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Newsletter #12 (2001/02) Available

By 16. December 2001August 3rd, 2018No Comments

Our latest Newsletter is available. It provides information about administrative changes, past and upcoming activities, events, and publications, as well as prizes and grants.

The AAAS has Elected a New Board for 2001/02

President: Kurt Albert Mayer
Vice President: Elisabeth Kraus
Secretary: Astrid M. Fellner
Treasurer: Michael Draxlbauer

Regular Board Members:
Gudrun M. Grabher

Walter Hölbling
Heinz Tschachler
Reinhold Wagnleitner
Hanna Wallinger

Fulbright Prize in American Studies 2002

Awarded with the Austrian Association of American Studies

The board of the AAAS announces gladly that, after Siemens has declined to continue sponsoring the prize for the best Austrian dissertation in American Studies, the Fulbright Commission has decided to adopt the sponsorship of this annual award as part of its mandate “to promote mutual understanding between the peoples of Austria and the United States of America.” Funding for the annual prize for the best Austrian doctoral thesis in the field will be provided by the Office of Public Affairs, United States Embassy, Vienna, in the future.

Nominations for the 2002 Fulbright Prize in American Studies are welcome and should be submitted to one of the AAAS board members before September 1.

29th AAAS Conference, Vienna, November 8-10, 2004


The plan is to divide the conference in two parts and focus on two issues which are distinct yet related to each other. One may be labeled “Anti-Americanisms in Austria”; the other, “Americanisms.”

The first half of the conference, Friday evening and Saturday morning, is to draw attention to the varied attitudes Austrian governments and people have displayed toward the United States of America in the last 225 years. It is surmised that more often than not, those attitudes were less than friendly. John Adams, usually an ambivalent observer of European matters, already noticed in 1779 that the House of Austria “will be one of the last Powers to acknowledge our Independence.” The conference will open with a paper on the 18th and early 19th century context of Anti-American leanings in Europe. Targeted for analyses are, among others, the array of references made by early 20th century Austrian writers (from Hofmannsthal to Doderer); the pre-1945 roots of Anti-Americanism in post World War II Austria; and the Anti-Americanisms of the New Right and Left since the Vietnam War.

The second half of the conference, Saturday evening and Sunday morning, is to be devoted to “Americanisms.” Introduced by a lecture on “Where is the American in Cultural Studies,” it will focus on the various propagations of (representations of) American culture in literature, music, film, “the new media,” architecture, politics, government, and ways of life—in short, anything that can be subsumed as a cultural product of “the American century.” We also invite papers which question the notion of Americanism as an object-oriented construct, a convenient vehicle used to transport ideology.

The publication of the conference proceedings is intended.

Proposals for papers should be submitted with an abstract by
May 31, 2002
to one of the conference organizers:

Astrid. M. Fellner (
Thomas Fröschl (
Kurt Albert Mayer (

Members’ Activities—Lecturing

ANTRETTER, Martina. “Evocare un universo paradossale: le strategie dell’oscurità nel linguaggio poetico di Emily Dickinson.” Obscuritas: retorica e poetica dell’oscuro. XXIX Colloquio Interuniversitario. Bressanone/Italia, 12-15 luglio, 2001. [ Obscuritas: Rhetorik und Poetik der Obskurität. 29. Interuniversitäre Konferenz, Bressanone/Italien, 12.-15. Juli 2001.]

———. “Is God a Trickster? Annie Dillard Revisiting Emily Dickinson’s Circumference.” “Zero at the Bone”: New Climates for Dickinson Study. Fourth International Conference of the Emily Dickinson International Society (EDIS). Trondheim/Norway, 3-5 August 2001. [ A review of this panel presentation was published in the Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 13.2 (Nov./Dec. 2001): 18-19.]

———. “The Surrender of the Body in Mary Oliver and Amy Clampitt’s Ecopoetry.” The EmBodyment of American Culture. 28th Annual Conference of the Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS). Klagenfurt, 26-28 October 2001.

CORTIEL, Jeanne. “American Religious Discourses and Feminist Speculative Fiction” (English and American Studies Symposium Katowice, April 2001)

———. “Impure Bodies: Postmodern Corporeality and American Pornography”. AAAS conference in Klagenfurt, October 26, 2001

DEVINE, Maureen. “Autobiography, Ethnicity and Maxine Hong Kingston: Intercultural (Mis) understandings” St. Louis City College, Global Studies Program, St. Louis Missouri USA, Nov. 26th, 2001.

———. “Autobiography and American Studies”, Alpine-Adriatic-Anglistics (AAA), Klagenfurt, Oct. 12-13, 2001.

DRAXLBAUER, Michael. “The Story of Vienna’s Jewish Museum”, April 2001, College of William and Mary.

———. “Place and Memory: Vienna’s Judenplatz”, April 2001, Emory Univerity.

———. “Pocahontas Iconography”, June 2001, University of Valencia.

———. ”Emerson and the counter-culture of Transcendentalism” (29. 5., Universität Valencia)

FELLNER, Astrid M. “Body for Body: The Repulsive and Eroticized Bodies of Djuna Barnes.” The EmBodyment of American Culture. 27th Annual Conference of the Austrian Association of American Studies in Klagenfurt (27. October 2001).

GERHARDT, Christine. “After the Western, the Southern: Reconstruction in the American Novel” (English and American Studies Symposium, Katowice, April 2001)

GRABHER, Gudrun M. “Dressing Up in Language: Disguise and Revelation of Emily Dickinson’s Selves.” University of Heidelberg, 29 January 2001.

———. “I am No Body: EmBodyments of Self in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry.” Department of English, University of New Orleans, 20 February 2001.

———. “American Studies in Austria.” CenterAustria, University of New Orleans, 22 February 2001.

———. ” ‘Music is…. in Search of a Word’: Music and the Unsayable in Paula Huston’s Daughters of Song and Lynne Sharon Schwartz’s Disturbances in the Field.” University of Trent, 12 March 2001.

———. “The Nature Poetry of A.R. Ammons.” Utah State University, Logan, 27 March 2001.

———. “Dickinson’s Koans: The Paradox as a Means of Playing Serious.” Fourth International Conference of the Emily Dickinson International Society (EDIS). Trondheim/Norway, 3-5 August 2001.

GRÜNZWEIG, Walter. “Emanzipatorische Frontier: Ein Versuch, Turner neu zu lesen” (Symposium “Frontier Management”, Villigst, Mai 2001)

HELLER, Arno. “New Regionalism: Diversity vs. Formula in Recent Western and Southwestern Literature.” Cambridge, Mass. ALA Conference, 24. 5. 01.

———.”Der Beitrag der Literaturwissenschaft zu den Cultural Studies,” Salzburg, AAUTE-Tagung, 4. 5. 2001.

———. “Abused Bodies: Sadistic and Misogynist Tendencies in Recent American Fiction,” AAAS- Conference, Klagenfurt, 28. 10. 01.

HÖLBLING, Walter. “Technology, the Body, and the Poetics of Four-Letter-Words: Re-visiting Norman Mailer’s Why Are We in Vietnam?” AAAS Annual Conference, Klagenfurt, October 2001.

———. “Chronology and Its Discontent: History and Fiction in U.S. Postmodern Writing”. Olomouc Symposium on “(Mis)Understanding Postmodernism”, October 2001.

———. “Multiculturalism, Postcolonialism, and the Teaching of American Literature: Looking in from Outside.” American Literature Association, Cambridge/Mass., May 2001.

KLARER, Mario. “Still Lives: Histories and Theories of Victorian Tableaux Vivants.” National Humanities Center, North Carolina, January 2001.

———. “Ekphrasis und mittelalterliche Gehirnanatomie.” Institut für Germanistik, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, 13. Juli 2001.

KRAUS, Elisabeth. “Techno-versions of (Dis)EmBodyment in Contemporary Science Fiction”. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien (AAAS) in Klagenfurt zum Thema „The Embodyment of American Culture”, 26. bis 28. Oktober 2001.

———. “Biotech Bodies, Identity and Power in Works by Rebecca Ore, Pat Cadigan, Greg Egan, and Greg Bear.” International Science Fiction Conference on “Biotechnological and Medical Themes in Science Fiction”, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Oct. 18-21, 2001.

