazz Age. Dortmund.
Mayer, Kurt Albert. “Fielding’s Tom Jones as a Prototypical Road Novel.” SOCRATES Faculty Exchange. University of Trieste, 28 Feb.-3 March.
Mayer, Kurt Albert, & Klaus Heissenberger. “Roads in/of American Culture as Avenues of Cultural Studies.” AAUTE Conference. Salzburg, 5 May.
Mayer, Kurt Albert. “Beat Foundation Myths and Their Erosion in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and The Subterraneans.” SANAS/AAAS Conference. Zurich, 17-19 Nov.
Messner, Monika. “The Foundation of a Myth: Visualizing the American West.” AAAS/SANAS Conference. Zurich, 17-19 Nov.
Reichl, Susanne. “Like A Beacon Against the Cold: Food and the Construction of Ethnic Identities in British Novels of Immigration.” Frankfurt Symposium. Universität Frankfurt, 29 April-1 May.
Reichl, Susanne, & Astrid M. Fellner. “Ethnic Literatures in English.” Ringvorlesung “Cultural Studies: Perspectives on Cultural Identities.” Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Wien, 31 Oct.
Rieser, Klaus. “Feminized Men or Non-Hegemonic Masculinity?” Masculinities in Literature and Film. Basel, June.
Rieser, Susanne. “Blow Up: Spectacular Nature in Action Film.” EAAS Conference. Graz, April.
Scheer, Brigitte. “East Comes West: America’s New Immigrants – New Lives, New Texts.” Scandinavian Summer School for Literature and Literary Theory. University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, Sweden, 4-13 May.
Scheer, Brigitte. “Merging the Metaphoric with the Literal: Bharati Mukherjee’s Novel The Holder of the World.” Scandinavian Summer School for Literature and Literary Theory. University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, Sweden, 4-13 May.
Scheer, Brigitte. “Introduction to the work of Bharati Mukherjee.” 2nd International Conference of the Bavarian American Academy “Transnational America.” Munich, 22-24 June.
Seidl, Monika. “Poetry, transfer and translation.” 34th International IATEFL Annual Conference. Dublin , 27-31 March.
Seidl, Monika. “Female Hamlets.” 5th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English. Helsinki, 25-29 August.
Seidl, Monika. “Poetry, transfer and translation.” 10th International Confernce. Budapest, 6-8 Oct.
Seidl, Monika. “Englishness in the Postmodern Condition.” Ringvorlesung “Cultural Studies: Perspectives on Cultural Identities.” Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Wien, 28 Nov.
Steiner, Dorothea. “American Studies – European Studies: a Fruitful Dialogue?” Austria Week. Bowling Green State University, 8-14 Oct.
Steiner, Dorothea. “Women’s ‘Enlightened’ Re-visions of a New World.” SANAS/AAAS Conference. Zurich, 17-19 Nov.
Stelzl-Marx, Barbara. “‘Menja nasil’no vyvezli v Germaniju’: Briefe ehemaliger ‘OstarbeiterInnen’ an Memorial Moskau.” Odysse 2000. Über das Reisen von und nach dem ‘Osten’ in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Interdisziplinäres Forum Österreichischer SlawistInnen. Universität Salzburg, 24 Feb.
Stelzl-Marx, Barbara. “Das Stalag XVII B Krems-Gneixendorf. Eine Spurensuche. Vortrag und Buchpräsentation.” Krems/Stein, 5 May.
Stelzl-Marx, Barbara. “‘And without sentimentalities?’ Interviewing Former Soviet Civil Workers in Graz.” 11th International Oral History Conference. University of Istanbul, 17 June.
Stelzl-Marx, Barbara. “Zwangsreise ins 3. Reich und retour. Propaganda für sowjetische Zivilarbeiter und Kriegsgefangene.” Reiseliteratur als Form des Sprach- und Kulturkontaktes. Universität Bamberg, 30 June.
Stelzl-Marx, Barbara. “Stalin’s Third Betrayal. Soviet Propaganda for Repatriants from the Third Reich.” Anglo-American Conference: War and Peace. University of London, 5 July.
Tschachler, Heinz. “Documentary Filmmaking and the Detoxification of the American Past: Ken Burns’s Lewis and Clark (1997).” 4th Annual Conference of Holidays, Ritual, Festival, Celebration and Public Display, Center for North American Studies. University of Alcalá, Spain, 8-10 June.
Tschachler, Heinz. “‘I send you 19 small flaggs’: The Lewis and Clark Expedition and the Creation of an Imagined Community.” University of Magdeburg. 20 Oct.
Tschachler, Heinz. “‘I send you 19 small flaggs’: The Lewis and Clark Expedition and the Creation of an Imagined Community.” AAAS/SANAS Conference. Zurich, 17-19 Nov.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “The Americanization of Europe?” Lehrerfortbildungsseminar. Bayerisch Amerikanisches Zentrum (Amerika Haus). München, 24 Jan.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Here, There and Everywhere: The Foreign Politics of American Popular Culture.” Book Presentation, CenterAustria College, University of New Orleans, 2 May.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Amerikanisierung im Nachkriegseuropa.” Erfurter Beiträge zur Nordamerikanischen Geschichte: Symposium des Lehrstuhls für Nordamerikanische Geschichte, Universität Erfurt, 7 June.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “American Dream – European Nightmare.” 20 Jahre Österreichisch-Amerikanische Gesellschaft Tirol. Innsbruck, 8 June.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Von der Coca-Colonisation zur Silicolonisation: Die kulturelle Hegemonie der USA in Europa.” Kölner Beiträge zur Anglo-Amerikanischen Geschichte. Historisches Seminar der Universität Köln, 3 July.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Was kann eine Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte des Jazz leisten?” ARGE Musikerziehung. BG Nonntal (gemeinsam mit PI Salzburg), 19 Oct.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Von der Coca-Colonisation zur Silicolonisation: Die kulturelle Hegemonie der USA im 20. Jahrhundert.” ARGE Geschichte Vorarlberg und Pädagogisches Institut Feldkirch, 23 Oct.
Wallinger, Hanna. “Summer in the Air: Reconsidering Vacations in Emma Dunham Kelley’s Four Girls at Cottage City.” EAAS Biennial Conference. Graz, 14-17 April.
Wallinger, Hanna. “An African American Challenge to the American Foundational Myth: Pauline Hopkins’ Winona.” SANAS/AAAS Conference. Zurich, 17-19 Nov.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “Austria’s Image in Canadian Literature.” University of Venice, 15 May.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “Austria’s Image in the United States.” Diplomatic Academy Vienna, 21 June.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “Das Bild Österreichs in den USA.” St. Georgen/Längsee (Forum St. Stephan), 19 August.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “Masks, Minstrels and Melancholy: American Views of the Austrian Metropolis at Mid-Nineteenth and Twentieth Century.” Austria and Austrians: Images in World Literature. University of Salzburg, 28 Oct.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “Zur Erfindung regionaler Literatur(en): Zur aktuellen Diskussion im nordamerikanischen Kontext.” Austrian Academy of Sciences. Vienna (Kommission für Literaturwissenschaft), 24 Nov.