———. “Teaching Science Fiction in the Austrian High School and University Classroom”. Annual Conference of the Science Fiction Research Association in Schenectady, NY, USA, May

MAIERHOFER, Roberta. “Austria and the US: an intercultural dialogue”, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA (18.9.2001).

MAYER, Kurt Albert. “American Roads in 1800.” Bradley University, Peoria IL (Feb. 27).

———. “Augustus Baldwin Longstreet: ‘Georgia Theatrics.’” Bradley University, Peoria IL (Feb. 27).

———. “‘Much as I sympathise with the Italians and wish them success’: Henry Adams’s First Sojourns in Italy, 1859/60.” America e Mediterraneo—AISNA Conference 2002, Genoa (Nov. 10).

MESSNER, Monika. “Not Talking – Doing.” Sprache im Film – Filmsprache im Rahmen der Innsbrucker Sprachenmeile. Innsbruck, 8 June 2001.

———. “The Questioning of Cultural Norms in X-Men (2000).” International Science Fiction Conference – Biotechnological and Medical Themes in Science Fiction. Thessaloniki, 20 October 2001.

———. “The Ballad of Little Jo (1993): Transforming the Female Body and the Western.” AAAS Conference – The EmBodyment of American Culture. Klagenfurt, 27 October 2001.

REICHL, Susanne. ‘”English(wo)men Born and Bred, Almost” – Über das Selbstverständnis und die Semiotik der Bindestrich-Identitäten im indisch-britischen Roman’. Vortrag bei ‘Literatur und Migration: Indien’, 5.-8. 11. 2001 Vienna

———. “Postcolonial Studies in Germany”. Vortrag und Panel-Diskussion. DFG-Graduiertenkolleg ‘Postcolonial Studies’ der Universität München, 10.12.2001.

RIESER, Klaus. “Men in Context: Masculinity in Matewan and Men with Guns.” SCS (Society for Cinema Studies) Conference. Washington, D.C., USA, Mai 2001.

———. “Reconstructing Race and Masculinity in Biracial Buddy Films.” Crossroutes. CAAR (Collegium for African American Research) Conference. Cagliari, Italy, März 2001.

RIESER, Susanne. “Romeo Must Die: Gender Overdrive in Hollywood & Hong Kong Action Film.” Technology, Identity & Futurity, East and West, In the Emerging Global Village. Hong Kong, 2001.

———. “Schlafen, vielleicht auch träumen: Die REM-Phasen der Kinoträume.” Depot Museumsquartier Wien, 2001.

———. “Das Geschlecht des Spektakels: Kino-Körper-Kinetik.” Gender Kolleg der Universität Wien, 2001.

SCHEER, Brigitte. “Loving Insects Can Be Dangerous: Assessing the Cost of Life in Olivia E. Butler’s Novella ‘Bloodchild’.” International Science Fiction Conference – Biotechnological and Medical Themes in Science Fiction. Thessaloniki, October 2001.

SEIDL, Monika. “A Way with Classical Art.” 35th International IATEFL Conference, 17-21 April, Brighton.

———. “Room for Asta.” Scaena: Shakespeare and his Contemporaries in Performance, 9-11 August, St. John’s College Cambridge,

———. “Framing Isabel.” Things. An Interdiscipinary Symposium on Literature and the Visual, 8-14 Sept., University of Tour.

———. “Englishness in the Postmodern Condition.” Anglistentag Wien 2001, Universität Wien, 23-26 Sept.,

———. “Framing Isabel.” AAAS, The EmBodyment of American Culture, Universität Klagenfurt, 26-28 Okt.,

———.  Workshop, “Englishness im britischen Film der 90er Jahre.” Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Medienwissenschaften (Mai 01).

———.  “The Big Sleep – Konventionen des klassischen Hollywoodkinos.” Vortragsreihe Sinn und Sinnlichkeit, Votivkino Wien, (Dez 01)

TSCHACHLER, Heinz. “Cultural Narratives and the Comparative Analysis of Cultures,” ALPINE-ADRIATICS-ANGLISTICS (AAA) Meeting, University of Klagenfurt, October 12-13, 2001.

WAGNLEITNER, Reinhold. Vortrag für Studenten der Fachhochschule St. Pölten – Studiengang Telekommunikation und Medien “Das World Wide Web und die Interpretation der Welt” (27. März 2001)

———. Buchpräsentation im Sternsaal, Sternbräu Gastronomie WELT, Salzburg. Ulrike Kammerhofer-Aggermann und Alexander G. Keul (Hg.), ‚The Sound of Music‘ zwischen Mythos und Marketing (Salzburg, 2001)(= Salzburger Beiträge zur Volkskunde, Band 11) (27. März 2001)

———. ScienceWeek @ Austria, Mediaplex Amadeus, Getreidegasse, Salzburg, “Warum das Internet ohne Geschichte keine Zukunft hat – und umgekehrt” (19. Mai 2001)

———. „Americanization – Globalization – Education„, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien 5. bis 8.Juni 2001 in Bremen Vortrag: “The Empire of Fun: The Foreign Politics of American Pop Culture Hegemony” (8. Juni 2001)

———. Universität Innsbruck, University of New Orleans Summer Program The American Cold War Empire (12. Juli 2001)

———. Treffpunkt Radio Salzburg: am Tag danach 12. September 2001 (12. September 2001)

———. Oe1 Von Tag zu Tag: Gedanken nach den Anschlägen in den USA

———. Internationale Salzburg Assocation, Satchmo Meets Amadeus: Jazz: die klassische Musik der Globalisierung (6. Oktober 2001)

WALLINGER, Hanna. “Pauline Hopkins and the Future American,” CAAR, Cagliari, Sardinia, 24. März 2001.

———. Workshop: “The Legacy of Richard Wright,” CAAR, Cagliari, Sardinia, 24. März 2001.

WERNITZNIG, Dagmar. “Embodying Indianness – White Shamanism And The (Neo)Noble Savage” AAAS Conference. Klagenfurt, 26-28 Oct.

ZACHARASIEWICZ, Waldemar. “Vienna as a Site of Memory”, College of William & Mary, Symposium on “Sites of Memory and Collective Identities” (10. 4.)

———. “Southern Cultures and the Ideas of Europe” and “Vienna as a Site of Memory”, Emory University. (20. 4.)

———. “The Agrarians and Regionalism/Nationalism/ Internationalism”, Fayetteville, AK, Internationalen Conference “In Between”. (19. 5.)

———. ALA-Konferenz, Cambridge, MASS, Workshopleitung zum Thema “Borderlines: Race and Transgression in Early Twentieth-Century Fiction”. (24. 5.)

———. “Eden in Jeopardy: Sites of Insight in Fiction from the Canadian West”, Bonn, Symposium “New Orientations in the Study of Regionalism”. (17. 6.)

———. “The Invention of Regional Literatures: The Current Debate Concerning the American South”, Triennial Conference der International Association of Professors of English, Bamberg (29.7. bis 4.8.2001) in Section “20th-Century American Literature”.

———. “Transatlantic Perspectives on Austria in North American Literatures: Music, Medicine, and Melancholy”, Carleton University, Ottawa. (3. 10.)

Members’ Activities—Publications:

CORTIEL. Jeanne. Passion für das Unmögliche: Befreiung als Narrativ in der amerikanischen feministischen Theologie. Essen: Blaue Eule, 2001. (Arbeiten aus Amerikanistik. 30.)

———. “Biophilia, Bonding, Bondage: Feminist Theology in a ‘Post Christian’ Culture.” Towards a Different Transcendence. Feminist Findings on Subjectivity, Religion and Values. K.E. Biezeveld & A.C. Mulder, eds. Bern: Lang, 2001, S.159-185.

FELLNER, Astrid M. “Body Crossings: Corporeality in Chicana Literature.” Double Crossings/Entre Cruzamientos. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Latino Cultures in North America. Ed. Mario Martín Flores and Carlos von Son. Academia NJ: Ediciones Nuevo Espacio, 2001. 67-80.

———. “Loving in the War Years: Teaching Peace through Lesbian Texts.” American Studies and Peace. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Austrian Association for American Studies. Ed. Dorothea Steiner und Thomas Hartl. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2001. 275-286.

GERHARDT, Christine. “Conflicting Politics of Liberation: The Reconstruction Period in Frances Harper’s Iola Leroy (1892) and Margaret Walker’s Jubilee (1966).” Black Liberation in the Americas. Hamburg: LIT, 2001. 105-117;

———. “North, South, East, West: Constructing Region in Southern and East German Literature.” South to a New Place. Susanne W. Jones & Sharon Monteith, eds. Baton Rouge: Lousiana State University Press, 2001.

GRABHER, Gudrun M., and Martina Antretter, eds. Emily Dickinson at Home: Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the Emily Dickinson International Society, 12-15 August 1999. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2001.

GRABHER, Gudrun M. “In Search of Words for Moon-Viewing: The Japanese Haiku and the Scepticism towards Language in Modernist American Poetry.” Proceedings of the International Conference “Transgressing Boundaries and Strategies of Reticence in American Poetry.” Salamanca, 2001.

GRÜNZWEIG, Walter. (Hg., Einf., Übers., mit Susanne Schulz) Upton Sinclair, Wieland Herzfelde, Hermynia Zur Mühlen: Werter Genosse, die Maliks haben beschlossen. Briefe 1919-1950. Bonn: Weidle, 2001.

———. Leben mit dem Holocaust. Die ‚Erinnerungsbilder‘ Fred Wanders.” Das Jüdische Echo, 50 (2001), 302-309.; „Seeing the World as Others See It: J. William Fulbright, International Exchange, and the Quest for Peace.” American Studies and Peace. Dorothea Steiner & Thomas Hartl, eds. Frankfurt et al.: Lang, 2001. S. 54-70.

———. Werter Genosse, die Maliks haben beschlossen … Briefe 1919-1950, the correspondence by Upton Sinclair, Wieland Herzfelde and Hermynia Zur Mühlen, edited by Walter Grünzweig and published by Weidle Verlag, Bonn, was voted to be one of the 50 most beautiful German books by the Stiftung Buchkunst. The book was presented at the Leipzig bookfair, the Bertold-Brecht-Haus in Berlin, the Deutsche Bibliothek (Leipzig), and the Exilbibliothek/Literaturhaus (Wien).

HELLER, Arno. “American Studies and Peace: Introduction to the European Panel.” American Studies and Peace. Hg. Dorothea Steiner & Thomas Hartl. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2001: 71-75.

———. “Cultural Studies im Wandel: Zur Modellfunktion der American Studies.” Kulturwissenschaften in Österreich. Hg. Elisabeth List. Graz: AG Kulturwissenschaften, 2001: 38-42.

———. “‘Something stood still in my soul’: D.H. Lawrence’s New Mexico.” Arbeiten zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik 26 (2001): 165-180.

HÖLBLING, Walter, with J. Tally. “The 1898 Wilmington Massacre in History and Literature: An Essay on the Discourse of Power.” Hg. C. Mulvey & C. Pedersen. Black Liberation in the Americas. Hamburg: LitVerlag, 2001, 71-93.

———. “Celebrating Democracy? The U. S. in the Works of Austrian Refugees from Totalitarianism.” Ed. Orm Øverland. Not English Only: Redefining “American” in American Studies. Amsterdam: VU Press, 2001, 80-87.

———. “Multiculturalism, Postcolonialism, and the Teaching of American Studies: A View from the Periphery.” Sonja Bahn and Mario Klarer, Hg. Cultural Encounters. American Studies in the Age of Multiculturalism. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2001, 213-224.

———. (Poetry) “September 11 – I”. Gangway: The on-line lit magazine for contemporary Austrian and Australian Literature. http://www.

———. (Poetry)”stoned”, “dependence”, “how to?”. JAWS 2 (Fall 2001), 20-21.

———. (Poetry)”Autumn”, “short mid-life crisis”, “love’s colors”. JAWS 1 (Spring 2001), 15-16.

———. (Poetry) “difficult words”, “mobile home”, “music”, “revisioning”. Gangway: The on-line lit magazine for contemporary Austrian and Australian Literature. No. 20 (June 2001): http://www.

———. (Poetry) “stadtleben”, “eislauf”, “befreiung”. htm#Hoelbling Walter

KLARER, Mario. Ekphrasis: Bildbeschreibung als Repräsentationstheorie bei Spenser, Sidney, Lyly und Shakespeare. Buchreihe der Anglia 35. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2001.

———. Präsentieren auf Englisch. New Business Line. Wien, Frankfurt: Überreuter, 2001.

KRAUS, Elisabeth. “’Bad Loneliness / Good Solitude’: Die zwei Seiten der Einsamkeit in vier literarischen Meisterwerken der amerikanischen Literatur.” In: Einsamkeiten: Orte. Verhältnisse. Erfahrungen. Figuren. Hg. Elisabeth Katschnig-Fasch, Cécile Huber, Riedi-Steibl, Anita Niegelhell. Wien: Turia & Kant. 2001, S. 219-238.

MAIERHOFER, Roberta. “Der andere Körper: Frauen, Alter und Sexualität”. Frauen und Sexualitäten. Eds. Éva Rásky. Sylvia Groth. Innsbruck, 2001, pp. 121-137.

———. “Seeking the Self in the Other. Gender, Age, and Ethnicity in an American Studies Classroom.” New Directions in Teaching American Studies. Ed. Linda Watts, 2001 (in print).

MAYER, Kurt Albert. “Augustan Nostalgia and Patrician Disdain in Longstreet’s Georgia Scenes.” The Humor of the Old South. M. Thomas Inge and Edward J. Piacentino, eds. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2001. 101-112.

MESSNER, Monika. “The Foundation of a Myth: Visualizing the American West.” American Foundational Myths: Visualizations and Verbalizations: Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the SANAS and the AAAS, Zurich, 17-19 November 2000. Ed. Gudrun Grabher and Martin Heusser. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature 14. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2001.

REICHL, Susanne. ‘Ethnicity’. Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies. Ed. John Hawley. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001. 158-9.

———. ‘Multiculturalism’. Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies. Ed. John Hawley. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001. 305-6.

RIESER, Klaus. “Die Einsamkeit des Westernhelden.” Einsamkeiten: Orte, Verhältnisse, Erfahrungen, Figuren. Hg. Elisabeth Katschnig-Fasch, Cécile Huber, Riedi-Steibl, Anita Niegelhell. Wien: Turia & Kant, 2001.

———. “Masculinity and Monstrosity: Characterization and Identification in the Slasher Film.” Men and Masculinities 3.4 (April 2001): 370-92.

RIESER, Susanne. “Der Nachtportier. Anatomie eines sadomasochistischen Politthrillers”. SexPolitik: Lust zwischen Restriktion und Subversion. Hg. Doris Guth & Elisabeth v. Samsonow. Wien: Turia& Kant, 2001: 133-146.

———. “Drachentigerinnen: Hong Kong Action S/Heroes.” In: Nylon: KunstStoff zu Feminismus und Popkultur 3 (2001): 19-21.

SEIDL, Monika. “Hamlet goes to Hollywood” ELTNews (February 2001): 39-42.

———. “The Best a Student Can Get” ELTNews (June 2001): 29-32.

———. “Do ELFS suffer from BSE?” ELTNews (Oktober 2001): 26-28

———. “A Way with classical art” IATEFL 2001 Brighton Conference Selections. Ed. Alan Pulverness. Kingsdown Park: IATEFL. 32-33.

———. “Bringing the War Home. America at War in Mainstream Cinema and Presidential Radio Addresses” American Studies and Peace. Hrsg. Thomas Hartl und Dorothea Steiner, Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 251-261.

———. “Joseph Conrad: Herz der Finsternis” Literatur um 1900. Texte der Jahrhundertwende neu gelesen. Hrsg. Cornelia Niedermeier und Karl Wagner. Wien: Böhlau. 11-17.

STEINER, Dorothea. “Herman Melvilles Billy Budd, Sailor Die See als Rahmen für Leben und Werk”. Programmheft der Wiener Staatsoper. 9. Februar 2001. 47-53.