Members’ Activities—Publications:
Auer, Carolin. “‘A Transcript from Real Life’: The Simulated Reality of the Social Reportage.” Simulacrum America. The U.S.A. and the Popular Media. Ed. Elisabeth Kraus & Carolin Auer. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2000.
Auer, Carolin, & Elisabeth Kraus, eds. Simulacrum America: The U.S.A. and the Popular Media. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2000.
Bader-Zaar, Birgitta, Thomas Fröschl, & Margarete Grandner, eds. Nordamerikastudien. Historische und literaturwissenschaftliche Forschungen aus österreichischen Universitäten zu den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada (= Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit Bd. 24). Wien/München, 2000.
Bader-Zaar, Birgitta, & Margarete Grandner. “Lehre und Forschung über Nordamerika an Österreich Universitäten vom Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts bis 1955.” Nordamerikastudien. Historische und literaturwissenschaftliche Forschungen aus österreichischen Universitäten zu den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada (= Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit Bd. 24). Ed. Thomas Fröschl, Margarete Grandner, Birgitta Bader-Zaar. Wien/München, 2000. 108-173.
Bahn, Sonja, & Mario Klarer, eds. Cultural Encounters: American Studies in the Age of Multiculturalism. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000.
Beer, Siegfried. “Research and Analysis about Austria, 1941-1949. American Intelligence Studies on the Reconstruction of Central Europe.” Nordamerikastudien. Historische und literaturwissenschaftliche Forschungen aus österreichischen Universitäten zu den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada (= Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit Bd. 24). Ed. Thomas Fröschl, Margarete Grandner, Birgitta Bader-Zaar. Wien/München, 2000. 192-210.
Beer, Siegfried. “Rund um den ‚Dritten Mann’. Amerikanische Geheimdienste in Österreich 1945-1955.” Österreich im Frühen Kalten Krieg 1945-1958. Ed. Erwin A. Schmidl. Wien 2000. 73-99.
Beer, Siegfried. “The CIA in Austria in the Marshall Plan Era, 1947-1953.” Contemporary Austrian Studies 8 (2000): 185-211.
Braidt, Andrea. “Feministische Amerikanistik in Österreich. Grundsätzliche Überlegungen und Beispiele von Forschungsgebieten.” Innovationen 2. Standpunkte feministischer Forschung und Lehre. Ed. Barbara Hey. Interuniversitäre Koordinationsstelle für Frauenforschung und Frauenstudien Graz. Wien: bmwv, 1999.
Braidt, Andrea. “Queering Ethnicity, Queering Sexuality: A Paradigmatic shift in the Politics of Cinematic Representation in Cheryl Dunye’s The Watermelon Woman (1996).” Simulacrum America. The USA and the Popular Media. Ed. Elisabeth Kraus & Carolin Auer. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2000. 181-189.
Braidt, Andrea. “Cultural Encounters with the Posthumanoid: Alien Resurrection (1997).” Cultural Encounters: American Studies in the Age of Multiculturalism. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. 163-171.
Braidt, Andrea. “Dekonstruovanie femininnosti: predstavy o feministickom filme.” Gender Studies in Arts and Culture. Ed. Sorosovo centrum sucasneho umenia. Bratislava, 2000. 125-135.
Cortiel, Jeanne. “About Something Queer: Simulated Sexualities in Bound and Showgirls.” Simulacrum America: The USA and the Popular Media. Ed. Elisabeth Kraus & Carolin Auer. Rochester, NY: Camden House. 189-201.
Dirisamer, Corinna. “The World in the Web. A comparative analysis about how states, regions and continents are represented in the World Wide Web.” Salzburg, 2000. Geschichte@Internet – http://www.sbg.ac.at/ hai/publikationen/cd1/w_index.htm
Dirisamer, Corinna. “Die Welt im Netz. Eine vergleichende Analyse zur Repräsentation von Staaten, Regionen und Kontinenten im World Wide Web. Salzburg, 2000. Geschichte@Internet, http://www.sbg.ac.at/hai/ staff/corinna/w_index.htm
Edlmair, Barbara. Rewriting History: Alternative Versions of the Caribbean Past in Michelle Cliff, Rosario Ferré, Jamaica Kincaid and Daniel Maximin. Wien: Braumüller, 1999.
Fellner, Astrid M. “‘What I Was Telling You Was My Version’: Re-Presenting Chicana Selves.” Multiculturalism and the American Self. Ed. William Boelhower & Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter, 2000. 259-272.
Fludernik, Monika. “Suttee Revisited: From the Iconography of Martyrdom to the Burkean Sublime.” NLH 30.2 (1999): 411-37.
Fludernik, Monika. “When the Self is an Other: Vergleichende erzähltheoretische und postkoloniale Überlegungen zur Identitäts(de)konstruktion in der (exil)indischen Gegenwartsliteratur.” Anglia 117.1 (1999): 71-96.
Fludernik, Monika. “Cross-Mirrorings of Alterity: The Colonial Scenario and its Psychological Legacy.” ARIEL 30.3 (1999): 29-62.
Fludernik, Monika, & Hans-Joachim Gehrke, eds. Grenzgänger zwischen Kulturen. Proceedings der ersten Jahrestagung des SFB 541. Würzburg: Ergon, 1999.
Fludernik, Monika. “Grenze und Grenzgänger: Topologische Etüden.” Grenzgänger zwischen Kulturen. Proceedings der ersten Jahrestagung des SFB 541. Ed. Monika Fludernik & Hans-Joachim Gehrke. Würzburg: Ergon, 1999. 99-108.
Fludernik, Monika. “Defining (In)Sanity: The Narrator of ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ and the Question of Unreliability.” Grenzüberschreitungen: Narratologie im Kontext/Transcending Boundaries: Narratology in Context. Ed. Walter Grünzweig & Andreas Solbach. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1999. 75-96.
Fludernik, Monika. “Carceral Topography: Spatiality and Liminality in the Literary Prison.” Textual Practice 13.1 (1999): 43-77.
Fludernik, Monika. “The Genderization of Narrative.” Recent Trends in Narratological Research. Papers from the Narratology Round Table, ESSE 4 (September 1997, Debrecen, Hungary) and Other Contributions. GRAAT 21. Tours: Université de Tours, 1999. 153-75.
Fludernik, Monika, Donald C. Freeman & Margaret H. Freeman, eds. Metaphor and Beyond: New Cognitive Developments. Special issue of Poetics Today 20.3 (1999).
Fludernik, Monika, Donald C. Freeman & Margaret H. Freeman. “Metaphor and Beyond: An Introduction.” Poetics Today 20.3 (1999): 383-96.
Fludernik, Monika. Echoes and Mirrorings: Gabriel Josipovici’s Creative Oeuvre. Frankfurt/New York, 2000.
Fludernik, Monika, ed. “Section IV: Narratology.” Anglistentag Mainz 1999. Proceedings. Ed. Bernhard Reitz & Sigrid Rieuwerts. Trier: WVT, 2000. 343-461.
Fludernik, Monika, & Vera Alexander, eds. Romantik. Trier: WVT, 2000.