———. “American Studies and Peace: New Challenges for an Old Agenda”. Introduction to American Studies and Peace: Proceedings of the 25th AAAS Conference (November 5-7, 1999, Salzburg, Schloss Leopoldskron). Eds. Dorothea Steiner and Thomas Hartl. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2001. 13-20.

———, ed. (with Thomas Hartl). American Studies and Peace: Proceedings of the 25th AAAS Conference (November 5-7, 1999, Salzburg, Schloss Leopoldskron). Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2001.

TSCHACHLER, Heinz. “Ken Burns’s 1997 Lewis and Clark Television Documentary and the Multiculturalism Debate.” Sonja Bahn und Mario Klarer, eds. Cultural Encounters: American Studies in the Age of Multiculturalism. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2000. 121-37.

———. Ursula K. Le Guin. Western Writers Series. Boise, ID: Boise State University Press, 2001.

WAGNLEITNER, Reinhold. “The Sound of Forgetting Meets the United States of Amnesia: An Introduction to the Relations between Strange Bedfellows” ak.tu.ell ejournal

———. Geschichte@Internet: Epoche der Desinformation? ORF ON Science 11. Jänner 2001

———. Hollywood versus History ORF ON Science 20. Jänner 2001

———. Der Digitale Hörsaal ORF ON Science 27. Jänner 2001

——— and Lewis Erenberg: Jazz als historische Quelle ORF ON Science 2. Februar 2001

———. Arts and Entertainment – der Link für Humanwissenschaften ORF ON Science 9. Februar 2001

Geschichte der Gefühle ORF ON Science 16. Februar 2001

———. Das Web und die Interpretation der Welt wienwebplus 17. Februar 2001

———. Die dreizehn heißesten Tage des Kalten Krieges ORF ON Science 23. Februar 2001

———. “The Sound of Forgetting Meets the United States of Amnesia” in Ulrike Kammerhofer-Aggermann und Alexander G. Keul (Hg.), “The Sound of Music” zwischen Mythos und Marketing (Salzburg, 2001): 427-443. (=Salzburger Beiträge zur Volkskunde, Band 11)

———. Satchmo feiert seinen hundertsten Geburtstag … und wird wieder einmal mit Amadeus jammen.
ORF ON Science 16. März 2001

———. Invasion in der Schweinebucht: 40 Jahre danach

———. “Ina Stegens “Hallo Kids!” in der Kasseler Post: Jugendliche Berichte aus der Alten Welt der Neuen Welt” (Nachwort zu) Ina Stegen, HALLO KIDS! Briefe einer Austauschschülerin aus dem Amerika der fünfziger Jahre (Salzburg, 2001) “The Sound of Music” — die Realität der Fiktion ORF ON Science 30. März 2001

———. “10 ½ Thesen zum World Wide Web (W3) – Erster Teil” ORF ON Science 13. April 2001

———. “10 ½ Thesen zum World Wide Web (W3), Teil zwei” 20. April 2001

———. “Globalisierung auf einen Blick” ORF ON Science 27. April 2001

———. “Coca-Colonisation und Kalter Krieg: ´Amerikanisierung´ als historisches Phänomen und der ´Fall´ Österreich” in Ursula Lehmkuhl, Stefanie Schneider und Frank Schumacher, Kulturtransfer & Kalter Krieg: Westeuropa als Bühne und Akteur im Amerikanisierungsprozess Erfurter Beiträge zur Nordamerikanischen Geschichte 3/2000: 12-23.

———. “Die digitale Revolution der Lehre” ORF ON Science 18. Mai 2001

———. “Amerikanisierung? – Globalisierung? – Bildung!” ORF ON Science 31. Mai 2001

———. “Satchmo trifft Amadeus (Teil I)” ORF ON Science 8. Juni 2001

———. “Satchmo trifft Amadeus (Teil II)” ORF ON Science 13. Juni 2001

———. “America™ – The United Corporations of America” ORF ON Science 22. Juni 2001

———. “Präsident Nixons Anfang vom Ende – die Pentagon Papers” ORF ON Science 29. Juni 2001

———. “Der Kalte Krieg – eine Bilanz des Sommersmesters 2001” ORF ON Science 6. Juli 2001

———. Coca-Colonization and the Cold War: The Cultural Mission of the United States in Austria after the Second World War (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1st ed. 1994, 2nd ed. 2001)

———. “Das Louis Armstrong Centennial in New Orleans” ORF ON Science 27. Juli 2001

———. “Hintergründe der US-Reaktionen auf den Terror: eine Analyse von Berndt Ostendorf” ORF ON Science 16. September 2001

———. “Zivilisation” gegen “Jihad”? Oder: zwei Fundamentalismen gegen die Freiheit? ORF On Science 20. September 2001

———. “Satchmo Meets Amadeus” ORF ON Science 28. September 2001

———. “Erstes Quellenbuch zum 11. September 2001” ORF ON Science 5. Oktober 2001

———. “Afghanistan: Die Lektionen aus dem letzten Krieg” ORF ON Science 12. Oktober 2001

———. “Satchmo traf Amadeus” in NOEO 01(2001): 38-42.

———. “Wem gehört die Welt? Aspekte der Globalisierung bei H.J. Krysmanski” ORF ON Science 25. Oktober 2001

———. “No Commodity Is Quite So Strange As This Thing Called Cultural Exchange”: The Foreign Politics of American Pop Culture Hegemony Geschichte @ Internet

———. “(K)Eine Alternative zum Krieg? Das Worldwatch Institute zur nachhaltigen Vermeidung des Terrorismus” ORF ON Science 12. November 2001

———. “´No Commodity Is Quite So Strange As This Thing Called Cultural Exchange´: The Foreign Politics of American Pop Culture Hegemony” in Amerikastudien/American Studies 46 3(2001): 443-470.

WALLINGER, Hanna. “Alice Dunbar-Nelson and the Color Line.” Black Liberation in the Americas. Ed. Fritz Gysin and Christopher Mulvey. FORECAAST 6. Hamburg: Lit Verlag, 2001. 121-132.

ZACHARASIEWICZ, Waldemar, and F.P. Kirsch, eds. Canada/Europe – Opportunities and Problems of Interculturality (Canadian Studies 28, University of Augsburg, Hagen: ISL-Verlag, 2000)

ZACHARASIEWICZ, Waldemar. ” La joie-de-vivre et l’ombre des tombeaux: Vienna and Austria in Twentieth-Century Canadian Fiction”, in: Ch. Adobati, M, Aldouri-Lauber et al., eds., Wenn Ränder Mitte werden: Zivilisation, Literatur und Sprache im interkulturellen Kontext – [Festschrift für F. Peter Kirsch], (Wien, 2001), pp. 472-482.

———. “Zur Erfindung regionaler Literatur(en): Zur aktuellen Diskussion im nordamerikanischen Kontext”, Sprachkunst XXXII/1, 2001, pp. 123-42.

———. Faulkner. Masks and Metaphors, by Lothar Hönnighausen,  Jackson (University Press of Mississippi, 1997) (in German), in Sprachkunst XXXII, 174-8.

———. Faulkner. Masks and Metaphors, Lothar Hönnighausen, Jackson (University Press of Mississippi, 1997) (in English, revised version), in Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 2001.

Members’ Activities—Current Research and Work in Print

BACHINGER, Katrina. “Byronic Negotiations”

DEVINE, Maureen. “Narratives of Memory: Autobiography and Ethnicity”

———. “Women’s Nature Writing and Ecofeminism”

DRAXLBAUER, Michael. Pocahontas iconography; Native North American trickster figures; Emerson, R.P. Warren

GRABHER, Gudrun M. Aesthetics of the Unsayable: The Language of Music and Painting in American Literature.

———. The Clown as an Anthropo-Cultural Figure in American Literatures.

———. “The Concept of ‘Beauty’ in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry, Leslie Dill’s Art Pieces, and Estée Lauder’s Autobiography A Success Story.”