Fludernik, Monika, & Vera Alexander. “Einleitung.” Romantik. Ed. Monika Fludernik & Vera Alexander. Trier: WVT, 2000. 1-5.
Fludernik, Monika. “Vom Erhabenen zur Sphärenmusik: Kunst und Inspiration in der englischen Romantik.” Romantik. Ed. Monika Fludernik & Vera Alexander. Trier: WVT, 2000. 217-244.
Fludernik, Monika. “Beyond Structuralism in Narratology: Recent Developments and New Horizons in Narrative Theory.” Anglistik 11.1 (2000): 83-96.
Fludernik, Monika. “Discourse markers in Malory’s Morte D’Arthur.” Journal of Historical Pragmatics 1.2 (2000): 231-62.
Fludernik, Monika. “Genres, Text Types, or Discourse Modes — Narrative Modalities and Generic Categorization.” Style 34.2 (2000): 274-92.
Fludernik, Monika. “The Hybridity of Discourses about Hybridity: Kipling’s ‘Naboth’ as an Allegory of Postcolonial Discourse.” Crossover: Cultural Hybridity in Ethnicity, Gender, Ethics. Ed. Therese Steffen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. 151-68.
Fludernik, Monika. “The Prison as World — The World as Prison: Theoretical and Historical Aspects of two Recurrent Topoi.” Symbolism 2.2 (2000): im Druck.
Fludernik, Monika, Stephan Kohl & Hubert Zapf. “Vorbild Nordamerika? Zum problematischen Vergleich des nordamerikanischen und deutschen Hochschulsystems (Stellungnahme des Deutschen Anglistenverbands).” Anglistik 11.2 (2000): 11-23.
Frantz, Klaus. “Gated Communities in U.S.-American Cities.” DAVO-Nachrichten 11 (2000): 17.
Frantz, Klaus. “Gated Communities in the USA – A New Trend in Urban Development.” Espace, Populations, Sociétés 2000-1. 101-113.
Fröschl, Thomas. “Um 1776/91: Atlantische Revolution.” Frühe Neuzeit (Oldenbourg Geschichte Lehrbuch). Ed. Anette Völker-Rasor. München, 2000. 107-124.
Fröschl, Thomas. “Die Neue Welt: Die beiden Amerika: Nordamerika.” Frühe Neuzeit (Oldenbourg Geschichte Lehrbuch). Ed. Anette Völker-Rasor. München 2000. 473-483, 487.
Fröschl, Thomas, Margarete Grandner, Birgitta Bader-Zaar, eds. Nordamerikastudien. Historische und literaturwissenschaftliche Forschungen aus österreichischen Universitäten zu den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada (= Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit Bd. 24). Wien/München, 2000.
Fröschl, Thomas. “American Empire – British Empire – Holy Roman Empire. The Meaning of Empire in Late Eighteenth-Century Political Discourse in the Atlantic World.” Nordamerikastudien. Historische und literaturwissenschaftliche Forschungen aus österreichischen Universitäten zu den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada (= Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit Bd. 24). Ed. Thomas Fröschl, Margarete Grandner, Birgitta Bader-Zaar. Wien/München, 2000. 38-60.
Grandner, Margarete, Birgitta Bader-Zaar, eds. “Lehre und Forschung über Nordamerika an Österreichs Universitäten vom Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts bis 1955.” Nordamerikastudien. Historische und literaturwissenschaftliche Forschungen aus österreichischen Universitäten zu den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada (= Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit Bd. 24). Ed. Thomas Fröschl, Margarete Grandner, Birgitta Bader-Zaar. Wien/München, 2000. 108-173.
Grandner, Margarete, Thomas Fröschl, Birgitta Bader-Zaar, eds. Nordamerikastudien. Historische und literaturwissenschaftliche Forschungen aus österreichischen Universitäten zu den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada (= Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit Bd. 24). Wien/München, 2000.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Permanente Revolution: Urzidil und die amerikanische Literatur.” Böhmen ist überall. Internationales Johannes-Urzidil-Symposium Prag. Ed. Adalbert Schiffkorn. Linz: Edition Grenzgänger, 1999. 101-115.
Grünzweig, Walter, & Werner Grünzweig. “Eros, Expressionism, and Exile: Whitman in German Music.” Walt Whitman and Modern Music: War, Desire, and the Trials of Nationhood. Ed. Lawrence Kramer. New York & London: Garland, 2000. 43-63.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Discourse Sites of Resistance? Regionalism, Globalism, and American Studies.” Regional Images and Regional Realities. Ed. Lothar Hönnighausem. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. 47-56.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Humanism in the globalist age: towards a critique of the discourses of international educational exchange.” International education: towards a critical perspective. Ed. Hilary Callan. Amsterdam: EAIE, 2000. 3-8.
Grünzweig, Walter, & Brunhild Fölsch. “Marxismus, Exil und jüdische Identität. Der Biochemiker Samuel Mitja Rapoport.” Das Jüdische Echo 49 (Oktober 2000): 337-345.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Seeing the World as Others See It: J. William Fulbright, International Exchange, and the Quest for Peace.” Fulbright at Fifty: Austrian-American Educational Exchange 1950-2000. Wien: Fulbright-Kommission, 2000. 4-13.
Hartl, Thomas. “More Pixels to the Inch.” Review of Mosaic Man, by Ronald Sukenick. Electronic Book Review 10 (Winter 1999/2000): 41 pars.
Heller, Arno. “Simulacrum vs. Death: An American Dilemma in Don DeLillo’s White Noise.” Simulacrum America. The USA and the Popular Media. Ed. Elisabeth Kraus & Carolin Auer. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2000. 37-48.
Hölbling, Walter. “Willa Cather.” Metzler Lexikon amerikanischer Autoren. Ed. Bernd Engler & Kurt Müller. Stuttgart, 2000. 127-130.
Hölbling, Walter. “Ernest M. Hemingway.” Metzler Lexikon amerikanischer Autoren. Ed. Bernd Engler & Kurt Müller. Stuttgart, 2000. 320-325.
Hölbling, Walter. “American Literature of World War II.” Encyclopedia of American War Literature. Ed. Philip Jason & Mark A. Graves. Westport/CT: Greenwood Press, 2000. 296-301.
Hölbling, Walter. “Multiculturalism, Postcolonialism, and the Teaching of American Studies: A View from the Periphery.” Cultural Encounters. American Studies in the Age of Multiculturalism. Ed. Sonja Bahn & Mario Klarer. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. 213-224.
Hölbling, Walter. Review of Ernest Hemingway. Der Mensch, der Schriftsteller, das Werk, by Kurt Müller. Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 25.2 (2000): 262.
Hölbling, Walter. Review of Notes from the Periphery. Marginality in North American Literature and Culture, by Susan P. Castillo. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0820427578/qid%3D975352610/ 102-0230990-7052158
Hölbling, Walter (Poetry). “scheintot.” textwelt.
Hölbling, Walter (Poetry). “cividale,” “fügungen.” Niederngasse. Die Zeitschrift für Lyrik. http://niederngasse.dragonfire.net/ german/index.html
Hölbling, Walter (Poetry). “Aaaaargh,” “Hard(ly) (En)core,” “Dark Thoughts.” Niederngasse. Die Zeitschrift für Lyrik. http://niederngasse.dragonfire.net/
Klarer, Mario, & Sonja Bahn, eds. Cultural Encounters: American Studies in the Age of Multiculturalism. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000.
Kraus, Elisabeth, & Carolin Auer, eds. Simulacrum America: The USA and the Popular Media. European Studies in American Literature and Culture. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2000.
Kraus, Elisabeth. “‘Just Affix My Reality’: Pat Cadigan’s Constructions of Subjectivity.” Simulacrum America: The USA and the Popular Media. Ed. Elisabeth Kraus & Carolin Auer. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2000. 107-121.
Kraus, Elisabeth. “Virtualität und Religiosität in der Science Fiction.” Ritus – Kult – Virtualität. Ed. G. Larcher & C. Wessely. Regensburg: Pustet, 2000. 65–78.
Kraus, Elisabeth. “Virtuality and Spirituality in Science Fiction Literature.” Ritus – Kult – Virtualität. Ed. G. Larcher & C. Wessely. Regensburg: Pustet, 2000. ( CD-Rom)
Kraus, Elisabeth. “Real Lives Complicate Matters in Schrödinger’s World. Pat Cadigan’s Alternative Cyberpunk Vision.” Future Females, The Next Generation. New Voices and Velocities in Feminist Science Fiction Criticism. Ed. M. Barr. Lanham, ML: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000. 129-142.
Manske, Ariane. “‘Whose Canon is it, Anway?’ Political Correctness, Multiculturalisn, and Normalization.” Cultural Encounters: American Studies in the Age of Multiculturalism. Ed. Mario Klarer & Sonja Bahn. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. 199-211.
Maierhofer, Roberta. “Education, Politics, and Other Stories.” Fulbright at Fifty (2000): 38-41.
Maierhofer, Roberta. “Simone de Beauvoir and the Graying of American Feminism.” Journal of Aging and Identity 5.2 (2000): 67-77.
Maierhofer, Roberta. “Hold! Stop! Don’t pity me! – Age, Gender, and Ethnicity in American Studies.” AAA 25.1 (2000): 107-118.
Maierhofer, Roberta. “Maggie Kuhn und ihre Gray Panthers: Ein Leben zwischen Rebellion und Anpassung.” L’Homme. Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaften 2 (2000): 301-307.
Mayer, Kurt Albert. “Henry Adams and the Education of Henry Cabot Lodge.” Multiculturalism and the American Self. American Studies – A Monograph Series, vol. 75. Ed. William Boelhower & Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter, 2000. 177-199.
Mayer, Kurt Albert. “A Massachusetts Yankee in Emperor Franz Joseph’s Court: Charles Francis Adams, Jr., Sojourning in Austria, 1873.” Nordamerikastudien. Historische und literaturwissenschaftliche Forschungen aus österreichischen Universitäten zu den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada. Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit, vol. 24. Ed. Thomas Fröschl, Margarete Grandner, Birgitta Bader-Zaar. Wien: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, 2000. 174-191.
Mayer, Kurt Albert. “Adams, Henry [Brooks].” Metzler Lexikon Amerikanischer Autoren. Ed. Bernd Engler & Kurt Müller. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2000. 6-8.
Mayer, Kurt Albert. “Cable, George Washington.” Metzler Lexikon Amerikanischer Autoren. Ed. Bernd Engler & Kurt Müller. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2000. 116-117.
Reichl, Susanne. “More Food for Thought.” English Language Teaching News 42 (Oct. 2000): 16-19.
Reichl, Susanne. “Of Lappas and Levis: (dress-) code-switching and the construction of cultural identities in the Black British novel of immigration.” (Un-) Fabricating Empire. New Literatures Review 36 (Winter 2000): 63-75.
Scheer, Brigitte. “A la recherche du texte perdu: ‘The Gonzaga Manuscripts’.” Small Planets. Saul Bellow and the Art of Short Fiction. Ed. Gerhard Bach & Gloria Cronin. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State UP, 2000. 43-58.
Scheer, Brigitte. “Living the Theory: The Merging Bodies of Bharati Mukherjee.” Crossover. Ethnicity, Gender, Ethics in Literary and Visual Worlds. Ed. Therese Steffen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. 177-191.
Seidl, Monika. “Learner autonomy, vocabulary aquisition and cultural learning.” Independence. IATEFL Newsletter 26 (Autumn 1999): 7-8.
Seidl, Monika. “Sex, please! He’s English!” ELT News 40 (2000): 20-23.
Seidl, Monika. “Broken German.” Newsletter of the Literature and Cultural Studies Special Interest Group 20 (2000): 34-36.
Seidl, Monika. “Das Märchen vom wunderbaren Buben.” Wiener Zeitung 24 August 2000: 3.
Seidl, Monika. “You are required to do a pub crawl.” ELT News 40 (2000): 14-16.
Seidl, Monika. “Buch-Macher und Sportgeist.” Der Standard 7 November 2000: 18.
Steiner, Dorothea. “‘The Show Is Not the Show / But They That Go’: The Janus-Face of the Internationalized University at the Turn of the Century.” Internationalization of Higher Education: An Institutional Perspective. CEPES Papers on Higher Education. Bucharest: CEPES UNESCO, 2000. 63-74.
Stelzl-Marx, Barbara. Zwischen Fiktion und Zeitzeugenschaft. Amerikanische und sowjetische Kriegsgefangene im Stalag XVII B Krems-Gneixendorf. Tübingen: Narr, 2000.
Stelzl-Marx, Barbara. ‘Stalag XVII B?’ 1945-2000. Eine Zeichensetzung. Krems, 2000.
Stelzl-Marx, Barbara. “‘And without sentimentalities?’ Interviewing Former Soviet Civil Workers in Graz.” Crossroads of History: Experience, Memory, Orality. 9th International Oral History Confernce. Vol. 2. Istanbul, 2000. 214-219.
Thurner, Bettina, “Thomas Wolfe.” Metzler Lexikon Amerikanischer Autoren. Ed. Bernd Engler & Kurt Müller. Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler, 2000.
Thurner, Bettina. “‘My Dear Jew:’ The Literary Construction of Cultural Otherness in Thomas Wolfe’s The Good Child’s River.” Multiculturalism and the American Self. Ed. William Boelhower & Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter, 2000.
Truchlar, Leo. Über Literatur und andere Künste. 12 Versuche. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau, 2000.
Tschachler, Heinz. “‘Hitler Nevertheless Won the War’: Lewis Mumford’s ‘Germany’ and American Idealism.” Amerikastudien/ American Studies (Amst) 44.1 (Spring 1999): 95-111.
Tschachler, Heinz. “From Prospero to Caliban: Genealogy and Function of Lewis Mumford’s Image of Germany.” Nordamerika. Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit. Ed. Thomas Fröschl, Margarete Grandner, Birgitta Bader-Zaar. Wien: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik/Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 2000. 90-107.