HELLER, Arno. Fluchtphantasien im amerikanischen Roman der Gegenwart. (Monographie)

———. Kulturgeschichte(n) vom Straßenrand: Amerikanischer Südwesten. (Monographie)

HÖLBLING, Walter.”The Body as Interface: The Poetics of Four-Letter-Words in Norman Mailer’s Why Are We in Vietnam”. Eroticism in American Culture. Eds. Cheryl Malcolm and Jopi Nyman. Gdansk, 2002.

———. Vergriffene Verleger: Österreichische Exilverleger in den USA. (Buchprojekt)

———. Publishers O. P.: Exiled Austrian Publishers in the USA. (Book project)

KLARER, Mario. Tableaux Vivants in Victorian England and America.

KRAUS, Elisabeth. (Post)Humane Identität: MenschMaschine / MaschinenMensch in der amerikanischen Science Fiction Literatur und im Science Fiction Film. (AT Habilitation)

MAIERHOFER, Roberta. Women and Aging in American Culture. (AT Habilitation)

MAYER, Kurt Albert. “Easy Riders: On the Road in American Culture.” Multimedia internet project, 3rd edition of CD-ROM (website:

RIESER, Klaus. Borderlines and Passages: Difference and Transformation in Media Masculinities. (AT Habilitation)

RIESER, Susanne. Action Film: The Politics of the Spectacle. (AT Habilitation)

SCHEER, Brigitte. Contemporary Asian American Writers: Culture, Gender, Body.

———. Forms and Functions of Memory in Contemporary North American Fiction.

STEINER, Dorothea. National myths in a cross cultural perspective: North America and South Africa.

TRUCHLAR, Leo. Ichentwürfe, Ichdiskurse (working title of a book project).

TSCHACHLER, Heinz. “Lewis Mumford, American Civilization and German Kultur: The Rites of Assent,” a comparative analysis of the function of national narratives

———. “‘Fit Allies for the Nazis’: Lewis Mumford’s Germany and the Rhetoric of American Exceptionalism,” book project

———. “‘ … and blister you all o’er’: Toward a cultural history of the modern runners movement,” American Studies contribution for a book project, Fit & Fun. Studien zur Alltagskultur. Gerda Moser, ed.

WALLINGER, Hanna. Ed. of Liberation, Identity, and Resistance together with Hermine Pinson, Kimberley Philipps und Lorenzo Thomas.

———. “A Royal Slave and His Descendants in Aphra Behn and Clara Mundt (Luise Mühlbach)”

WERNITZNIG, Dagmar. “Europe’s Indians – Indians In Europe” (working title postdoctoral project)

work in print:

FELLNER, Astrid M. “Articulating Selves. Contemporary Chicana Self-Representation” Wien: Braumüller.

———. “Teaching American Culture.” ELT News.

———. Review of Lomelí, Francisco and Karin Ikas eds: U.S. Latino Literatures and Cultures: Transnational Perspectives. Heidelberg : Winter , 2000, forthcoming in Anglistik

HELLER, Arno. “Existential Malaise: Suburban Marriages and Families in American Novels and Films since the 1960s.” Family Structures and Cultural Change. Hg. Monika Reif-Hülser. (Schriftenreihe Amerikastudien/American Studies) 22 Seiten.

———. “The Desert Mystique in Literature on the American Southwest.” Nature’s Nation Reconsidered: American Concepts of Nature from Wonder to Ecological Crisis. Eds. Hans Bak and Walter Hölbling. Amsterdam 2002, 13 Seiten.

HÖLBLING, Walter. Co-ed. with Hans Bak. ‘Nature’s Nation’ Reconsidered: American Concepts of Nature from Wonder to Ecological Crisis. Amsterdam: VUU Press, 2002 (in preparation).

———, with J. Tally: “Sex, Race, and Gender in the Politics of North Carolina: The Raleigh News and Observer in 1898.” In: Polifonías textuales: ensayos en honorem María del Carmen Fernández Leal. Ed. Manuel Brito & Juan José Cruz, Servicio de Publicaciones: Universidad de la Laguna, 2001 (in print)

———. “The Collector, the Politician, and the Humanist: Three Austrian Refugee Publishers in the U.S.A.”, Werner Sollors and Winfried Fluck, Hgg. German-American History and Literature in the Age of American Multilingualism. New York: NYU Press, 2002 (im Druck).

———. Rev. of Carin Freywald and Michael Porsche, eds. The American Dream. Festschrift for Peter Freese. Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 1999. In: Anglia (2000), in print.

KRAUS, Elisabeth. “Is Human Nature Exhausted Unless Manipulated and Reprogrammed? Some Science Fictional Views”. Dreams of Paradise, Visions of Apocalypse: Utopia and Dystopia in American Culture. European Contributions to American Studies. Ed. Hans Bak and Jaap Verheul. Amsterdam. (2002)

———. “Homo Cyborg Sapiens and His/Her/Its New Modes of Living: a Science Fictional Exploration of New Family Forms”. Sonderheft Amerikastudien/American Studies. Ed. Monika Reif-Hülser. (Geplant für 2002).

MAIERHOFER, Roberta. “Generations Connecting: Alzheimer’s Disease and Changes of Cultural Values.” Family Structures and Cultural Change. Ed. Monika Reif-Hülser, 2002 (in print).

MAYER, Kurt Albert. “Beat Foundation Myths and Their Erosion in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and The Subterraneans.” American Foundational Myths. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature 14. Martin Heusser and Gudrun Grabher, eds. Tübingen: Narr.

RIESER, Klaus. “Feminized men or non-hegemonic masculinity?” Transdisciplinary Approaches towards Masculinities. Hg. Therese Steffen. Basel 2002 (forthcoming).

RIESER, Susanne. “Heldengeschlechter: Actionbabes und Shaolin-Nonnen” Ed. Johanna Dorer/Brigitte Geiger, Opladen: Westdt. Verlag, forthcoming 2002

———. “Los Angeles, Center of the Cinematic Spectacle.” Working Sites. Ed. William Boelhower & John Leo. Univ. of California Press, forthcoming 2002.

THURNER, Bettina. “Thomas Wolfe at Chapel Hill – ‘a charming, an unforgettable place.'” Erscheint in: InnGeo. Hrsg. v. Axel Borsdorf, Waldemar Zacharasiewicz und Michael Draxlbauer (Jänner 2002).

———. Selected Essays from the Thomas Wolfe Newsletter/Review. A Memorial to Dr. John S. Phillipson. Hrsg. v. Deborah A. Borland und John L. Idol, Jr. (Rocky Mount, NC 1999). (263 S.). Rezension für Amerikastudien/American Studies

TSCHACHLER, Heinz. “The Lewis and Clark Expedition and the Creation of an Imagined Community.” Holidays, Rituals, Festivals, Celebrations, and Public Displays. Ed. Jack Santino. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Press. In press.

———. “‘Kulturelle Narrative’ und das Projekt einer vergleichenden Kulturwissenschaft” [Cultural Narratives and the Projekt of Comparative Culture Studies], Kultursoziologie (Leipzig). In press.

ZACHARASIEWICZ, Waldemar. “Aspects of Interculturality – Canada and the United States”/”Perspectives interculturelles – Le Canada et les Etats-Unis”, proceedings of an international symposium organized and convened in Vienna in April 2000, edited together with Peter Kirsch (2002).

———. “The Many Souths: Class in Southern Culture”, to be edited in the series Transatlantic Perspectives (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2002).

———. “The Invention of Regional Literature(s)”, manuscript, 18pp. [for English Studies Today 2002]

———. “Eden in Jeopardy: Sites of Insight in Fiction from the Canadian West”, in: New Orientations in the Study of Regionalism, ed. L. Hönnighausen & James Peacock, (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2002), [manuscript, 15pp.]

———. Preface and introduction, The Many Souths – Class in Southern Culture, ed. W. Zacharasiewicz, (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2002), 12pp.

———. “Masks, Minstrels and Melancholy”, in: Holger Klein and Wolfgang Görtschacher, eds., Austria and Austrians: Images in World Literature (Salzburg 2001), [manuscript, 13pp.]

———. “Jack Hodgins”, in: Metzlers Lexikon zur englischen Literatur, 2002.

———. New Worlds: Discovering and Constructing the Unknown in Anglophone Literature, Martin Kuester/Gabriele Christ/Rudolf Beck, eds., (München: Verlag Ernst Vögel 2000), in: Anglia (in the press, 6pp., 2002).