Tschachler, Heinz. “Ken Burns’s 1997 Lewis and Clark Television Documentary and the Multiculturalism Debate.” Cultural Encounters. American Studies in the Age of Multiculturalism. Ed. Sonja Bahn & Mario Klarer. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. 121-137.
Vitas, Alen. “Warp 9 to Hyperreality: Information Velocity and the End of the Space Age.” Simulacrum America: The USA and the Popular Media. Ed. Elisabeth Kraus & Carolin Auer. Rochester, NY: Camden, 2000. 122-135.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold, & Elaine Tyler May, eds. “Here, There and Everywhere”: The Foreign Politics of American Popular Culture (=Salzburg Seminar Publications). Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2000.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Introduction.” “Here, There and Everywhere”: The Foreign Politics of American Popular Culture. Ed. Reinhold Wagnleitner & Elaine Tyler May. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2000. 1-13.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Encartafication or Emancipation: The Internet as the New American Frontier?” “Here, There and Everywhere”: The Foreign Politics of American Popular Culture. Ed. Reinhold Wagnleitner & Elaine Tyler May. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2000. 309-328.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “The Empire of the Fun: Die Vereinigten Staaten und die Demokratisierung Europas nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.” Nordamerikastudien. Historische und literaturwissenschaftliche Forschungen aus österreichischen Universitäten zu den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada. Ed. Thomas Fröschl, Margarete Grandner und Birgitta Bader-Zaar. Wien: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik/Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 2000. 211-230.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Geschichte @ Internet: Wir werden alle global professionals sein, oder wir werden gar nicht sein.” zeitgeschichte.at. 4. österreichischer Zeitgeschichtetag ’99. Ed. Manfred Lechner & Dietmar Seiler. Innsbruck: Studienverlag, 2000. (CD-Rom)
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “A Long Lasting Affair.” Fulbright at Fifty: Austrian-American Exchange 1950-2000. Wien: Austrian-American Educational Commission, 2000. 33-35.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Von der Coca-Colonisation zur Sili-Colonisation.” Kölner Beiträge zur Anglo-Amerikanischen Geschichte. Ed. Michael Wala. Heft 1: (August 2000) http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/histsem/anglo/kbaag/index.html.
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Von der Coca-Colonisation zur Sili-Colonisation.” Kölner Beiträge zur Anglo-Amerikanischen Geschichte. Ed. Michael Wala. Heft 1: (August 2000).
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “The Sound of Forgetting Meets the United States of Amnesia: An Introduction to the Relations between Strange Bedfellows.” ak.tu.ell ejournal. http://ejournal.thing.at/
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Global denken, lokal handeln: Wir müssen die Demokratie nicht neu erfinden, sondern endlich nur ernst nehmen.” ak.tu.ell ejournal. http://ejournal.thing.at/
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar, & F.P. Kirsch, eds. Canada/Europe – Opportunities and Problems of Interculturality. Hagen: ISL-Verlag, 2000.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “Bobbie Ann Mason,” “Carson McCullers,” “Flannery O’Connor,” “Walker Percy,” “Katherine Ann Porter,” “William Styron,” “Eudora Welty.” Metzler Lexikon amerikanischer Autoren. Ed. Bernd Engler & Kurt Müller. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2000. 434-435, 443-446, 494-497, 529-531, 547-548, 642-644, 700-703.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “Wolfe, Welty, Walker Percy. Opening the Family Chronicle, or the Quest for a Parent.” Nordamerikastudien. Forschungen zu den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada aus österreichischen Universitäten (= Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit Bd. 24). Ed. Thomas Fröschl, Margarete Grandner, Birgitta Bader-Zaar. Wien, 2000. 250-259.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “Austria’s Image in the United States.” Occasional Papers der Diplomatischen Akademie 2/2000. Wien 2000. 35-49.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “The Art of Living and of Dying from a Transatlantic Perspective: Glimpses of Styria and Austria in Canadian Literature.” Canada 2000 – Identity and Transformation/Identité et transformation. Central European Perspectives on Canada/Le Canada vue à partir de l’Europe centrale. Ed. Klaus-Dieter Ertler, Martin Löschnigg. Frankfurt/Main 2000. 19-30.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “Regeneration on Broken Ground”: Jack Hodgins, Broken Ground (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart 1998). Canadian Literature 165 (2000): 141-143.
Members’ Activities—Current Research and Work in Print
Bachinger, Katrina. “Byron’s American Biographers.”
Beer, Siegfried. “Evaluating, Penetrating, Controlling and Surveilling Austria. Analyses, Reports and Operative Efforts of American Intelligence Services Regarding the Austrian Condition 1941-47. A Documentary History in Two Volumes.” (to be published in 2002/3)
Dirisamer, Corinna. “The World in the Web.”
Fellner, Astrid M. “Body Crossings: Corporeality in Chicana Literature.” Double Crossings: Intercultural Relations of Minorities in North America. 9th International Congress of Latino Cultures in North America.
Grabher, Gudrun, & Martina Antretter, eds. Emily Dickinson at Home. Conference Volume zur 3. Internationalen Konferenz der “Emily Dickinson International Society”. Trier: WVT, 2001.
Grabher, Gudrun, et al., eds. Silence Sichtbar. Cummings Coming Into German.
Heller, Arno. “Existential Malaise: Suburban Marriages and Families in Contemporary American Novels and Films.” Family Structures and Cultural Change. Ed. Monika Reif-Hülser. Amerikastudien, 2001.
Heller, Arno. “Images of the Desert in Southwest Fiction.” Proceedings der EAAS 2000. (in print)
Heller, Arno. Fluchtphantasien in amerikanischer Gegenwartsprosa. (Mono-graphie)
Heller, Arno. Kulturgeschichte des amerikanischen Südwestens.
Hölbling, Walter. “Celebrating Democracy? The U. S. in the Works of Austrian Refugees from Totalitarianism.” Not English Only: Redefining “American” in American Studies. Ed. Orm Øverland. Amsterdam: VU Press, 2000. (in print)
Hölbling, Walter. “The Collector, the Politician, and the Humanist: Three Austrian Refugee Publishers in the U.S.A.” German-American History and Literature in the Age of American Multilingualism. Ed. Werner Sollors & Winfried Fluck. New York: NYU Press, 2000 (in print).
Hölbling, Walter, & J. Tally. “The 1898 Wilmington Massacre in History and Literature: An Essay on the Discourse of Power.” Black Liberation in the Americas. Ed. C. Mulvey & C. Pedersen. Hamburg: LitVerlag, 2000. (in print).
Hölbling, Walter. Rev. of The American Dream. Festschrift for Peter Freese, ed. Carin Freywald & Michael Porsche. Anglia (2000): (in print).
Hölbling, Walter. Vergriffene Verleger. Österreichische Exilverleger in New York. (Monographie)
Kraus, Elisabeth. “Bad Loneliness / Good Solitude: Die zwei Seiten der Einsamkeit in vier literarischen Meisterwerken der amerikanischen Literatur.” Einsamkeiten. Ed. Anita Niegelhell. Wien: Turia & Kant, 2001.
Kraus, Elisabeth. “Is Human Nature Exhausted Unless Manipulated and Reprogrammed? Some Science Fictional Views.” Dreams of Paradise, Visions of Apocalypse: Utopia and Dystopia in American Culture. European Contributions to American Studies. Ed. Hans Bak & Jaap Verheul. (to be published in 2001)
Kraus, Elisabeth. “(Post)Humane Identität: MenschMaschine / Maschinen-Mensch in der amerikanischen Science Fiction Literatur und im Science Fiction Film.” (working title, Habilitation)
Maierhofer, Roberta. “Seeking the Self in the Other. Gender, Age, and Ethnicity in an American Studies Classroom.” New Directions in Teaching American Studies. Ed. Linda Watts, 2000. (in print).
Maierhofer, Roberta. “Generations Connecting: Alzheimer’s Disease and Changes in Values in American Culture.” Family Structures and Cultural Change. Ed. Monika Reif-Hülser. Amerikastudien, 2001.
Maierhofer, Roberta. Salty Old Women: Frauen, Alter und Identität in der amerikanischen Kultur. (working title, Habilitation)
Mayer, Kurt Albert. “Augustan Nostalgia and Patrician Disdain in A.B. Longstreet’s Georgia Scenes.” The Humor of the Old South. Ed. M. Thomas Inge & Ed Piacentino. Louisville: UP of Kentucky, 2001.
Mayer, Kurt Albert. “Easy Riders: On the Road in American Culture.” Multimedia internet project, 3rd edition of CD-ROM. http://www.univie.ac.at/Anglistik/easyrider/welcome.htm
Mayer, Kurt Albert. “Jack Kerouac and Issues of Gender and Sexuality.”
Rieser, Klaus. “Die Einsamkeit des Westernhelden.” Einsamkeiten. Ed. Anita Niegelhell. Wien: Turia & Kant, 2001.
Rieser, Klaus. “Feminized Men or Non-Hegemonic Masculinity?” Congress Proceedings, Basel 2001.
Rieser, Klaus. “Masculinity and Monstrosity: Characterization and Identification in the Slasher Film.” Men and Masculinities (2001)
Rieser, Klaus. Borderlines and Passages: Difference and Transformation in Media Masculinities. (working title, Habilitation)
Rieser, Susanne. “Los Angeles, Epicenter of the Cinematic Spectacle.” Working Sites. Ed. William Boelhower & John Leo. Los Angeles: U of California P, 2001.
Rieser, Susanne. “Blow Up: Spectacular Nature in Action Film.” EAAS 2000 Conference Proceedings. Ed. Walter Hölbling & Heinz Ickstadt.
Rieser, Susanne. “Lust und Macht und Grausamkeit. Anatomie eines sadomasochistischen Politthrillers.” SexPolitik. Ed. Doris Guth & Elisabeth Samsonoff. Wien: Turia & Kant, 2001.
Rieser, Susanne. Action Film: The Politics of the Spectacle. (working title, Habilitation)
Steiner, Dorothea. “Globalization and Its Challenge to Higher Education.” Which Global Village? Proceedings of the Genoa Conference. Ed. Valeria Gennaro Lerda. Greenwood Press. (completed ms.)
Steiner, Dorothea. “From Studying ‘America’ to ‘American Studies’: The Personal is the Professional.” American Studies. A Transnational Reader. Ed. Gayle Graham Yates et al. Blackwell. (completed ms.)
Steiner Dorothea. “American Studies and Peace: New Challenges for an Old Agenda.” American Studies and Peace. Ed. Dorothea Steiner & Thomas Hartl. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2001.
Steiner, Dorothea, & Thomas Hartl, eds. American Studies and Peace: Proceedings of the 25th AAAS Conference (November 5-7, 1999, Salzburg, Schloss Leopoldskron). Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2001.
Steiner, Dorothea. “Melville’s “Billy Budd, Sailor” als Textgrundlage für eine Oper (working title).
Tschachler, Heinz. Ursula K. Le Guin. Western Writers Series. Boise, ID: Boise State University Press. In press.
Tschachler, Heinz. “From Prospero to Caliban and Beyond: Lewis Mumford’s Relations to the German-Speaking World.”
Tschachler, Heinz. “Lewis Mumford, deutsche Kultur und amerikanische Zivilisation. Nationale Deutungsmuster im interkulturellen Vergleich.”
Tschachler, Heinz. “Lewis Mumford, American ‘Civilization’ and German ‘Kultur’: His Rites of Assent.”
Tschachler, Heinz. “Kulturelle Narrative und Kulturen des Erinnerns: Prolegomena zu einer vergleichenden Kulturwissenschaft.”
Tschachler, Heinz. “‘Fit and Fun’: Studien zur Alltagskultur.”
Vitas, Alen. “The Reader Can’t Shoot: Computer Games and Interactive Narrative.” IFZ-Yearbook (2001).
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Comparative Analysis of ‘Americanization’ of Western Europe since 1945 and Eastern Europe since 1989.”
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Internet and History – History on the Internet.”
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Satchmo Meets Amadeus: New Orleans and Salzburg: Two Cities and Their Sounds of Music.”
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “The Internet as Latest American Frontier.”
Wagnleitner, Reinhold. “Jazz Outside the United States.”
Wallinger, Hanna. “Liberating the Color Line? The Case of Alice Dunbar-Nelson.” Black Liberation in the Americas. Ed. Fritz Gysin and Chris Mulvey Hamburg: Lit Verlag.
Wallinger, Hanna. “Not Color But Character: Alice Dunbar-Nelson’s Uncompleted Argument.” Uncompleted Independence: The Creation and Revision of American Racial Thinking. Ed. Paul Spickard & Reg Daniel. University of Notre Dame Press.
Wallinger, Hanna, Hermine Pinson, Kimberley Phillips, & Lorenzo Thomas, eds. Liberation, Identity, and Resistance. (working title).
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “Southern Culture(s) and the Ideas of Europe”: FWF-sponsored project (work in progress).
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “Interculturality in Canada and the United States: A Comparison”: The volume based on the international conference held in Vienna in April 2000 will be published in 2001.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. “The Many Souths: Class in Southern Culture.” The proceedings of the SSF-symposium in April 1999 will also appear in 2001.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. Field trip/Exkursion: “Sites of Memory and Collective Identities: The American South and Central Europe/Austria”, April 6-22, 2001.
Ph.D. Theses Completed
Auer, Carolin. “Disclosure through Disguise: The Discourse of Turn-of-the-Century Undercover Reporting.” (Graz)
Haberl, Barbara. “The Image of Children and Young People with Physical Disabilities in American and German Fiction.” (Graz)
Koncilia, Tatjana. “The Moravian Spiritual Autobiography.” (Klagenfurt)
Seidl, Walter. “Aspekte der Avantgarde in Österreichs kultureller Repräsentanz in den USA seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.” (Graz)
Wernitznig, Dagmar. “Going Native or Going Naive? Towards a Provisional Assessment of White Shaman Writing in the 1990s.” (Klagenfurt)
Ph.D. Theses in Progress
Ablinger, Birgit. “Masculinity and Femininity in 20th-Century American War Novels.” (Salzburg)
Angleitner, Tanja. “Indigenous Cultural Identities.” (Graz)
Antretter, Martina. “Human and Nonhuman Encounters in Cross-Genre Contemporary American Nature Writing.” (working title, Innsbruck)
Bedits, Susanne. “Zeitstrukturen im postmodernen Städteroman und Film.” (Graz)
Braidt, Andrea. “Trans-Genus. De/ Konstruktion von Genre und Gender im narrativen Film.”