Ph.D. Theses in Progress

ABLINGER, Birgit. Masculinity and Femininity in 20th-Century American War Novels (Salzburg).

ANGLEITNER, Tanja. “Indigenous Cultural Identities” (Graz)

ANTRETTER, Martina. “Bound by Nature: Emily Dickinson and Contemporary American Revisions of Nature by Annie Dillard, Mary Oliver, Amy Clampitt and May Swenson.” (working title) (Innsbruck)

BANAUCH, Eugen. The Exile Experience in Canada: First- and Second-Generation Immigrants (Wien)

BEDITS, Susanne. “Zeitstrukturen im postmodernen Städteroman und Film” (Graz)

BRENINGER, Birgit. The Modern Mythic Women’s Genesis: The Importance of Deconstructing Traditional Myths for the Formation of Female Identities (Salzburg).

FASTHUBER, Sebastian. “Literaturkritik im Internet. Dargestellt anhand der Formen ihres Auftretens und der Rezeption von Thomas Pynchons Mason & Dixon im Internet und in Printmedien.” (Wien)

GHIRONZI, Alexandra.”Auswanderer der Republik San Marino in die USA: Eine Studie des
Emigrationsphänomens eines europäischen Kleinstaates” (Graz)

GRITZNER, Caroline. “Postmoderne Theaterformen/Postmodern Theatrical Performance” (Graz)

HADEK, Barbara. James Agee (Wien)

HAUBENHOFER, Gerd. “Logik der Postmoderne: Konsistenz und Bivalenz in zeitgenössischen Textwelten” (Graz)

HOFER, Nina. “Cross-Ethnic Fiction” (Graz)

HUEMER, Christof: “American Presidents in Film” (Graz)

KAMAUF, Ulrike. Aspects of Religion in Lee Smith’s Fiction [Arbeitstitel] (Wien)

LINTON, Douglas. “Inappropriate Laughing: Finding Black Humor Theory in Catch-22 and Invisible Man.” (Wien)

LUKAS, Simone: “Democracy in the Postmodern Political Novel”(Graz)

MESSNER, Monika. “Myths of the West in Recent US Films.” (working title) (Innsbruck)

MRAZANSKY, Ulrike. Glamorama: Fashionworld and Bodyculture at the Turn of the Century (Salzburg).

OBERWINKLER, Sieghild. “Mobility as Postmodern Principle in Paul Auster’s Novels” (Graz)

PAYER, Claudia. “Die Idee des ‘Gesamtkunstwerks’ in den Neuen Medien” (Graz)

PORSCHE, Claudia. “In the Limelight: U. S. Women as Public Figures and Opinion-Makers”(Graz)

RHEINDORF, Markus. “Paul Auster on Film.” (AT) (Wien)

SCHWERTSCHLAG, Petra Maria. Der andere Feminismus: das afro-amerikanische Frauenbild in einer historischen Betrachtung und im Werk der Autorin Toni Cade Bambara (Wien)

STERRER-HAUZENBERGER, Ingeborg. Self-Sacrifice, Compassion and Beauty: The Vision of Humanity in the Novels of David Adams Richards (Wien)

STOCKINGER, Michael: “Open System/Closed Minds: In Investigation into Narrativized Experience and Its Cultural Implications.” (Graz)

STROHMAIER, Petra. “TV Talk Shows” (Klagenfurt).

THOMASSER, Petra: “Gender Construction in Recent Chicano Fiction” (Graz)

THURNER, Bettina. “Identität und Alterität im Erzählwerk von Thomas Wolfe” (Wien)

TROSHANI, Flutur. “Constructed Chaos: The Modernist Heritage in Contemporary Literature” (Graz)

VITAS, Alen: “Information and Complexity in Contemporary Science Fiction” (Graz)

Ph.D. Theses Completed

Graz (Hölbling, Amerikanistik)

Angleitner, Tanja. ‘Mixedblood Messages’: Cultural Survival and Indigenous Identities Seen Through Works of Indigenous Women Writers of Australia, Canada and the United States. (Graz, May 2003)

Krifka-Pfaffenwimmer, Karoline. “Hemingway on Screen: An Analysis of Films Based on Ernest Hemingway’s Fiction”. (Graz, November 2003)


Mraczansky, Ulrike. Glamorama: Beauty, Fashionworld and Bodyculture in the USA – Biological Purpose, World of Self-realization or Economic Strategy? (Salzburg)

M.A. Theses in Progress

BADER, Birgit. “Black Eroticism” ( Klagenfurt)

BAUREGGER, Nina. “Gender and Television Commercials” ( Klagenfurt)

BELINA, Markus. “Major Themes in the Works of Bret Easton Ellis” (Graz)

BENZ, Holger. “Story and History in Gore Vidal’s American Chronicles.” (Wien)

BERNAUER, Judith. Douglas Coupland and Post-Modernism (Salzburg, WT).

BORZAGA, Michela. Tatamkhulu Afrika: A Contemporary South African Poet (Salzburg, WT).

BRUNNER, Cornelia. “American Women Playwrights” (Graz)

BÜRGLER, Evelyn. E.A. Poe and His Illustrators (Salzburg, WT).

CASALE, Deborah. “Relationships in Gail Godwin’s Glass People, The Odd Woman, and The Good Husband.” (Innsbruck)

DANIELESCU, Calin. The Presentation of Characters and Major Themes in two selected novels by Cormac McCarthy (e. g. Child of God [1984], Blood Meridian [1985], All the Pretty Horses [1992]) (Wien)

EILE, Monika. “Erica Jong’s KünstlerInnenroman Of Blessed Memory” (Graz)

ERNST, Maria. “Soziale Probleme in zeitgenössischen indianischen Romanen” (Graz)

FERNANDEZ de RETANA. Ingrid.  “Spain and the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Perceptions and Interceptions. ( Klagenfurt)

FUCHS, Christian : The Image of Vienna and Austria in Texts by Anglophone Travellers in the late 18th and early 19th Centuries (Wien)

FIERLINGER, Ingrid. “Robert Altmann‘s Short Cuts and Raymond Carver‘s Short Fiction” (Graz)

GABRIEL, Julia. The Image of Europe of the Agrarians [provisional title] (Wien)

GALLOB, Gerwin. “Afro-Futurism” ( Klagenfurt)

GANSER, Alexandra. “Haunting (Hi/s)Stories: Memory, Identity, and the Construction of Heritage in Ken Kesey’s Last Go Round and Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony.” (Wien)

GOGER, Evelyne. The Presentation of Characters and Major Themes in Fiction by Doris Betts (Wien)

GOGOS, Soi. The Presentation of Characters and Major Themes in Fiction by Jill McCorkle (e. g. Tending to Virginia) (Wien)

HAJEK, Sandra. “The Quest for Identity in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and Toni Morrison’s Sula.” (Innsbruck)

HANNESSCHLÄGER, Petra. “Political Rhetoric in the Bush Inauguration of 2001” ( Klagenfurt)

HAUNSCHMIDT, Elisabeth. “Jazz as Stylistic, Musical and Cultural Notion in Autobiographies by Jazz Musicians (James McBride, Billie Holliday, Miles Davis).” (Wien)

HOFER, Manuela. “WWW – Wyoming Women Writers” (Klagenfurt)

HÖNIGMANN, Alexander. “Fiction and Reality in Urban Detective Novels” (Graz)

JAHN, Susanne. The Depiction of Male Characters and Voices from the Margin in Josephine Humphrey’s Fiction (Wien)

JÖLLER, Karin. “Family Relations in Contemporary American Drama” (Graz)

KASSER, Reinhard. “The Construction of Identity in Douglas Coupland’s “Tales of an Accelerated Culture.” (Wien)

KEMP, Bettina. Aspects of Southern Womanhood in 20th Century Fiction (Wien)

KIERNER, Eva. “Rewriting the Self in Eighteenth-Century American Texts: Functions of Class, Gender, and Race in the Major Writings of Sarah Kemble Knight, William Byrd, and Benjamin Franklin.” (Wien)