Dirisamer, Corinna. “The ‘Conquest’ of America in Internet. Constructing History on the World Wide Web.” (Salzburg)
Fasthuber, Sebastian. “Literaturkritik im Internet. Dargestellt anhand der Formen ihres Auftretens und der Rezeption von Thomas Pynchons Mason & Dixon im Internet und in Printmedien.” (working title, Wien)
Ghironzi, Alexandra. “Auswanderer der Republik San Marino in die USA: Eine Studie des Emigrationsphänomens eines europäischen Kleinstaates.” (Graz)
Gritzner, Caroline. “Postmoderne Theaterformen/Postmodern Theatrical Performance.” (Graz)
Grüger, Bettina. “Hemingway’s Women Characters on Screen.” (Klagenfurt)
Hartl, Thomas. “Visions of Tekakwitha: Alterity and Historiography in Leonard Cohen’s Beautiful Losers and William T. Vollmann’s Feathers and Crows.” (Salzburg)
Haubenhofer, Gert. “Logik der Postmoderne: Konsistenz und Bivalenz in zeitgenössischen Textwelten.” (Graz)
Hofer, Nina. “Cross-Ethnic Fiction.” (Graz)
Kadrev, Ivaylo. “American Political Autobiographies.” (Salzburg)
Kahn, Katharina. “Asian American Women Poets: Cathy Song, C.B. Divakaruni, Diana Chang.” (working title, Innsbruck)
Kemf, Andreas. “The Asian-Pacific Impact on North America.” (Salzburg)
Kröll, Sonja. “Disguising the Self and Rep/Eating the Other: A Dialogic Reading of “Blackness” and “Whiteness” in Modern American Women’s Fiction .”(Salzburg)
Lassnig, Ines. “Dystopian Designs by American Women Writers.” (Klagenfurt)
Lukas, Simone. “Democracy in Postmodern Political Novels and the American Enlightenment.” (Graz)
Mader, Martin. “Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima. Crucial Events in U.S. American Remembrance.” (Salzburg)
Messner, Monika. “Myths of the West in Recent US-films.” (working title, Innsbruck)
Mrazansky, Ulrike. “Glamorama: Fashionworld and Bodyculture at the Turn of the Century.” (Salzburg)
Oberwinkler, Sieghild. “Mobility as Postmodern Principle in Paul Auster’s Novels.” (Graz)
Payer, Claudia. “Die Idee des ‘Gesamtkunstwerks’ in den Neuen Medien.” (Graz)
Perz-Owens, Ute. “Japanese American Women Writers.” (working title, Innsbruck)
Reichl, Susanne. “Cultures in the Contact Zone: Ethnic Semiosis in Black British Literature.” (Wien)
Renner, Sandra. “Love Triangles in Edith Wharton, Henry James, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.” (working title, Wien)
Stockinger, Michael. “Open Systems/Closed Minds. An Investigation into Narrativized Experience and its Cultural Implications.” (Graz)
Strohmayer, Petra. “TV Talk Shows.” (Klagenfurt)
Thomasser, Petra. “Gender Construction in Recent Chicano Fiction.” (Graz)
Vitas, Alen. “Information and Complexity in Contemporary Science Fiction.” (Graz)
M.A. Theses Completed
Ablinger, Birgit. “Still ‘Saints in Sunbonnets’? Female Characters in Pioneer Family Stories.” (Salzburg)
Breitenbach-Craig, Birgit. “Postmodern American Fiction – Itself a Fiction?” (Graz)
Delmarko, Sabine Elisabeth. “Two Lives – One Struggle: Jigsaw Puzzles of Hyphenated Identities in Richard Rodriguez’s Hunger of Memory. The Education of Richard Rodriguez and Joy Kogawa’s Obasan.” (Innsbruck)
Gasser, Silvia. “Cultures Meeting on the Road: Bruce Chatwin, Marlo Morgan and Native American Voices.” (Innsbruck)
Gigl, Sabine. “The Image of African American Women in U. S. Magazine Advertising.” (Graz)
Hasiba, Peter. “Jack London’s Racial Notions in His South Sea Tales.” (Graz)
Haumer, Nathalie. “Ironic and Earnest”: Jewishness in the Comedies of Wendy Wasserstein.” (Graz)
Holub, Maria-Theresia. “Displacement & Re-Membering in the Work of Janet Campbell Hale & Paula Gunn Allen.” (Graz)
Huemer, Christof. “Saving the World in 90s Blockbusters.” (Graz)
Kleber, Angelika. “The Human Wish to Play God as Reflected in American Literature.” (Innsbruck)
König, Michaela. “The Throes of the Unconscious: The Dynamics of Psychological Healing in Toni Morrison’s Novels Beloved and Jazz.” (Innsbruck)
Kranebitter, Kerstin. “Victorian Women in American Literature: Victims or Heroines.” (Innsbruck)
Kriechbaum, Sarina. “Light Skin – Dark Skin and the Problem of ‘Passing’ in African American Literature.” (Graz)
Lassnig, Kathrin. “The Use of the Internet in the 1996 U.S. Presidential Elections.” (Klagenfurt)
Moser, Heidi Elizabeth. “Life in South Africa under apartheid as seen through Elsa Joubert’s The Long Journey of Poppie Nongena and Ellen Kuzwayo’s Call Me Woman.” (Innsbruck)
Murica, Samira. “Revisiting Sylvia Plath’s Heritage: Her Path to ‘A Fine White Flying Myth’.” (Salzburg).
Pernerstorfer, Martin. “Constructing the Self in Charles Bukowski’s Autobiographical Writing.” (Wien)
Piekarz, Christie. “Fiction into Film: Three Henry James Novels as Narratives à la Hollywood.” (Salzburg)
Pitzl, Brigitte. “‘Going Native’ as a Cultural Strategy in American Fiction and Film since 1960.” (Wien)
Pomella, Sibylle. “Kate Chopin and Women’s Quest for Authenticity.” (Innsbruck)
Renner, Sandra. “The Image of John F. Kennedy in American Fiction and Film.” (Wien)
Rohrleitner, Marion. “Memory, Language and Female Identity in Contemporary Chicano and Native American Poetry and Short Stories.” (Innsbruck)
Rutmann, Edith. “Die Rolle der Frauen im kalifornischen Goldrausch im 19. Jahrhundert.” (Salzburg)
Schrettle, Gregor. “Religion – Musik – Texte: John Coltrane und die afro-amerikanische Tradition.” (Graz)
Schultermandl, Silvia. “Black Counterculture in the 60s.” (Graz)
Urank, Daniela. “Modes of Metafictionality in Vladimir Nabokov’s Novels.” (Graz)
Vit, Susanne. “Social Criticism in Selected Works by John Steinbeck.” (Wien)
Wadman, Claudia. “The Effects of U.S. Restrictive Financing on U.N. Activities.” (Graz)
Weber, Bernd. “From Postmodernism to Avant-Garde Pop Literature. The Discourse of Douglas Coupland.” (Graz)
Wernisch, Alexandra. “‘Madame Butterfly’: 1887-1989: A Stereotype and Its Challenge.” (Salzburg).