KNOFLACH, Martin. “When Silence Doesn’t Say It All: A Thematic Approach to Hitchcock and P. Bowles’s The Sheltary Shy.”(Innsbruck)

KOLEFF, Inge-Anna. Kate Chopin’s Major Works – an Analysis of the Narrative Stituations Used, Characters and Themes (Wien)

KOPACKA, Kim. “The Clash of Cultures in the Works of Asian-American Women Writers” (Graz)

KRABICHLER, Maria. “Losses in Masterpieces of American Literature Viewed from the Aspect of the Moment.”(Innsbruck)

KRAINER, Shelagh. Mildred D. Taylor (b. 1943) In the context of black fiction analysis of Southern Childhood: Being Black (Wien)

KRAINER, Wolfgang. “Die Darstellung ästhetischer Illusion und Illusionsdurchbrechung in Woody Allens Filmen” (Graz)

KUNTSCHNER, Eva. “Something Got Lost in Translation: The Color Purple and The Handmaid’s Tale on the Wide Screen” (Graz)

KUZMANY, Verena. “Intercultural Poetry of the Pacific Northwest” (Graz)

LASSENBERGER, Margit. “Identity in African-American Novels” (Graz)

LEHNERT, Ulrike. Black Woman’s Journey into Self and Wholeness: A Study of Paule Marshall’s Novels (Salzburg, WT).

LENZOFER, Karin. “The Oprah Winfrey Phenomenon” (Klagenfurt)

LICHTENWÖRTHER, Otmar. “John De Lillo: Simulacra, Violence, and the Quest for the Real World” (Graz)

LIPP, Martina. “Maternity and Femininity in The Matrix and Bladerunner” (Graz)

LOIBNEGGER, Andrea. “The X-Files and the Culture of Paranoia” (Klagenfurt)

MAYRHOFER, Petra. Women and Madness: Janet Frame (?) (Salzburg, WT).

METTAUER, Susanne. “African Folk Culture in the Writings of Langston Hughes.” (Innsbruck)

MODEL, Karin. Major Themes and Characters in two novels by Toni Morrison (Jazz, Paradise) (Wien)

MOICK, Elfriede. “Arrival in the City: A Theme in American Prose Fiction” (Graz)

MOOSBRUGGER, Karin. “Native American Traditions and Ceremonial Rituals Based on Leslie Marmon Silko’s Novel Ceremony.”(Innsbruck)

MUHM, Manuela. “Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood and the Limits of the New Journalism.” (Wien)

MÜNSTER, Michaela. Tensions in Southern Society between the Old and the New South (Tennessee Williams) (Wien)

NICOLUESCU, Sandra C. Native American Short Stories (Wien)

ÖHLINGER, Christine. “It Just Begins to Live – A Transartistic Piece on Emily Dickinson and Her Attitude Towards Writing and Fame.” (Innsbruck)

PICHLER, Heike. “Feminist Dystopias” (Graz)

PIERINGER, Ursula. “Refexions of the Mafia in American Literature and Film” (Graz)

PLATZER, Manfred. “From Assimilation to Aboriginality” (Graz)

POLJSKI, Nikoline. “Neo-Patriotism in American Films of the 1990s” (Klagenfurt)

POLSCHAK, Irene: “Native American Fiction” (Graz)

PÖSCHL, Sabine. “Three Times One Is One: The Threefold Concept of Unity in the Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson.” (Innsbruck)

REITER, Roland. “Ancient Fears: Classic and Popular Myths in Stephen King’s Fiction” (Graz)

RIGO, Klaudia. “U.S. Presidential Election Campaign 2000: Strategies and Issues” (Graz)

SCHALLEGGER, René. “Voices of Authority. On Babylon 5” (Klagenfurt)

SCHMID, Iris. From Blade Runners to Matrix: Saviours in SF-Movies (Salzburg, WT).

SCHÖFNAGL, Astrid. Margaret Atwood (Wien)

SCHOTTMEIER, Petra. “Nature and Environment in the Novels of Leslie Marmon Silko” (Graz)

SCHWARZ, Daniela. “Mythic Heritage and Legendary Future in Frank Herbert’s Dune” (Graz)

SEMMLER, Eva. “”Representations of Lesbian Desire in Recent American Women Films.” (Wien)

SKAZEDONIG, Helene. “Erica Jong’s Trilogy” (Graz)

SONNLEITNER, Roman. The Presentation of Characters in James T. Farrell’s Studs Trilogy (Wien)

STABAUER, Christina. The Presentation of the Prairie Landscape: James Fenimore Cooper and 19th Century Writers (Wien)

STEPAN-TAGHIZADEH, Patricia. Characters, language and major themes in Toni Morrison’s Sula and Song of Solomon (Wien)

STROBL, Verena. Inscriptions and Impositions on American Female Selves in Toni Morrison’s Early Work (Salzburg).

STÜTZ, Christa. Eudora Welty (Salzburg, WT).

TRENKLER, Monika. Limited Space in Horror Fiction by Stephen King (Wien)

UHL, Maren. “Self and Community in T. Morrison’s Fiction” (Graz)

VALENTINITSCH, Tanja. “African-American Women Autobiographies” (Klagenfurt)

VEITH, Priska. “Re-Membering the (W)holes: Collective and Cultural Memory in Anne Michaels’s Works.” (Innsbruck)

VITAS, Christine. “Product Body: Female Body–Images in Advertising” (Graz)

VOGLER, Silke. “New York in American Poetry.” (Innsbruck)

WEINBERGER, Petra. Native American Women’s Autobiographies (Salzburg, WT).

WINKLER, Edith. Gender Roles in John Irving’s Novels: An Analysis of His Depiction of Male and Female Characters (Wien)

WOGOWITSCH, Andrea. “‘Cultural Studies Goes to School’: Cultural Studies im Englischunterricht in der Oberstufe der AHS unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der amerikanischen Landes- und Kulturkunde .” (Wien)

WONKO, Sandra. “Justifying Black Violence? Richard Wright’s Native Son” (Graz)

ZEISS, Bettina. Female Characters in Fiction by Lee Smith (Fair and Tender Ladies and Family Linen) (Wien)

ZÖHRER, Michaela. “V. Nabokov’s Lolita: The Novel and the Films” (Graz)

M.A. Theses Completed

BÖHLER, Nadia. “Sri Chinmoy: Poetry for Peace.” (Innsbruck)

CREPAZ, Eva. “The Vietnam War as Reflected in American Literature.” (Innsbruck)

DÜR, Julia. “Glass Wanderers: The Blurring of the Distinction between Art and Life in John Cage and Marcel Duchamp” (Salzburg).

FINK, Barbara Nicole. First Nations in Hollywood. A Study on ‘Cliche’ and ‘the Indian’ in Current Film and Literature. New Confidence in a New Age—Recent Developments.” (Salzburg).

FRAUENHOFFER, Johanna. A Shared History: Second Generation Jewish American Writers Respond to the Holocaust (Salzburg).

GIGL, Sabine. “The Image of African American Women in U. S. Magazine Advertising” (Graz)

GISMANN, Verena. “The Figure of the Grandmother in the Search for Identity in Contemporary Chicano
Short Stories.” (Innsbruck)

GRABER, Maria. “The World of Blacks in White American Literature.” (Innsbruck)

GSTREIN, Tanja. “Art as a Companion on the Journey to Self-Discovery in Gail Godwin’s Works Violet
Clay, The Good Husband and The Legacy of the Motes.” (Innsbruck)

HEISSENBERGER, Klaus D. “‘These two lanes will take us anywhere’: Bruce Springsteen Meets America on the Road.” (Wien)

HUEMER, Christof. “Saving the World in Blockbusters of the Late 90s” (Graz)

KLEIN, Verena. “Literature about Literature: An Analysis of Carol Shields’s Small Ceremonies, Swann
and The Stone Diaries. (Innsbruck)

MIKOLASCH, Sabine. New Media, Narrative and Literary Research – Theoretical and Practical Approaches (Salzburg)

MITTERER, Martina “Gender Roles and Role Reversal in The Story of Avis and Doctor Zay by Elizabeth
Stuart Phelps.” (Innsbruck)