Zöbl-Ewald, Elke. “Gender Issues in the Fiction of Jon Hassler.” (Graz)
M.A. Theses in Progress
Bader, Birgit. “Black Eroticism.” (Klagenfurt)
Berlina, Markus. “Major Themes in the Works of Bret Easton Ellis.” (Graz)
Bernauer, Judith. “Douglas Coupland and Post-Modernism.” (working title, Salzburg)
Borzaga, Michela. “New Poetry in South Africa.” (working title, Salzburg)
Böhler, Nadia. “Sri Chinmoy: Poetry for Peace.” (Innsbruck)
Bürgler, Evelyn. “E.A. Poe and His Illustrators.” (working title, Salzburg)
Casale, Deborah. “Relationships in Gail Godwin’s Glass People, The Odd Woman, and The Good Husband.” (Innsbruck)
Crepaz, Eva. “The Viet Nam War as Reflected in Examples of American Literature.” (Innsbruck)
Ernst, Maria. “Soziale Probleme in zeitgenössischen indianischen Romanen.” (Graz)
Fierlinger, Ingrid. “Robert Altman’s Film Short Cuts and Raymond Carver’s Short Fiction.” (Graz)
Fink, Barbara Nicole. “First Nations in Hollywood. A Study on ‘Cliche’ and ‘the Indian’ in Current Film and Literature. New Confidence in a New Age – Recent Developments.” (working title, Salzburg)
Frauenhoffer, Johanna. “Jewish American Writing of the Second Generation after the Holocaust.”(working title, Salzburg)
Gissmann, Verena. “The Figure of the Grandmother in Chicano-American Literature.” (Innsbruck)
Graber, Maria. “Zora Neale Hurston’s Fiction.” (Innsbruck)
Gstrein, Tanja. “Art as a Theme in Gail Godwin’s Fiction.” (Innsbruck)
Hajek, Sandra. “The Quest for Identity in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and Toni Morrison’s Sula.” (Innsbruck)
Haunschmidt, Elisabeth. “Jazz as Stylistic, Musical and Cultural Notion in Autobiographies by Jazz Musicians (James McBride, Billie Holliday, Miles Davis).” (Wien)
Heissenberger, Klaus. “‘These two lanes will take us anywhere’: Bruce Springsteen Meets America on the Road.” (Wien)
Hönigmann, Alexander. “Fiction and Reality in Urban Detective Novels.” (Graz)
Jöller, Karin. “Family Relations in Contemporary American Drama.” (Graz)
Kasser, Reinhard. “The Construction of Identity in Douglas Coupland’s Tales of an ‘Accelerated Culture.'” (Wien)
Klein, Verena. “Three Novels by Carol Shields: Swann, Small Ceremonies, and Stone Diaries.” (Innsbruck)
Kogler, Verena. “Alice Munro and Margaret Laurence: Deconstructing Patriarchal Systems.” (Innsbruck)
Krainer, Wolfgang. “The Disruption of Cinematic Illusion in Woody Allen’s Films.” (Graz)
Lassenberger, Margit. “Identity in African-American Novels.” (Graz)
Lehnert, Ulrike. “Black Woman’s Journey into Self and Wholeness: A Study of Paule Marshall’s Novels.” (working title, Salzburg)
Lichtenwörther, Otmar. “John De Lillo: Simulacra, Violence, and the Quest for the Real World.” (Graz)
Mayrhofer, Petra. “Women and Madness: Janet Frame (?)” (working title, Salzburg)
Meurer, Robin. “Literature into Film: Screenplay and the Role of the Scriptwriter.” (Graz)
Mitterer, Martina. “Role Reversals in The Story of Avis and Doctor Zay by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps.” (Innsbruck)
Moosbrugger, Karin. “Ceremonies in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony.” (Innsbruck)
Muhm, Manuela. “Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood and the Limits of the New Journalism.” (Wien)
Müller, Gerlinde. “The Sea Theme in Herman Melville’s Work.” (Graz)
Neuwirth, Leonore. “Escape into Extremism in Contemporary American Literature.” (Graz)
Öhlinger, Christine. “It just begins to live – A Multi-Artistic Piece on Emily Dickinson and Her Attitude Towards Writing and Fame.” (Innsbruck)
Ortner, Simone. “Communication in Carson McCullers’ The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and Other Novels.” (Innsbruck)
Oszwald, Robert. “Cultural Matrices of Robert M. Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Lila.” (Wien)
Platzer, Manfred. “From Assimilation to Aboriginality.” (Graz)
Pöschl, Sabine. “Three Times One is One: The Threefold Concept of Oneness in the Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson.” (Innsbruck)
Rheindorf, Markus. “‘Where Everything Is Connected to Everything Else’: Interior and Exterior Landscapes in Poetry, Essays, and Fiction by Paul Auster.” (Wien)
Rigo, Klaudia. “U.S. Presidential Election Campaign 2000: Strategies and Issues.” (Graz)
Ritonija, Nastasia: “The Theme of Violence in Richard Wright’s Fiction.” (Graz)
Saurug, Eva. “Religion & Sexuality in John Updike’s Novels” (Graz)
Schiefersteiner, Birgit. “Gayl Jones.” (working title, Salzburg)
Schmid, Iris. “From Blade Runners to Matrix: Saviours in SF-Movies.” (working title, Salzburg)
Seifried, Martin. “Life-Lies in the Play of Tennessee Williams.” (Innsbruck)
Seyerl, Ulla. “The Cinderella Complex: Recent American Feminist Writings.”(Graz)
Skazedonig, Helene. “Erica Jong’s Trilogy.” (Graz)
Stevens, Kerstin. “Deconstructions of American Dreams: A Critical Analysis of Pulitzer Prize-Winning Plays from 1979 to 1998.” (Wien)
Straif, Barbara. “A Room of One’s Own: Spatial Aspects in Alice Munro’s Short Fiction.” (Innsbruck)
Strobl, Verena. “Overcoming Dualisms and Definitions: Morrison and Hurston in a Dialogue with Feminist Theory.” (working title, Salzburg)
Tomberger, Michaela. “The Early Fictions of Jay McInerney and Bret Easton Ellis.” (working title, Wien)
Veit, Priska. “The Poetry of Anne Michaels.” (Innsbruck)
Vitas, Christine. “Product Body: Female Body-Images in Advertising.” (Graz)
Wagner, Brunhild. “Thomas Jefferson.” (Klagenfurt)
Weinberger, Petra. “Native American Women’s Autobiographies.” (working title, Salzburg)