MÜLLER, Gerlinde. “The ‘Almighty Sea’ in Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick” (Graz)

NEUWIRTH, Leonore. “Escape into Extremism in Contemporary American Fiction” (Graz)

ORTNER, Simone. “Space in Thomas Pynchon’s V.” (Innsbruck)

OSZWALD, Robert. “Cultural Matrices in Robert M. Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Lila.” (Wien)

PAREINER, Michaela. “Embracing the Feminine in Nature: Women Writers of Prose as Intermediaries Between Nature and the Human World.” (Innsbruck)

PFEILER, Martina. “Sounds of Poetry: Contemporary American Performance Poets” (Graz)

POMELLA, Sybille. “Kate Chopin and Women’s Quest for Authenticity.” (Innsbruck)

PURKARTHOFER, Margret. “Vaterlose Töchter in der neueren amerikanischen Frauenliteratur” (Graz)

RHEINDORF, Markus. “‘Where Everything is Connected to Everything Else’: Interior and Exterior Landscape in the Poetry, Essays, and Fiction of Paul Auster.” (Wien)

RITONIJA, Nastasia. “The Theme of Violence in Richard Wright’s Fiction” (Graz)

SAURUGG, Eva. “Religion and Religiosity in John Updike’s Novels: Rabbit, Run, Couples, and A Month of Sundays” (Graz)

SCHIEFERSTEINER, Birgit. “Gayl Jones’s Novels and the Challenge of Defining the Self Through the Black Female Body’ (Salzburg).

SCHULTERMANDL, Silvia. “Black Counterculture in the 60s” (Graz)

SEIFRIED, Martin. “Life-lies and Illusions in Three Plays by Tennessee Williams.” (Innsbruck)

SEYERL, Ulla. “The Cinderella Complex: Recent American Feminist Writings” (Graz)

STEVENS, Kerstin. “(De-)Constructions of American Dreams in Select Plays by Sam Shepard and Tony Kushner.” (Wien)

TOMBERGER, Michaela. “New Novels for Young Readers in/of the 1980s—Narrative Strategies and Presentation of the Novels’ Worlds (Jay McInerney, Bright Lights, Big City, and Bret Easton Ellis, Less Than Zero).” (Wien)

URANK, Daniela. “Modes of Metafictionality in Vladimir Nabokov’s Novel” (Graz)

WAGNER, Brunhild. “Thomas Jefferson” (Klagenfurt)

News from the Departments

Karl Franzen University, Graz
Institut f. Amerikanistik

Attemsgasse 25/II
8010 Graz

Prof. Dr. Arno HELLER geht mit Ende des Wintersemesters 2001/02 in Pension. Die MitarbeiterInnen des Instituts bedanken sich schon hier für seine tatkräftige Arbeit am und seine hervorragende Leitung des Instituts über viele Jahre. Wir werden ihn als Mitglied des Instituts sehr vermissen und freuen uns auf kontinuierliche Zusammenarbeit in Forschung und Lehre.

Prof. Dr. Walter HÖLBLING ist derzeit Institutsvorstand und fungiert weiterhin als Erasmus/Socrates Programmkoordinator.

Dr. Roberta MAIERHOFER ist derzeit (seit Nov 1999) Vizerektorin fuer Internationale Beziehungen der Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz. Sie leitete auch das Curriculum Development and Staff Qualification Project between the Departments of English and American Studies, Graz, with the English Section of the University of Shkodra.

Dr. Susanne RIESER forscht derzeit im Rahmen eines Charlotte Bühler Habilitationsstipendiums des FWF.

Prof. Ginna BABCOCK (Sociology, University of Idaho) war 19.11. – 14.12.2001 Gastprofessorin am Institut (SE: Collective Bahavior and Social Movements in America)

Prof. James R. THOMPSON wird im Sommersemster als Gastprofessor (4.3.2002 – 29.6.2002) tätig sein (Review: 19th Century American Literature; VU: Critical Reading of Literary and Cultural Texts; SE: The Terrific Decade: Selected American Writing of the 1920’s)

Prof. SCHATZKI war als Gastprofessor vom 1.3. bis 29.6.2001 am Institut tätig.

Am 14.3.2001 hielt Prof. Barre TOELKEN (Utah State University) einen Vortrag zum Thema “The Significance of Native American Narrative.”


University of Innsbruck
Institut für Amerikastudien

Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52/III
A-60 20 Innsbruck

Brigitte SCHEER celebrated her 40th Jubilee in November 2001.

Mario KLARER is guest professor at Columbia University Department of English, New York, and Fellow at the Heyman Center, Columbia University, Sept. 2001- May 2002.


University of Klagenfurt
Institut f. Anglistik und Amerikanistik

Universitätsstrasse 65-67
A-9020 Klagenfurt


University of Salzburg
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik

Akademiestraße 24
A-5020 Salzburg, Österreich

In March 2001, 72 students and high school students from Salzburg took the APIEL exam. This means an increase of ca 50 % over the previous year. Meanwhile, the ministry has published a recognition policy for APIEL as an international English language qualification as part of the AP policy. In March 2002, APIEL will for the first time be held nationwide on the academic and secondary school levels.

In July 2001 the biennial ASPUT programme was conducted at the University of Utah, jointly organized by Martin KALTENBACHER and Utah. A group of 10 Salzburg students spent four weeks in Salt Lake City where they completed an interdisciplinary AS programme taught by specialists in Political Science, Native American Studies, and Sociology, including a field trip to the national parks in Southern Utah, the Great Salt Lake and a Powwow. The next ASPUT is scheduled for July 2003. Students from other Austrian universities can apply.

To strengthen the intercultural dimension of English and American Studies Dr. Edwin Hees of the University of Stellenbosch was invited for project work between October and December 2001 and taught a course on “South African Writing in the 1980s and 1990s”.

Two persons served as Lectors for “American English”: Elizabeth Larsen (University of Minnesota) in the Spring Term and Susan M. Fiscus (Bowling Green State University) in the fall of 2001.

Dorothea STEINER was Coordinator of the exchange programs with the universities of Minnesota and Utah and continued her work as coordinator between the university and the Salzburg Seminar. She newly coordinates the exchange with the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Hanna WALLINGER was Coordinator of the ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) which sent 3 students to American universities.


University of Salzburg
Department of History

Akademiestraße 24
A-5020 Salzburg, Österreich

Reinhold WAGNLEITNER was elected AAAS-Delegate to the European Association for American Studies in 2001.

In the same year his project “Satchmo Meets Amadeus” – with symposia in New Orleans and Salzburg – was selected for the “Tolerance and Diversity Prize” of the Embassy of the United States in Vienna.



University of Vienna
English Department

Universitätscampus AAKH, Hof 8
Spitalgasse 2-4
A-1090 Wien

Kurt Mayer and Timothy Conley (Bradley U, Peoria IL) co-organized a three-week excursion, “Live(s) on the Mississippi,” which in July took 14 students from Vienna and 6 students from Bradley from Chicago to New Orleans and back, with stop-overs at Nauvoo IL, Hannibal MO, St. Louis, Cairo IL, Memphis, Clarksdale MS, Greenville MS, Vicksburg MS, Natchez MS, and Oxford MS. Results of the excursion are posted on a website,

Astrid M. Fellner war im Sommersemster 2001 als Gastdozentin am Englischen Seminar an der Ludwigs-Albert-Universität Freiburg tätig.


University of Dortmund, Germany
Fakultät 15

Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Emil-Figge-Straße 50
44221 Dortmund

Jeanne Cortiel received the DM 7,500 Rudolf-Chaudoire-Preis for research abroad which she will use to carry out research at Harvard University for her Habilitation thesis on romanticism and ethnicity.

Christine Gerhardt received the Dissertation prize of University of Dortmund for her dissertation on the fictional presentation of the reconstruction period in American literature. .

Walter Grünzweig will spend his sabbatical in Spring 2002 at the University of Trieste where he will pursue various research projects and teach one seminar.

Ariane Manske works at Dortmund American Studies as a member of the interdisciplinary DFG research project until June 2002 when the project was terminated. She is now a lecturer and administrator at the Werbe- und Medienakademie Markquart, a private institution of higher learning in Dortmund.